Operation: New Earth! is now available Worldwide! Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Operation: New Earth Tilting Point LLC Earth. Your home, your memories, your family... All is fading under the colossal shadow of an attacking alien force. Ju… Free Buy Now Watch Media DetailsEarth. Your home, your memories, your family... All is fading under the colossal shadow of an attacking alien force. Jump into this intense sci-fi multiplayer strategy game. Command an advanced military facility to defend Earth from hostile alien invasion! Uncover advanced technology to infuse and reinforce your stronghold – you are Earth’s last protection against the invaders who are laying waste to the planet! Commander, it’s time to mobilize! Retake and defend the planet. Let no enemy, aliens or hostile humans, stand in your way! • CREATE YOUR BASE – Strategically build your facility by discovering new technologies to become a juggernaut of power. • RAISE AN ARMY - Train a massive army of specialized units including hi-tech infantry and cutting-edge war machines. • COMMAND YOUR HERO - Train an elite Hero unit for incredible advantages and bonuses, while attempting to defeat and capture enemy players’ Heroes in battle. • CHAT, TRADE, INVITE – Chat with other players, trade your resources and invite the strongest amongst your friends to defend Earth together. • JOIN AN ALLIANCE - Assemble an Alliance and strategize together to build a powerful network. • REAL TIME FACTION WARS – Join players around the world in massive battles. The Earth you once knew is growing dim, Commander. Hope is nearly lost. It’s time for Operation: New Earth. PLEASE NOTE that Operation: New Earth is completely free to play, however, optional in game items are available for purchase with real money. If you don’t want to use this feature, you can turn off the option by disabling in-app purchases in your device’s settings. A network connection is also required. Information Seller:Tilting Point LLC Genre:Role Playing, Strategy Release:Aug 20, 2016 Updated:Aug 03, 2024 Version:13.5.4 Size:220.2 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating: (1) Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Screenshots (iPad) Thank you for supporting our games! Hunted Cow Studios Well-Known Member Mar 7, 2012 328 0 16 Company Director https://www.huntedcow.com #2 Hunted Cow Studios, Aug 25, 2016 We've posted up the top 9 tips for getting started in the game on the forum here: https://forums.huntedcow.com/index.php?showtopic=74478 Let us know what you think once you give the game a try! Hunted Cow Studios Well-Known Member Mar 7, 2012 328 0 16 Company Director https://www.huntedcow.com #3 Hunted Cow Studios, Sep 8, 2016 Version 1.02 is now live and features the following game improvements : · Hero HUD now supports an overlay to indicate if the Hero is currently dead or captured · New critical health panel appears if Facility health drops below 20% · New Alliance Caches are now awarded for defeating Aliens rank 5 and higher · Silver Caches for Event Rewards are replaced with a new Alliance Event Cache · Region Name now visible in Settings and in World Map · Animation has been added for when Facilities are damaged or teleported · Chat UI is now all interactive and easily brings up the player's profile panel · Allied Outpost UI now shows troop capacity and total stationed · Fixed a crash that repeatedly could happen on the World map. · Various bug and translation fixes Hunted Cow Studios Well-Known Member Mar 7, 2012 328 0 16 Company Director https://www.huntedcow.com #4 Hunted Cow Studios, Sep 30, 2016 Game Update 1.3 is now live! Features Region changing implemented. Players can now view the Region Map from the button at the bottom of the world map. Players below level 5 have been granted a Relocate Facility (Below Level 5) item which they can use to Relocate into any region. Players with the Relocate Facility item can teleport to any region that isnt displayed as Closed. All players in Omega 1 have been granted the 'Relocate Facility' item. Engineering Outposts panel now shows the hourly neutronium production including bonuses. Toasts now show when an ally makes an outpost and when an ally's outpost is upgraded Instant training troops now shows a toast where before it required user input to remove the notification panel. Teleport notification has been added to the Alliance Log. Added some additional tutorial panels for low level players. Attack Reports (which let you know if youve been attacked while offline) now also use the players last logout time to determine if an attack happened offline, rather than only relying on the read state of the notification Updated validation for player rename, alliance rename and alliance creation to be more descriptive when certain names and tags are unavailable. Notably now provides