Donut County (by Annapurna Interactive) Donut County Annapurna Interactive Donut County is a story-based physics puzzle game where you play as an ever-growing hole in the ground. Meet cute charac… TouchArcade Rating: $4.99 Buy Now Watch Media DetailsDonut County is a story-based physics puzzle game where you play as an ever-growing hole in the ground. Meet cute characters, steal their trash, and throw them in a hole. WHERE TRASH IS TREASURE Raccoons have taken over Donut County with remote-controlled trash-stealing holes. You play as BK, a hole-driving raccoon who swallows up his friends and their homes to earn idiotic prizes. When BK falls into one of his own holes, he’s confronted by his best friend Mira and the residents of Donut County, who are all stuck 999 feet underground… and they demand answers! THE HOLE KEEPS GROWING • EXPLORE every character’s home, each with their own unique environment. • MOVE the hole to swallow up their stuff, growing bigger each time. • COMBINE objects inside for crazy effects: cook soup, breed bunnies, launch fireworks, and more. • CATAPULT things back out of the hole. You can use it to solve puzzles...or just destroy stuff. • DEVOUR everything. The hole won’t stop until the whole county is all gone. Donut County was created by Ben Esposito, designer on What Remains of Edith Finch and The Unfinished Swan. It is the result of six years of solo development, dozens of donuts (for research), and one fateful encounter with a raccoon. Information Seller:Annapurna Interactive Genre:Adventure, Puzzle Release:Aug 28, 2018 Updated:Dec 05, 2018 Version:1.1.0 Size:335.8 MB TouchArcade Rating: User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal leokamiya likes this. nyanpass Well-Known Member Dec 30, 2017 3,374 1,043 113 #2 nyanpass, Aug 27, 2018 Donut County -Created by Ben Esposito -Published by Annapurna Interactive A story-filled physics puzzle game where you play as a hole in the ground. Starman Games likes this. psj3809 Moderator Jan 13, 2011 12,972 722 113 England #3 psj3809, Aug 27, 2018 What are the controls like to move ? nyanpass Well-Known Member Dec 30, 2017 3,374 1,043 113 #4 nyanpass, Aug 27, 2018 Check it out ~ :> *Touch Arcade Review *Upcoming Thread nyanpass Well-Known Member Dec 30, 2017 3,374 1,043 113 #5 nyanpass, Aug 27, 2018 Here, Another Review about Donut County ~ :> ‘Donut County’ Review - Life as a Hole is Pretty Sweet Anotherkellydown likes this. Anotherkellydown Moderator Staff Member Patreon Bronze Feb 10, 2014 4,581 1,134 113 Male CAD Technician I Upstate NY #6 Anotherkellydown, Aug 27, 2018 Love the title of AppUnwrapper’s review This looks great. Sort of like Katamari in that the hole gets bigger as you swallow things up. Definitely picking this up when I get to WiFi. sugimulm Well-Known Member Aug 28, 2010 2,457 46 48 The last time zone for iOS game releases :( #7 sugimulm, Aug 27, 2018 Can’t wait till tonight, PG and 148app gave it rave reviews. Aurelien.L Well-Known Member Dec 13, 2014 207 13 18 #8 Aurelien.L, Aug 27, 2018 Just to know but I will buy it how much is it? anthony78 Well-Known Member Nov 13, 2015 3,128 704 113 #9 anthony78, Aug 27, 2018 $4.99 tekchic Well-Known Member Jun 5, 2009 452 29 28 Female Software Developer Phoenix, AZ #10 tekchic, Aug 27, 2018 Preordered this one about a month ago - can't wait! Aurelien.L Well-Known Member Dec 13, 2014 207 13 18 #11 Aurelien.L, Aug 27, 2018 Nice thx ! metalcasket Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze May 24, 2010 11,065 1,342 113 Deepest Circle, Hel #12 metalcasket, Aug 27, 2018 It's relative touch. Paul99 Well-Known Member Jul 29, 2014 441 17 18 #13 Paul99, Aug 28, 2018 Excellent game Rocksaint Well-Known Member Nov 29, 2013 666 367 63 #14 Rocksaint, Aug 28, 2018 Heard about the length of the game so will try to take it as slow as possible. Will enjoy and take in every moment of it. psj3809 Moderator Jan 13, 2011 12,972 722 113 England #15 psj3809, Aug 28, 2018 Bought this earlier, really good so far. A very polished quality game and i love the gameplay, a great 'puzzle' style idea, seems very original. Only negative is i wish i could fast forward through some of the chats between the characters which is a bit too long. Not a huge issue but a little bit