Universal 2K DRIVE (By 2K Sports)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Haruhi, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. BillytheKid

    BillytheKid Member

    Sep 10, 2013
    Nail on head....

    It's funny seeing people say 'get asphalt 8 instead'

    It may well be a racing game but within that genre there are other genres.... Asphalt is an arcade racer and is presented as such and is a very good arcade racer too. 2KDrive isn't an arcade racer and is meant to offer a whole different experience. It requires people to put in time to learn the tracks and handling and isn't just a quick blast experience like an arcade racer. You'd think people would realise this and appreciate a developer these days are trying out something new. It's not perfect but its also clearly not everyone's cup of tea. Arcade racers have a wider audience due to the pick up and play nature of the game. 2K and Lucid clearly wanted to reach out to a different audience and offer more variety in gameplay than Real Racing which they have done ten fold. I think they should be commended for it.
    People should also wait for any inevitable updates. They will read reviews and act on any issues that crop up often. Unfortunately aside from the obvious bugs people seem to criticise handling 'issues' that can easily be resolved by fine tuning them in the settings menus in the game already
  2. tso5818

    tso5818 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2011
    iANiMeX's left ear
    Congrats on your refund if you get it. The dumb developer won't contact me back, on a way to fix the dang problem. I truly wasted $7.
    College is in my way so havent play a game in 2 weeks. Well trying to open this dumb one.
    Hopefully they can send me something when and if they fix the damn thing.
    One of the worst customer service developers out there.

    I also asked why they had timers and online function to buy cars they said. The timers are so we can actually care for our cars and not just race them over and over again. They want us to experience other cars.

    The online function is to save our data. I don't know. Game is a dud.
  3. #183 Connector, Sep 10, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2013
    What I don't get about this thread is why is it that the biggest supporters of this game are all junior members?

    I realize this game is more sim than a8.

    So yes, a better comparison is Real Racing 3.

    RR3 is 100 times, maybe 1000 times better than this game. Plus better yet it is free, and not a $7 freemium wannabe.

    Enough said.
  4. tso5818

    tso5818 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2011
    iANiMeX's left ear
    Yea I agree, but I actually deleted RR3 because it was a big game sitting on my iPad.
    Haven't played that in forever.
    Watching videos of this game on youtube, the controls seem and look like they handle better than RR3's cars.
    That was the main reason I picked it up.
    Regret! Regret! Regret!, all I have to say.
  5. GPS

    GPS Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2009
    #185 GPS, Sep 10, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2013
    Hey connector, not all junior, I love this game but haven't bothered weighing into the thread since the arguments began. Check the first couple of pages and there's some posts from me , I also contacted the dev to let them know about the thread, hopefully they'll come on board.

    Oh and if you want to get anywhere close to completion RR3 will not be free... Maybe in the first two iterations, but not since the last couple of updates..
  6. I am trying to like this game, but so far, I can't find anything to like.

    Started off really bad with no way to start playing unless you were online.

    Poor grahics on my ipad 3, my bicycle has a better sense of speed than this, and I feel like I am on an ice rink with the car fishtailing and sliding so much. A real car you can't get to fishtail and slide like this game does.

    I will try it once more and play with or without the assists, see if that makes any difference.
  7. GPS

    GPS Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2009
    The key is being very smooth with the steering and braking early, way earlier than RR3. It takes time to wrap your brain to the different style. Take off steering assist at the very least. The sense of speed will come, trust me at times in the Comaro, you'll wish it wasn't as fast. I was not a fan of the handling at first, but after I retrained my brain to be smooth, I really enjoy this. Timers and currency are not even an issue in this, the payouts for stars and coins has so far been more than sufficient. I hope you get to enjoy this, good luck
  8. cptlockheed

    cptlockheed Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2008
    IT professional since the 80's
    #188 cptlockheed, Sep 10, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2013
    Huh... Junior? I've been on this forum since 2008, I'm almost 50 years old and have been playing racing games since they first began appear on home computers and first PCs (programmed some games myself back in 80's too - though first racing games were just vertical scrollers with black and white ascii graphics :) ) and contributed some published utilities to Geoff Crammond's GP and GP2.

    RR3 does not model car behavior nearly as well as 2K Drive. Try turn a car upside down in RR3... not possible. I'm not saying 2K Drive is not perfect or without faults and on sim-scale its not much more realistic than old Sega GT Racing or Gran Turismo 2, but still it has a solid foundation and hope Lucid/2K will develop it further even if it is a niche game when compared to big arcade racers like NFS series.