information about whether names/tags are duplicates and whether they were rejected by the profanity filter. Added option for Officer or higher Alliance ranks to send a message also as a Push Alert. Sending as an Alert requires confirmation. Player Profiles viewed from the World Map have been updated to include a link to an Expanded Profile View. This version shows more extensive stats and information about each player. We'll be rolling this change out across every instance where the Player Profile can be accessed in the next update. A new Alien Mothership can be found at 233,278. It seems dormant...for now. Bugs Updated the alliance kick panel so the kick button is disabled after being pressed the first time Fixed the remaining Hero XP was showing a negative value when hero was at max level in the Add Hero XP panel. Fixed occasional crash when closing a notification panel. Fixed a small memory leak with notification pop-up panels. Fixed an issue with Alliance Rename panel. Fixed a bug where the Shield item didn't work if youve never visited the world map. Fixed a issue where player's weren't always warned they might be cancelling their shield. Fixed bug where structure allowances could become incorrect. Player teleport popup should now work as intended. Collapsed chat should now correctly scroll to the bottom automatically on startup, minimizing expanded chat or receiving a new message. Localization Fixed some font sizes in the Alliance Settings Menu text for German. Speed Up text on research panels now fits correctly in all languages. Dropship stats now fit correctly in all languages. Localisation applied in some missing places. Fixed some bad grammer in French and Spanish. Updated the text field height in the Global Network for food to stop the text getting cut off. Hunted Cow Studios Well-Known Member Mar 7, 2012 328 0 16 Company Director https://www.huntedcow.com #5 Hunted Cow Studios, Dec 7, 2016 Game Update 1.4 Patch Notes Nuclear Silos will now become active on the World Map. Alliances can capture these Silos by deploying troops to ‘Secure’ them. Once secured, the controlling Alliance will have 24 hours to launch a missile strike against targets in their current region. A new button will show on the world map if any Nuclear silos are currently active. Added an extra info button on the deployment panel to explain the different types of attack march. The buffs button on the HUD now also displays how many active buffs the player has, a new buff indicator has been added for when a shield is active. Players now have a button to send more dropships to the same target as an initial deployment. (Redeploy) Medical bays now show the request help button in the correct color & position and the button hides in the correct situations. Medical bay now shows the capacity on the healing panel at all times. Medical Bays have had their capacities increased by an additional 20%. Lowered the required experience points required for gaining Alliance Cache Levels, as a result some Alliances may notice an increase in their current Cache Level. Player can now be notified when daily missions, alliance missions and alien UFOs are ready for collection via push notifications. A panel has been added to the facility overview to show various values relating to city capacities. The missions notifications panel in the HUD now displays up to 99 uncollected missions. The missions icon on the HUD now separates notifications for Main Missions and Daily & Alliance Missions. Higher tier units that die in combat will now go to the medical bay first. Mission panels redesigned to allow easier boosting of mission. The bookmarks panel has been split into two tabs - your facilities and your actual bookmarks Alliance leaders can now leave bulletins for their allies to read later. (These can only be read by members of the Alliance.) Players can now see potential rewards available from engaging alien sectors. Rewards gained from collecting timed UFO’s have been increased based on the player’s current Headquarters Level. Drone cooldown and mission timers are now visible in the timer and extended timer panels on the HUD. When gathering deployments are returning home, the deployment panel now shows what resource and how much they’re bringing. The expanded timer panel now starts to scroll at 6 items instead of 8, meaning it’s less likely to overlap with elements of the game. Added a checkbox that lets you choose whether or not to follow a new deployment. Bugs Fixed an issue where after sending a deployment the game could spin endlessly on the deployment panel. Fixed a missing sound effect on the deployment increase capacity panel. Fixed an issue where the extended timer panel could get left in an incorrect state when switching to the various views. Fixed a bug where heroes could incorrectly be released twice. When stationed