Universal 2K DRIVE (By 2K Sports)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Haruhi, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. Well, hope things get better so you can get back to gaming again.
  2. tso5818

    tso5818 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2011
    iANiMeX's left ear
    This thread is not about girl issues I am sorry, but my girlfriend left me. Been with her for 4 years. I am sorry I won't be back here. Hope to get perm banned.
  3. Well, I wish the best for you, if you ever need any help, just email me. Take care my friend.
  4. wedge598

    wedge598 Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2013
    I fail to see how getting permanently banned from this site is going to help make things better for you. I sincerely hope that was just emotion talking. No need for such harsh measures. If you can't lean on us for a much needed distraction during these tough times I hope you can at least leave things in good standing so you can come back and visit when things are smoothing out for you. Maybe by then there will be a new update and new stuff to try.
  5. wedge598

    wedge598 Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2013
    I got a reply from Lucid stating that a bug fix patch is n the way soon. It should take care of a lot of the glitches we've seen. I also gave them some suggestions based n our observations that they will consider for future updates.
  6. tso5818

    tso5818 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2011
    iANiMeX's left ear
    Just saying I am back and still a little love hurt. I will be back on the forum hopefully in a months time.
    Love just this game. Hope to see updates coming through.
    Going to focus on college and see what goes from there.
    Thanks for all you guys that trying to reach out in a way to talk. Its just hard for me.

    Thanks again.
  7. Good to see you tso. Take some time, breakups always hurt. We'll always be here for you, and take care.
  8. GPS

    GPS Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2009
    #368 GPS, Sep 17, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2013
    Oh heck I might as well add my 2 cents. I know it sucks right now and I don't know the background, but here's my experience. I dated a girl for about 5 years, we got married and a year later she wanted out.. It was devestating at the time, however, I am now happily married again with 2 beautiful children and a magnificent wife. Well be celebrating 11 years of marriage (14 years together all up) this November!
    Sometimes the stuff that really sucks (and Im sure it does right now) can change your life and point you towards greatness. I hope that you find that direction and happiness along with it. Cheers.

    (Also sorry for the off topic)
  9. OmnipotensZitro

    Sep 19, 2013
    Let be start off by saying, this game is amazing! I love 2K Drive! Wouldn't expect anything less from former PGR Dev's.

    I bought the game the instant it came out and I also got the VIP pack as soon as I began. Why? Because my favorite racing game of all time is PGR3! I have played everything from Gran Turismo, Forza, RR3, Need for speed. Any racing game that has been made, I have played it.

    Without a doubt, the Project Gotham Racing series is my all time favorite. That series rewarded skill more than anything else. With the ease of anybody of any skill level being able to compete. I loved the no car upgrades in the series as every car had it's own style and everybody could dive in on a fair playing field. Certain cars where better to use on certain tracks than others.

    2K Drive does this excellently! Even though there are upgrades, anybody can get those upgrades and the cars will be the same, if the same upgrades are on both vehicles(upgrades are stages 1,2,3). Every vehicle feels different and has its own unique characteristics.

    I have played 2K Drive quite extensively! I got to max level 50 and complete almost all the single player, missing about 7 trophies. Had a blast doing it all!

    The biggest issue with 2K Drive is Gold! It is to hard to get! Way to hard to get! Like impossible to get! Once you complete most of the game it's nearly impossible to get!

    There are 27 cars in the game, to fully upgrade a single category it takes about 100 gold. 27x100= 2,700!! Which is about $99.99 to buy 2500 gold! And this doesn't even include the price of the car!!!

    The only way to earn gold after completing single player are to do daily/weekly challenges and beating rivals. Both are terribly implemented!

    I'll start off with daily challenges. Daily challenges are awesome! How they are implement is terrible. Daily Challenges should be a single make series with totally stock vehicles and boosters shouldn't be allowed. Everybody should be on the same playing field! Daily challenges should be about total skill. Where everybody is on the same playing field and everybody has an equal chance in winning the daily challenge. Because as it is now, the person who has a better upgraded car is most likely to get first place all the time.