    Connector, if you find the cars tail-happy, you are either driving an American muscle car or try to control the car too heavy handed. Try Datsun 240Z or Ford Cosworth for starter car, slow down well before turns, do not press has or brake when turning, apply gas only when leaving corner apex. Try taking off all driving assists except ABS and drive from in-car view only. Use tilt controls and turn the sensitivity down a notch if needed. Drive carefully and slowly at first, do not try to make any speed records. This game is NOT break-neck speeder like Asphalt nor it is a watered-down drive-on-rails like RR3.

    2K Drive will never be a crowd pleaser because it really needs concentration and learning the car. No instant gratification here, the pleasure comes from driving on the edge. I especially like how the Rivals are done, as you are driving against a real ghost car of another player, not some scaled AI bots. Real skill is needed to beat an opponent and to climb up the leaderboards - one must also accept the fact that there will always be someone who is better than you. If you get your kicks from beating all the opponents always, stay with RR3 or Asphalt.
  9. wedge598

    wedge598 Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2013
    This is the typical reaction from everyone who has spent a fair amount of time with arcade racers and are coming to grips with a realistic simulation for the first time. Arcade racers are so far from realistic it's a joke. They exaggerate the sense of speed and grip of the car immensely. This game is very realistic as far as sense of speed and the grip levels and weight of the vehicles. Your inability to keep the car from fish tailing is natural for someone who's new to it. You are being to violent with the steering and in doing so the weight of the car and its momentum has exceeded the grip. You feel that the car should be able to go faster because it looks slower than the cars in Asphalt 8. But the reality is this is close to how a real car would behave. Slow yourself down and brake much earlier and you'll find that the car handling improves dramatically. And soon you'll find your lap times improving dramatically.

    As you get into it you'll find that all the cars drive differently. The Ford cogsworth is a very nimble and grippy car but the Camaro ZL1 is heavier and takes a lot more finesse. Some cars you won't like. The GTR is super fast on acceleration but corners terrible, it pushes fiercely in the turns. Fortunately all the cars can be test driven before purchase. Just go to the showroom and try them all out until you find one you like.

    The youth of the world today is too impatient. They need instant gratification and it something is too difficult then it just sucks or is wrong. This sim does not control terribly, it just controls more realistically and therefore it's more difficult and requires dedication. Unfortunately too many young people these days don't have that dedication. If you like a challenge and can accept that this game will require you to forget everything you though Need for Speed taught you about driving then you'll find a gem underneath.
  10. Do you consider Real Racing 3 a sim? And do you consider fishtailing and sliding going at what seems to be 15 mph realistic?
  11. Ausar

    Ausar Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2012
    Well looks like i'm in the minority here so far i have been enjoying this more than RR3 specially after the locked cars update, as well i dont see any problem with the timers since the cost to "skip" those timers so far are only like 100 starts and after every race you get like 250 and you even get 6000 stars when you first start the game, the gold coins as well is not that hard to get i haven't even play 1 hour and already bought the mustang

    But i do have to agree the menu needs several tweaks to make it more smooth and adding some kind of music

    At the same time the graphics could use some works as well is you're on a iphone 4 just dont buy this the game is blurry as hell, the 4S looks more clean but still i think the 4S could do better than this

    Attached Files:

  12. wedge598

    wedge598 Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2013
    No I do not consider RR3 to be a sim. In fact, it would be hard to really consider this game a sim. Anything on a mobile device is going to have to be dumbed down to some degree. To me, a true sim is iRacing. I race that sim on my PC with a force feedback steering wheel and pedals. iRacing is highly regarded by professional drivers and sim enthusiastic alike as the closest thing to driving a real race car. And despite my prior years of PC racing sim experience it took me months of dedication to be able to control just a few cars in iRacing. My early experience was similar to yours, the cars seemed to fishtail without warning at the lowest speeds. It was frustrating. And the key to taming them was to force myself to go slower and be gentler with the wheel, throttle and brake.

    before 2k Drive, RR3 was the closest thing to a sim on the mobile platform. But that game doesn't have a full 6 degree of freedom model. You can't tip those cars over. It did advance the weight and grip physics from RR2 but was still quite a bit shy of sim-like Physics. 2kD goes a step further but can be frustrating because you are hampered by the input method and lack of force feedback that you get from the PC sims. So, in a sense it takes a bit more dedication to overcome those handicaps. If you are up to the challenge, and you keep at it, you just might find some real satisfaction from winning.