troops are dismissed from the city, the dismiss button is disabled and does not allow players to tap it multiple times. (which would cause a desync) If stationed troops are dismissed and return while their owner is online - they are now added to the facilities units when they arrive. Fixed bug where missions could cause a desync when instant completing them in a specific order. Fixed bug where instant completing missions could show invalid numbers on the button. Players can now no longer send reinforcements until they have a security station. Fixed an issue where explosions did not show for other players in the world. Various fixes and improvements to translated chat display. Fixed various chat issues. Fixed bug where unit production timers would extend when the buff from operations expired. Having the buff active at the start of production is now all that is required to boost production for its duration. Fixed a bug where stationed units could go incorrectly to the medical bay if the player is online when receiving them. Fixed a bug where hostile marches were not correctly returned when using a shield. Fixed an issue where an incorrect claim button was shown in challenges if the player joined the alliance after the event completed. Fixed a bug where contest marches would not return if they complete while the user is online. Fixed a bug where instant training of units could cause a disconnect. Fixed a bug where facilities showed the damaged effect when they are no longer damaged. Updated the UI to respond better to situations where new alliances may not be loaded but the panel is still showing the information from the last alliance that was viewed. The Hero Avatar Preview panel now correctly dims the panels behind it. Fixed a bug where the selection would sometimes offer you buttons on a different march that is returning from that tile. Fixed news image getting cut off at the bottom in the news panel. ~The Operation: New Earth Team Hunted Cow Studios Well-Known Member Mar 7, 2012 328 0 16 Company Director https://www.huntedcow.com #6 Hunted Cow Studios, Feb 15, 2017 Game Update 1.5 - Rallies Patch Notes Cross platform play is now available with the Steam, iOS and Android. A new interior structure has been added, the Situation Room, this structure will allow Alliance members of rank Officer and above to create Rallies. Players will require a level 10 Headquarters in order to build the Situation room. Rallies are deployments that can up to 2.5 million in units in size, and can contain the troops of multiple alliance members, the creator of the Rally will specify a briefing period, in which Alliance members have time to donate troops before the Rally is deployed. When joining the Rally, your troops will deploy to the main Facility of the Rally owner and join into a Rally deployment. This deployment cannot be attacked by other players. As many alliance members can donate as needed in order to reach the rally capacity, however each Alliance member may only donate once. Alliance have a limit of 10 concurrent rallies, regardless of stage. Rallies travel at a speed of 3 regardless of troop composition and cannot use fuel boosts. Destroy attacks on Facilities no longer prevent defenses being salvaged. The amount of defenses the Defensive Salvaging research salvaged in combat has been increased for levels 1 through 9 for each skill I, II, III and IV. You can now share combat-related notifications with your alliance. Selecting territory sectors in the world now displays an Alliance name when possible. Bugs Fixed an issue where heroes experience loss from dying was higher than expected in some cases. Fixed an issue when clicking to view Nuclear Strikes the panel wouldnt always close correctly. Fixed an issue with units being sorted differently each time a troop deployment panel was opened. Fixed a bug where the text for the deploy options would be blank. Fixed language format exception in every language file when alliance help was completed. Fixed a bug where the level of the enemy hero sometimes wouldnt be displayed on a scouting report. Captured heroes displayed in a players extended profile now correctly display their rank. Fixed an issue where the world map tutorial would display even if you had already visited the world map. Fixed bug where requesting help was not boosting the time correctly for the production queue at times. Fixed a bug where some deployments would stay on the deployment screen until you closed the window even if they already completed. Fixed a bug where boosting or requesting heal on healing units could cause a disconnect. Fixed a bug where the client would be able to add hero XP to the hero even if the hero is dead, resulting in an incorrect event score displayed to the player. We hope you are all as excited as we are about this update! Thanks for supporting the