THE ALCHEMIST CODE gumi Inc. The pinnacle of Japanese Mobile Strategy RPGs enjoyed by millions in Japan, THE ALCHEMIST CODE brings forth an enjoyable… TouchArcade Rating: Free Buy Now Watch Media DetailsThe pinnacle of Japanese Mobile Strategy RPGs enjoyed by millions in Japan, THE ALCHEMIST CODE brings forth an enjoyable mix of genuine tactical elements and a plethora of high quality content - from intense 3D animations to stunning anime-styled cutscenes as well as superb music and voice acting! Play your cards right - master the arcane power of Alchemy and alter the fate of the world! FULL-FLEDGED STRATEGY RPG * Classic turn-based battle system with grid-based movement * Command strategic units on 3D terrains, consider the difference in elevation and orientation to turn the tides of battles DEEP CHARACTER CUSTOMIZATION * Summon, collect and evolve more than 50 beautifully designed characters * Master a wide selection of Jobs Classes, unlock new abilities and outfits PLAY WITH AND AGAINST FRIENDS * Real-time 4P multiplayer co-op - Challenge high-level dungeons with 3 other players * Put your skills to the test at the Arena! Battle fellow players to climb Daily Arena Rankings and get rewarded RICH EXPANSIVE CONTENT * Go on invigorating adventures and traverse through unique landscapes * Take up exciting Missions and Challenges daily and get fantastic rewards * Discover intriguing character personalities, gripping backstories and quests ------------------------- STORY INTRODUCTION The Forbidden Art of Alchemy brought about destruction and a world divided by differing ideals. It was sealed away into the darkness by the Seven Kingdoms of Babel... However, its seal has shown signs of weakening, signaling an eminent foreshadowing of what's to come.. Bestowed with the power of Alchemy, who will prevail, and bring about a change in the world? Where will your will take you and how will the world judge you? - Mankind’s Will is merely at the mercy of the Stones of Gods - NOTICE: THE ALCHEMIST CODE is completely free to play. However, some in-game items can also be bought with real money. WEBSITE FORUM SOCIAL NETWORK Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: twitter/alchemist_code TERMS OF SERVICE & PRIVACY POLICY IMPORTANT NOTICE ** THE ALCHEMIST CODE requires a device with iOS 11 and above. ** A device with a minimum of 4GB RAM is recommended. Performance is not guaranteed on devices with less than 4GB RAM. ** 1.8 GB free space in phone internal memory is recommended to install the game with all of the downloadable contents. ** Contact us on for further help with technical issues. Information Seller:gumi Inc. Genre:Role Playing, Strategy Release:Nov 13, 2017 Updated:Feb 27, 2023 Version:10.8.1 Size:1.0 GB TouchArcade Rating: User Rating: (3) Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal RedDeluxe Active Member Nov 9, 2017 29 7 3 Westcoast #2 RedDeluxe, Nov 14, 2017 Im stoked to try this game. Looks like some high polish in the genre! Hopefully, its not overly grindy as these games tend to be. Hambo12 Well-Known Member Jul 23, 2012 1,943 28 48 on the internet #3 Hambo12, Nov 14, 2017 nice. this game looks like it will hold me over until Xenoblade chronicles 2 releases on the switch. anthony78 Well-Known Member Nov 13, 2015 3,128 704 113 #4 anthony78, Nov 14, 2017 Normally dont bother with F2P RPGs but this looks impressive. That said I havent been able to even try it because of server maintenance. squarezero Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Dec 10, 2008 13,716 1,240 113 Male Chief Strategy Officer Salem, Massachusetts, USA #5 squarezero, Nov 14, 2017 Servers are back on. So far I’m impressed. Tons of depth, dramatic (if familiar) story, and a meaty gameplay. We’ll see about the monetization and gatcha mechanics, but at this point I’d be willing to spend a few bucks. Sieye Well-Known Member May 7, 2015 71 1 8 East Coast #6 Sieye, Nov 14, 2017 The production value in this is pretty high. Very surprised. So far, played for about an hour and I definitely like it. Just a heads up, in the beginning there will be a fair about of downloading of files when switching between the screens. After you download it though, its a smooth transition. Darkfyra Well-Known Member Jan 14, 2017 157 6 18 #7 Darkfyra, Nov 14, 2017 Continually crash with a black screen,cant even play anymore even if I do enjoy it a lot. maxbrickem Well-Known Member Aug 25, 2009 327 0 16 #8 maxbrickem, Nov 14, 2017 December 1!! i'm with ya! also on PC a game called seven: days long gone is coming out / going to be a glorious day sakuraarts Well-Known Member Jul 24, 2015 59 0 0 #9 sakuraarts, Nov 14, 2017 "Throws money at Yoko Shinonura" Shut up and take my money! stubbieoz Well-Known Member Jun 23, 2015 1,880 358 83 Male Grey haired gamer NSW Australia #10 stubbieoz, Nov 14, 2017 System specs require 1.8gig of harddrive. # I currently don't have that much available on my iPad. I actually prefer single player