    I don't work for 2K, it don't mean to sound condescending. I simply have been a fanatic of sim racing for years. This is my hobby, this is what I love to babble on about. If I can help introduce someone else to the hobby I'll try. If it's truly not for you then that's fine. If you love the thrills of Asphalt 8 (which I like a lot too) but don't have the patience for this game. I have no problem with that. What does bother me is when someone calls the game crap just because its too hard for them. Because of my vast experience with this hobby I can say with some authority that this game is not crap. It just is a lot more of a challenge than the typical arcade racer.
  13. currymutton

    currymutton Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
    I started on and off with Grand Prix Legends (GPL), have not tried iRacing yet and have a real car driving license.

    First off, driving on street != driving for speed and/or racing. In the latter, you push your vehicle to the limit plus, there are a lot more considerations in physics regarding the interactions between the road and your vehicle.

    The best of all, in racing, you do not have to worry about speeding (that is why old race cars do not have speed meters)

    I do not have Drive 2K yet, but RR series are far from real. If you ask me about the thing closest to sim, it would be a title called Driving Speed -- there is a thread here some where I am too lazy to dig out. This one is free-to-try and pay-to-unlock-full. No ads, and it is pretty much fun.

    A lighter choice would be Colin McRae Rally, again no cockpit view but problematic control (for some) could be a hindrance but if you do not mind racing "alone", it is a very good choice in my book.
  14. Gabrien

    Gabrien Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2009
    If nothing else, I can say you've at least made me curious enough to want to try this once it goes free to download.
  15. #195 Connector, Sep 11, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2013
    I still stick to my comments, this game sucks.

    The driving is like driving on an ice rink, there is no sense of speed, the graphics suck big time on my ipad 3, framerates are bad, sound is terrible, the car physics is terrible in my opinion.

    And all the freemium riffraff is annoying, makes RR3 look good in terms of timers, inapps, etc. This is a $7 premium game, by the looks of it, it looks like a freemium, and I am sure it will be one day.

    GPL is a great fun game. This one is no where even close.

    This is probably the worst >$3 game I have ever gotten off the appstore. Even if this was a freemium, my comments would still mostly stand. Try it and you will see, hopefully this makes you more curious to try it too.
  16. tso5818

    tso5818 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2011
    iANiMeX's left ear
    If everyone writes bad reviews, lucid games would probably get rid of the timers and freemium junk in the game.
    They said they will work on fixing my game tomorrow. If they can't get it fixed. I will be so pissed.
    I read reviews on the app store and another person is having the same issue as me.
    $7 down the drain. Could have bought 4 or 5 $0.99 games with the money.
  17. Habakuk

    Habakuk Well-Known Member

    Thanks, GPS.

    That's the only way how sims could wake my interest. With the most sophisticated PC or professional hardware equipment. In the meantime there should be more than just ffb wheels and pedals. Eight or more HUGE 4K monitors in all directions, true 3D. A cabin/cockpit like the machines in the arcade halls with ALL instruments. More real than reality.

    But other than with such an equipment racer sims have the feeling of a slow motion study for me, compared to arcade racers. I'm falling asleep within 15 minutes. The only exception on iOS is Colin McRae Rally. Played through Real Racing 2 once (with the best cars on the fastest tracks) and it was pretty to watch but boring until the end.
  18. k1lljoy_89

    k1lljoy_89 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    Look out your window.
    Or perhaps you just suck at it.

    Seems to be the case going by your "reasons".

    I need to buy this game anyway but I'll probably do it sooner now just so I can argue with people about it. I mean, I could fake it like JBRUU but I don't play that.
  19. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Can people please take a deep breath and read what they write before they post. I've had lots of reported messages in this thread.

    This is just a game, we're not talking about a world nuclear crisis. Some people like the game, some don't. Lets not start arguing or name calling.
  20. wedge598

    wedge598 Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2013
    That would be so cool. The best I can afford is to plug my PC into my large screen TV. I sit my racing cockpit really close to it so I can immerse myself. It's a real rush.

    The interesting thing about this app is the fact that they even tried to bring some of that reality to a handheld device. And I firmly believe they mostly succeeded. I like the physics and I find the same technics I need to keep the car under control in my PC sims works here. It's far from perfect, there are things that seem a little odd, but it's really a decent attempt.

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