game and we'd love to hear any feedback you may have after the game update goes live! ~The Operation New Earth Team Hunted Cow Studios Well-Known Member Mar 7, 2012 328 0 16 Company Director https://www.huntedcow.com #7 Hunted Cow Studios, Apr 28, 2017 Game Update 1.6 - Shelter and Pacts New Features! Alliances can now create Non-Aggression Pacts with each other, after doing so their bases, territory and dropships will now appear in a yellow color to indicate the pact. A new structure, the Bunker has now been added to the game.This structure allows you to hide troops from enemy attacks. The Bunker can be built upon reaching Headquarters level 5. Medical Bay now shows a timer in the city view when troops are being healed. When viewing a report of enemy locations, the enemy units displayed can now be tapped to show more information; such as damage, defense and health. Updated the frequency recommended missions appear, as well as improving context by having them display if they can be sped up or completed for free. Rallies can now be instantly deployed at level 8 Situation Room, down from level 22. High-level Situation Rooms will now increase the Rally speed. Alliance Veterans can now also create Rallies. Scan range has been increased by 5 sectors for every level of Satellite Uplink. Battle Reports will now detail the type of the attack in the Victory or Defeat header. Deployments on the map will now have indicators which show if they belong to you or an Alliance member. Player profiles are now standardised across the game. The Hero Level Up panel now has an Assign Points button, taking the player to the panel to assign their hero's new points Bugs Hostile Containment now correctly opens an extended info panel. Tax Rates are now consistent throughout the game. The VIP panel add time button now correctly indicates if you will activate VIP (where its currently inactive) or if you will add more time (where it is already active). The structure icons on the Headquarters upgrade screen no longer overlap. Fixed an issue where the alliance assist panel was appearing incorrectly on the region overview. Fixed a bug where the events window would not bring up the player or alliance information window. Fixed a bug where the event's leaderboard history would miss out some positions on the full list. Fixed a bug where you would get a message saying your facility has teleported when your outpost was destroyed. Fixed a bug where events would be able to be collected after relocating when they are not available. Fixed an issue where spinners on the rally icon on the world map and the rally creation panel had stopped spinning. Fixed a bug where territory tiles might not update and display correctly Fixed a bug where units could incorrectly end up in the Medical Bay. Fixed a bug where healing units would incorrectly contribute towards power gain event. Fixed a bug where speeding up healing units to completion from the medical bay window would not refresh the window contents. Fixed a bug where completing the research from the speed up panel would mean the research tutorial broke. Fixed an issue where your dropship counter on the hud would be off in some situations. Fixed an issue where the world zoom did not reset when switching to the world. Fixed an issue where your hero would not go to the Medical Bay on the client if he died and there were no other units present. Fixed a bug where demolishing an outpost while being online would not result in your power dropping. Fixed a bug where the hero and headquarters level up window would not animate if another window was shown immediately after. We're looking forward to hearing your feedback on our latest update, and as always more updates are already in the works! ~The New Earth Team Hunted Cow Studios Well-Known Member Mar 7, 2012 328 0 16 Company Director https://www.huntedcow.com #8 Hunted Cow Studios, Jul 24, 2017 Game Update 1.7 - The Mothership Awakens! Game Update 1.7 - The Mothership Awakens is now live! Join the battle for the New Earth as Alien Motherships awaken in every region! Use your Bookmark panel to locate the Mothership on the World Map! Patch Notes An Alien Mothership has been available to capture in every region. This can be found by accessing your bookmarks panel. Alliances can enter capture points by sending 'Secure' deployments to the 16 sectors which are adjacent to the Mothership crash site. When an Alliance secures the Mothership, their Leader will gain access to grant positive and negative titles to any players in their region. This player will also be known as the 'Defender of New Earth' These titles will be shown on both of their player profiles and in the chat rooms. Players in other regions can now have their profiles viewed via an Info button on Facilities and Outposts, this significantly improves cross-server communication. Two