Promo Codes for Special Level Here's some promo codes to access the fourth planet, Pandora, for free. L76FTRRM6X63 NAETMHPTNXRN TYELF4WP47PY XEPAEFF4PWJT 44FYKNXFMRXN Have fun!
Please comment what promo code you will claim so others will know what's left. No real system for tracking these things. Thank you!
Will try to make a Wheelin' and Dealin' Nature Boy character for a future update to accomodate North Carolina Users
LegenDarius has an extra life, and can shoot rockets everytime he jumps. Basically, a distinctly huge advantage. Anyway, just updated the game. So you should probably update it now
What can we expect on future updates? Are there new planets? Will there be power-ups? Characters? Or will the distance traveled be measured or still the number of gems per game?
See that fiery ball on top of the World selection menu? That's not a sun, it's a planet. It's a huge update coming soon. New characters willhave powers that that shoot enemies. Thinking of adding new memes as characters. Crystals (not gems) will still determine points as it is the point of the game: to collect crystals Enjoy!