2D artist looking for work! =)

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by Tsumako, Dec 11, 2011.

  1. Tsumako

    Tsumako Member

    Nov 24, 2011
    Milan, Italy
    I'm a 2D artist looking for work, especially to build up my portfolio. I'll accept anything, even small things, with honest and lower (will be until my portfolio get more consistent) prices.
    I'm best suited when it comes to cartoonish styles.

    You can check a few "pieces" at my blog:


    I'll do a free sketch of anything you want, and then you decide if it's worth hiring me or not =)

    If you like my style and you're looking for an artist, feel free to mail me!
    My mail is:

    [email protected]

    Thank you,


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