If you've ever wanted to either begin making games, or just take you knowledge of game development to a new level, you've come to the right place. With over 3 years of experience making iOS titles, I can help you learn big concept, come up with intricate solutions, as well as help solve those difficult problems that nobody seems to understand. Instead of simply looking up online tutorials or copy-pasting code from various sources, and trying to figure out how to mold the code to your specific situation, you could instead get a personal tutor/mentor. ----------- You're probably thinking, "I can just learn everything myself from online tutorials and forums. Why would I want to get a personal tutor/mentor?" Reasons: 1) You can't get answers to everything on Google. That's where I come in. You need a specific answer? I have it. 2) Learning things from a personal tutor can accelerate the learning process and get you creating sooner. 3) Equivalent to a weight trainer, I will make sure you stay focused on your end goals and reach them within a reasonable time. ----------- Taught in highly personalized 1-on-1 sessions, I can bring your games to the next level by providing knowledge and experience from years of game development. If you want to find out more about getting a personal tutor in the field of game design and development, you can read more at www.gamedevspark.com And if you're still hesitant or just want to know more about it that isn't on the website, drop me an email at [email protected] and we can talk about where you are at skill wise, what exactly you want to improve upon, and how exactly I'll help get you to your goals in a reasonable time. Thank you very much for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you, Alex Enjoy!