games. If anyone who has played the game could comment on the single player aspect of the game I would be very thankfull to see if it is worth removing some games for me to install it. # curtisrshideler Well-Known Member Patreon Bronze Jul 30, 2011 3,097 25 48 Male Video Producer/Editor Texas #11 curtisrshideler, Nov 14, 2017 So, what's F2P about this? Is it free, with a premium unlock? Is it online only, with timers and junk? Lanster27 Well-Known Member Apr 20, 2017 65 10 8 #12 Lanster27, Nov 14, 2017 It looks like your typical Japanese gacha mechanic, meaning spend money to gamble for new character and/or possibly equipment and other item drops. curtisrshideler Well-Known Member Patreon Bronze Jul 30, 2011 3,097 25 48 Male Video Producer/Editor Texas #13 curtisrshideler, Nov 14, 2017 Oh man. Haven't tried that mechanic in an SRPG yet... And I probably won't. It sure looks pretty, though. Thanks for the info! Lunacy182 Well-Known Member Jun 20, 2012 135 0 0 #14 Lunacy182, Nov 15, 2017 Youre missing out. This and Fire Emblem are really good games. NickyNichols Well-Known Member Jul 7, 2012 77 0 6 #15 NickyNichols, Nov 15, 2017 Its fun but Ive been hooked on the Final Fantasy gotcha games lately and I like that style more. This has more of a Fire Emblem Heroes gameplay to it. RinoaHeartily Well-Known Member Dec 12, 2010 1,715 10 38 #16 RinoaHeartily, Nov 15, 2017 Anyone manage to pull any 5 stars right after the tutorial? Possible? Unit and weapon squarezero Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Dec 10, 2008 13,716 1,240 113 Male Chief Strategy Officer Salem, Massachusetts, USA #17 squarezero, Nov 15, 2017 I got a 4 star, but that’s it. wilyone Active Member Nov 7, 2012 28 0 1 #18 wilyone, Nov 15, 2017 Right after the tutorial? You mean when you do the 500 gem 10 unit summon? Yes and no. I did a 10 unit summon on my initial play through and foolishly opted to reroll. The folks with the handy "charts" to say who is good vs who is bad use character portraits so you really have to the characters to say yes or no to a reroll. I had pulled 3 4* and a 2 5*,Chloe and Magnus or something like that. I went ahead and re-rolled. Ended up with only a 4* pull. Tried again this morning. I pulled 2 5*, featured melee character and a not-Chloe magic knight, and 1 4*. Why was it foolish? The 5* gun user has a weird, can only attack 3 squares away that I didn't notice at first. It made the quests more difficult as trying to set up the shots were a pain. He was more of a wasted slot since I wasn't able to leverage his attacks on a more routine basis. What I didn't realize was that the bow users that you get also have the same range issue so I could have kept him as he unlocks to sniper. ?Then again, to unlock sniper, I need to collect more soul fragments for him so it might have been better that I re-rolled. I'm sticking with my 3rd attempt. Melee is stronger early on that ranged, or so I'm told. Having 2 5* in the starting quests does make things easier. It does help that I did get a thief to put in the party so I have someone to run up to the CPU archers and kill them quickly. Logi is squishy since I'm not bringing a healer. Kenichi did put up a good mini-review for the game in the comments for the world wide availability article. I would say that I could have stuck with my original pull and slowly gained more gems to summon other units to try. If you are really worried about the first 10 units you summon, best of luck. I have not found many resources to give you a good picture of what is really good vs what is meh. The one consistent piece of information I got was that Chloe is meh compared to Logi and you are forced to use Logi on story quests. I'll continue giving this a go and seeing how it works out. Hopefully the game does better than Brave Frontier did. If you didn't get certain OP units in Brave Frontier, the game was definitely more difficult than it should have been. I'll trust Kenichi's comment that you can get by without needing the OP units. ramzarules Well-Known Member Sep 13, 2014 2,112 128 63 Greece #19 ramzarules, Nov 15, 2017 uff.. this like War of Crown have superb art but the battles are in a small grid versus a bare handful of enemies. Come to think of it, like FE mobile too. Why don't they take the grid and battles of FFT, Xcom, Demon's Rise etc and insist on one minute autobattles per stage.. squarezero Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Dec 10, 2008 13,716 1,240 113 Male Chief Strategy Officer Salem, Massachusetts, USA #20 squarezero, Nov 15, 2017 Frankly, I enjoy the smaller battles here and in War of Crown (though so far AC has more tactical depth). Don’t get me wrong: I love FFT, XCom, and Banner Saga, but there’s something to be said for a satisfying, challenging 3 minute battle. 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Im stoked to try this game. Looks like some high polish in the genre! Hopefully, its not overly grindy as these games tend to be.