new unit types have been added to the game, and will obtainable soon! Updated the wording on the Alliance Ranks panel to make it clearer. Updated colouring on several panels to correctly show NAP alliance tags in yellow. Various optimisations and Improvements. Bug Fixes Fixed a rare bug where territory tiles could display incorrectly. Fixed an issue where invite notification would allow you to view the alliance or decline the invitation before the alliance was loaded. Fixed a disconnect caused by looking up a disbanded alliance. Fixed an issue where rallies would always display as friendly color on the map. Fixed an issue where the message that said you cannot create rallies would be hidden behind the window. Fixed an issue where nuclear missile silos would display the data for the current player's region in other regions. Fixed an issue where tooltips could overlay panels when applying boosts to deployments. Fixed an issue where dropship level would report incorrectly when changing specialisation. Fixed an issue where the rally troop information panel would not update while having it open. The Camera now clamps to the actual world bounds in the world map. ~The New Earth Team Hunted Cow Studios Well-Known Member Mar 7, 2012 328 0 16 Company Director https://www.huntedcow.com #9 Hunted Cow Studios, Aug 17, 2017 Operation : New Earth turns 1 year old today! It's been an great year with over 25 updates since launch, in addition to bringing the game to 2 new platforms. Game Update 1.73 is due out next week, and we hope you are all excited about year 2! Thanks to all 237,907 of you! We'll see you on the battlefield! Hunted Cow Studios Well-Known Member Mar 7, 2012 328 0 16 Company Director https://www.huntedcow.com #10 Hunted Cow Studios, Nov 3, 2017 Game Update 1.8 is now live, join us in game for new challenges and events! The battle for New Earth is really heating up! Features Added main missions for building the Shard Reactor. Steam players can now correctly receive the Shards from their Shard Reactors. Nuclear Silos and Motherships now always correctly update in real-time. Multiple daily events can now be run simultaneously. Starting the weekend of the 4th of November we'll be running new flash events as well as the normal daily events you are used to. We're looking forward to player feedback on this. Daily events are also being renamed to Challenges. This is to distinguish them from the weekend events we run several times a month. Bugs Fixed an issue where some players were not receiving rewards from video missions. Fixed the colouring of player names on the world map. Updated the Upgrade Outpost panel to make it more intuitive to use. Fixed colour errors in the video mission icons. Fixed an issue with Missile Silos which, if watched, were repopulating incorrectly. Empty tiles around the mothership and silos now correctly identify as empty tiles. Fixed an issue where clicking a deployment in the hangar would display a time if the deployment was securing, it now shows the infinity symbol. Fixed an issue where potentially the deployment boost panel could stay open even if the deployment could not be boosted. ~The New Earth Team Hunted Cow Studios Well-Known Member Mar 7, 2012 328 0 16 Company Director https://www.huntedcow.com #11 Hunted Cow Studios, Jan 29, 2018 Game Update 1.9 is now live, players with a level 8 Command Post can build the 'Hero Armory' and gain access to all new Hero Equipment and a new skill tree! Patch Notes Heroes now have access to a new Invader Skill tree. Heroes now have an 'Energy' value which is used when attacking Invader enemies on the map. Heroes will regain their energy over time or via using Stim-Packs. Defeating these Invaders awards a new chest which can contain items used for crafting. At the 'Hero Armory' players can now craft equipment for the following slots: Helmets, Chests, Boots and Weapons. Armored Alien Bugs ranging from level 1 to 5 have been spotted across all regions. Player profiles now show the total number of PvP units that the player has killed. We hope you all enjoy this latest game update and as always we'd love to hear your feedback on the new features. ~ The New Earth Team Hunted Cow Studios Well-Known Member Mar 7, 2012 328 0 16 Company Director https://www.huntedcow.com #12 Hunted Cow Studios, Sep 19, 2019 Game Update 4.0 The Command Post, Hero Armory and Medical Bay have had their maximum level increased to 25. Added 3 new craftable items: Infused Machinist Treads Infused Defender's Visor Infused Nitrosuit Added 9 new objectives for the Command Post, Hero Armory and Medical Bay. Added a new event type ‘UFO Invasion’ defeat new Flying Saucer invaders to earn and craft the most powerful hero equipment. Alien Hives have started appearing across the map, occupied by powerful Alien Masterminds these will be a challenge