    The next problem with Daily Challenges are the Gold payout! They are way to low! Super low in fact! 10 gold for first is terrible. I would need to get first place 270 times just to be able to find myself to upgrade all the cars in a SINGLE category! The first 3 days of 2K Drive the payout for first was 50 Gold, which was reasonable. With 25/30 for being in top 10 and 10/15 for being in top 100.

    Beating rivals is an amazing feature! But the rewards for beating rivals sucks! Yes I know beating rivals is pretty straight forward. You race the next fastest time's ghost. The problem that comes in when anybody moves up in the leaderboards. We only get rewarded for beating 1 rival if we moved up more than 2 places at once. The problem I and many others have is when we move up a ton of places in the leaderboard, we are only credited with one rival beaten. The next problem is with great racers. They can just start a race and be in the top 10 or 1st after their first try at the event. They just beat hundreds of rivals and were only credited 1 rival beaten. Which makes the rival system rewards terrible. It rewards players who purposely try to get the slowest time, and start to beat the next slowest time that's in front of them in order to get the rewards because gold is so hard to come by in the game.

    With the games level max out at 50. Players can't earn anymore gold by leveling up. Making gold super hard to get. In turn hurting the over all game in the end game.

    More levels are needed or a prestige system with rewards would levitate the gold issue I have seen. Also better rewards for challenges and rivals will help. Also making challenges a single spec series so everybody has an equal chance of winning and earning the gold.

    Overall 2K Drive is a truly amazing game! I have enjoyed my time with it.
  10. Oceraux

    Oceraux Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2013
    Just redownloaded this game again, and imps:

    I bought this on the 2nd day after release, wasn't really impressed after seeing the lag + shaggy graphics + shaggy engine sounds + shaggy controls. Deleted.

    After feeling the need of racing games, redownloaded this again. Realized that the game is cool once you get a hold of it.

    I'm lazy to do more imps so clearly this isn't a "game impressions" post.

    Just, the game is awesome!
  11. italodance

    italodance Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2009
    $6.99 for a game that contains a $99.99 IAP?!!!!!!!!!????!!!!!!!!!
  12. wedge598

    wedge598 Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2013
    Omni makes some very good points. Initially the game seems generous with gold. But now that I'm at level 40 gold is coming in very slowly. If there is a level cap at 50 this game will definitely become a game that Requires IAP to proceed. That is just unacceptable for any game much less one you pay $7 for. They need to make some serious changes as Omni suggests to sustain the ability to obtain gold at reasonable rate otherwise this games very small fan base will disappear and this game will die quickly.

    That would be a real shame because underneath is the most satisfying racing game on the iOS.
  13. Baracus

    Baracus Well-Known Member

    Yep same feeling for me too unfortunately. I'm level 44 got 85k stars and 280 ish gold left but the upgrades are so expensive. I bought the VIP pack but it's still hard to get enough gold for upgrades because you can't replay career races, and I need to beat 79 more rivals in multiplayer to get just 10 gold, but there aren't really that many events. They aren't even including 1 event for every car? So I'm limited to the daily / weekly challenges but even placing well it's gonna take weeks to upgrade 1 car a couple of steps.

    Totally love the game and the way the cars feel. It's pretty much all I've played since it came out still, so I'm gonna stick with it but hope they introduce new content and ways of earning a bit faster.

    Maybe we should let them know our collective feeling as they may not be checking here...
  14. GPS

    GPS Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2009
    Hmm, doesn't sound good. Given the starting price, then add the VIP pack.. There should not be any need to spend further. If this gets to a point where the income dries up, I will not be forced into spending more.(I already get that with RR3). I'm in no way against IAP, but if it's implemented in a way that forces you to use it, I'm out. I believe that after $7 up front there shouldn't be IAP at all, except maybe for the VIP pack. People will spend when they think they're getting extra value, not when they think they have to so they can keep playing.
  15. wedge598

    wedge598 Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2013
    I agree.