Normally dont bother with F2P RPGs but this looks impressive. That said I havent been able to even try it because of server maintenance.
Servers are back on. So far I’m impressed. Tons of depth, dramatic (if familiar) story, and a meaty gameplay. We’ll see about the monetization and gatcha mechanics, but at this point I’d be willing to spend a few bucks.
The production value in this is pretty high. Very surprised. So far, played for about an hour and I definitely like it. Just a heads up, in the beginning there will be a fair about of downloading of files when switching between the screens. After you download it though, its a smooth transition.
December 1!! i'm with ya! also on PC a game called seven: days long gone is coming out / going to be a glorious day
System specs require 1.8gig of harddrive. # I currently don't have that much available on my iPad. I actually prefer single player games. If anyone who has played the game could comment on the single player aspect of the game I would be very thankfull to see if it is worth removing some games for me to install it. #
So, what's F2P about this? Is it free, with a premium unlock? Is it online only, with timers and junk?
It looks like your typical Japanese gacha mechanic, meaning spend money to gamble for new character and/or possibly equipment and other item drops.
Oh man. Haven't tried that mechanic in an SRPG yet... And I probably won't. It sure looks pretty, though. Thanks for the info!
Its fun but Ive been hooked on the Final Fantasy gotcha games lately and I like that style more. This has more of a Fire Emblem Heroes gameplay to it.
Right after the tutorial? You mean when you do the 500 gem 10 unit summon? Yes and no. I did a 10 unit summon on my initial play through and foolishly opted to reroll. The folks with the handy "charts" to say who is good vs who is bad use character portraits so you really have to the characters to say yes or no to a reroll. I had pulled 3 4* and a 2 5*,Chloe and Magnus or something like that. I went ahead and re-rolled. Ended up with only a 4* pull. Tried again this morning. I pulled 2 5*, featured melee character and a not-Chloe magic knight, and 1 4*. Why was it foolish? The 5* gun user has a weird, can only attack 3 squares away that I didn't notice at first. It made the quests more difficult as trying to set up the shots were a pain. He was more of a wasted slot since I wasn't able to leverage his attacks on a more routine basis. What I didn't realize was that the bow users that you get also have the same range issue so I could have kept him as he unlocks to sniper. ?Then again, to unlock sniper, I need to collect more soul fragments for him so it might have been better that I re-rolled. I'm sticking with my 3rd attempt. Melee is stronger early on that ranged, or so I'm told. Having 2 5* in the starting quests does make things easier. It does help that I did get a thief to put in the party so I have someone to run up to the CPU archers and kill them quickly. Logi is squishy since I'm not bringing a healer. Kenichi did put up a good mini-review for the game in the comments for the world wide availability article. I would say that I could have stuck with my original pull and slowly gained more gems to summon other units to try. If you are really worried about the first 10 units you summon, best of luck. I have not found many resources to give you a good picture of what is really good vs what is meh. The one consistent piece of information I got was that Chloe is meh compared to Logi and you are forced to use Logi on story quests. I'll continue giving this a go and seeing how it works out. Hopefully the game does better than Brave Frontier did. If you didn't get certain OP units in Brave Frontier, the game was definitely more difficult than it should have been. I'll trust Kenichi's comment that you can get by without needing the OP units.
uff.. this like War of Crown have superb art but the battles are in a small grid versus a bare handful of enemies. Come to think of it, like FE mobile too. Why don't they take the grid and battles of FFT, Xcom, Demon's Rise etc and insist on one minute autobattles per stage..
Frankly, I enjoy the smaller battles here and in War of Crown (though so far AC has more tactical depth). Don’t get me wrong: I love FFT, XCom, and Banner Saga, but there’s something to be said for a satisfying, challenging 3 minute battle.