annoying. Taking my time with this, not one of these people to play a game for a straight 6 hours or so and then moan its all over ! Well worth picking up, again its great to support a quality premium game like this orangecan Well-Known Member Aug 9, 2011 2,000 150 63 #16 orangecan, Aug 28, 2018 It’s utterly brilliant loving every minute of it so far - it does remind me of Katamari in a very good way. Stranded87 Well-Known Member Sep 18, 2009 132 14 18 #17 Stranded87, Aug 30, 2018 This was fun. A very slow start and I wish it had been longer and developed the ideas more. Didn't really feel like I was doing anything until two thirds of the way through. But it was relaxing and I love the art and quite like the writing. Anotherkellydown Moderator Staff Member Patreon Bronze Feb 10, 2014 4,581 1,134 113 Male CAD Technician I Upstate NY #18 Anotherkellydown, Aug 30, 2018 Finished this up the other day in two plays. I recommend a quiet place and suggest players not overlook the story. What a fantastic game! Great dialogue and a nice twist at the end. The gameplay itself is great and there’s a really neat story that ties up Donut County into a perfect little package. Flare Member Dec 1, 2010 5 0 1 #19 Flare, Sep 3, 2018 The game won't run on my iPad 4th generation (32-bit) running iOS 10.3.3 Any reason why? The game seems simple enough that it should be able to run on this model. Yet it doesn't. Why would the developers not support a wider audience? iPads last forever, I bet there are millions of gamers still using these older models. Stranded87 Well-Known Member Sep 18, 2009 132 14 18 #20 Stranded87, Sep 3, 2018 I wouldn't be surprised if it's more demanding than it looks. Plus it's basically made entirely by one person, so maybe optimising for that device would be hard work for them? I have no idea really though, just speculation. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) 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Donut County -Created by Ben Esposito -Published by Annapurna Interactive A story-filled physics puzzle game where you play as a hole in the ground.
Check it out ~ :> *Touch Arcade Review *Upcoming Thread
Here, Another Review about Donut County ~ :> ‘Donut County’ Review - Life as a Hole is Pretty Sweet
Love the title of AppUnwrapper’s review This looks great. Sort of like Katamari in that the hole gets bigger as you swallow things up. Definitely picking this up when I get to WiFi.
Heard about the length of the game so will try to take it as slow as possible. Will enjoy and take in every moment of it.
Bought this earlier, really good so far. A very polished quality game and i love the gameplay, a great 'puzzle' style idea, seems very original. Only negative is i wish i could fast forward through some of the chats between the characters which is a bit too long. Not a huge issue but a little bit annoying. Taking my time with this, not one of these people to play a game for a straight 6 hours or so and then moan its all over ! Well worth picking up, again its great to support a quality premium game like this
It’s utterly brilliant loving every minute of it so far - it does remind me of Katamari in a very good way.
This was fun. A very slow start and I wish it had been longer and developed the ideas more. Didn't really feel like I was doing anything until two thirds of the way through. But it was relaxing and I love the art and quite like the writing.
Finished this up the other day in two plays. I recommend a quiet place and suggest players not overlook the story. What a fantastic game! Great dialogue and a nice twist at the end. The gameplay itself is great and there’s a really neat story that ties up Donut County into a perfect little package.
The game won't run on my iPad 4th generation (32-bit) running iOS 10.3.3 Any reason why? The game seems simple enough that it should be able to run on this model. Yet it doesn't. Why would the developers not support a wider audience? iPads last forever, I bet there are millions of gamers still using these older models.
I wouldn't be surprised if it's more demanding than it looks. Plus it's basically made entirely by one person, so maybe optimising for that device would be hard work for them? I have no idea really though, just speculation.