    Seems that if you spend the $10 on the VIP pack you will unlock all cars and therefore only need to spend gold on upgrades. This should get you quite far in the game if you work up to level 50. However, part of the thrill for me is working for the money to buy only the cars I want. Doing it this way I will find myself with probably enough money to buy half the cars around level 50 if I don't buy any upgrades. Which then forces me to use IAP to buy more cars and upgrades. The IAP cost to do so would be far less than you'd spend in RR3 but that still means that you are going to be spending more than the $7 entry fee.

    The real problem comes when they add cars and you find that you've already spent all the gold you can obtain and need to spend money to even use the new cars. I think Omni is right when he says you need to make the events worth more gold and change the single player component to allow you to repeat the events for more gold. This also means raising the level cap. The whole design as it is now seems to indicated they didn't expect people to play this very far or they expected people to purchase the VIP. The multiplayer rival events are the real bread and butter but they need to work on increasing the longevity of the single player too.
  16. Baracus

    Baracus Well-Known Member

    The problem is once you get faster times on the multiplayer, you have nowhere else to go but upgrade. No matter how perfect you make your runs, at a certain point you just cannot go any faster to beat rivals to get gold to upgrade to beat rivals ad infinatum! It's a catch 22 hehe.

    Without some upgrades all the cars understeer so much, it's like the upgraded car is what it SHOULD be, and they have been detuned and nobbled for the lower grades.

    Still hell of a lot of fun ragging a slower car with no perks against people that have upgraded AND running with a boost :D
  17. tso5818

    tso5818 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2011
    iANiMeX's left ear
    #377 tso5818, Sep 23, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2013
    I am back and will hopefully be on the forum/threads more often. Hard to get over a break up.
    Will be playing GTA 5, and on my spare time kick some ghost leaderboard times on 2K Drive :).

    Thanks all for your feedback about relationships.
  18. OmnipotensZitro

    Sep 19, 2013
    Gold has been really hard to come buy. In the past week, I have finally beat enough rivals(80) just to get 10 coins. Now in order to get more coins, I will have to beat 100 in order to get 15 coins. My problem now is that I have done pretty much every single multiplayer event. Having placed high on the leaderboards in most of them that I cannot move up in position.

    With daily challenges, I have payed more gold than I have earned. That's why daily challenges should only be pure stock spec with NO boosters allowed. So everyone is on the same playing field when doing daily challenges. Making daily challenges about skill. Also the gold needs a major bump for everybody participating.

    I'm just lucky because I bought the VIP in the very beginning. Saving gold which was for the purchases of the vehicles. Giving me gold to use for upgrades and shiny stuff on my cars.

    I love this game! But gold needs to be fix ASAP! If a player who bought the VIP and beat pretty much every single event. Doesn't have enough gold to upgrade their vehicles in at least one category. Then the players who don't buy the VIP and play legit throughout the game surely don't have enough for all the cars.
  19. wedge598

    wedge598 Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2013

    I also have played through the multiplayer events so that I've set a decent time on most of them. Eventually I'll get to the point where I just can't go any faster so I won't be able to beat any more rivals.

    The other kicker with the MP events is that if you only have a couple friends and they are way faster than you are you might find that when you go to play a MP event for the first time you are up against some very tough competition right off the bat. Since you can't choose to race a rival from the "World" list you are stuck racing your very fast friends or unfriending them to get someone from the world list.

    Your rival needs to be selectable from either the friend or world list. And there needs to be more MP events added on a regular basis to give you a large enough pool to choose from.
  20. miumius

    miumius Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2011
    Is it just me or is this game horrendously ugly on the iPhone 4S? The menu and UI looks decent though even though I spent a ridiculously long amount of time on that menu just to race.

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