for even tier 5 units. New Supply Drop is now available free every 6 hours. ~ The New Earth Team Hunted Cow Studios Well-Known Member Mar 7, 2012 328 0 16 Company Director https://www.huntedcow.com #13 Hunted Cow Studios, Sep 22, 2021 Game Update 10.0 3 new training structures have been added to the game, and as such 3 new construction plots are now available on the Facility map. The new structures are: The Robotics Bay will allow construction of Mech units of tiers 4 and 5 and our first Mech Aircraft, the Orbital Interceptor. The Experimentation Chamber will allow construction of Prototype units of tiers 4 and 5 as well as the all-new Tactical Ballistic Launcher. The Alien Genetics Lab will allow construction of Alien units of tiers 4 and 5, and joining the ranks of the Alien forces is the Renegade Alien Hunter. In addition to the new training capabilities, each of these new structures will come with an inherent defensives bonus to their relevant unit type! To train the three NEW Tier 5 units, players will be required to complete new specialized research and upgrade each of the relevant new structures to the maximum level. Finally, a new component "Specialized Circuitry" has been added to the drop tables of both the Level 9 UFOs and Plasma Striders. We look forward to hearing your feedback and stay tuned for future updates! ~The Operation: New Earth Team! (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
We've posted up the top 9 tips for getting started in the game on the forum here: https://forums.huntedcow.com/index.php?showtopic=74478 Let us know what you think once you give the game a try!
Version 1.02 is now live and features the following game improvements : · Hero HUD now supports an overlay to indicate if the Hero is currently dead or captured · New critical health panel appears if Facility health drops below 20% · New Alliance Caches are now awarded for defeating Aliens rank 5 and higher · Silver Caches for Event Rewards are replaced with a new Alliance Event Cache · Region Name now visible in Settings and in World Map · Animation has been added for when Facilities are damaged or teleported · Chat UI is now all interactive and easily brings up the player's profile panel · Allied Outpost UI now shows troop capacity and total stationed · Fixed a crash that repeatedly could happen on the World map. · Various bug and translation fixes
Game Update 1.3 is now live! Features Region changing implemented. Players can now view the Region Map from the button at the bottom of the world map. Players below level 5 have been granted a Relocate Facility (Below Level 5) item which they can use to Relocate into any region. Players with the Relocate Facility item can teleport to any region that isnt displayed as Closed. All players in Omega 1 have been granted the 'Relocate Facility' item. Engineering Outposts panel now shows the hourly neutronium production including bonuses. Toasts now show when an ally makes an outpost and when an ally's outpost is upgraded Instant training troops now shows a toast where before it required user input to remove the notification panel. Teleport notification has been added to the Alliance Log. Added some additional tutorial panels for low level players. Attack Reports (which let you know if youve been attacked while offline) now also use the players last logout time to determine if an attack happened offline, rather than only relying on the read state of the notification Updated validation for player rename, alliance rename and alliance creation to be more descriptive when certain names and tags are unavailable. Notably now provides information about whether names/tags are duplicates and whether they were rejected by the profanity filter. Added option for Officer or higher Alliance ranks to send a message also as a Push Alert. Sending as an Alert requires confirmation. Player Profiles viewed from the World Map have been updated to include a link to an Expanded Profile View. This version shows more extensive stats and information about each player. We'll be rolling this change out across every instance where the Player Profile can be accessed in the next update. A new Alien Mothership can be found at 233,278. It seems dormant...for now. Bugs Updated the alliance kick panel so the kick button is disabled after being pressed the first time Fixed the remaining Hero XP was showing a negative value when hero was at max level in the Add Hero XP panel. Fixed occasional crash when closing a notification panel. Fixed a small memory leak with notification pop-up panels. Fixed an issue with Alliance Rename panel. Fixed a bug where the Shield item didn't work if youve never visited the world map. Fixed a issue where player's weren't always warned they might be cancelling their shield. Fixed bug where structure allowances could become incorrect. Player teleport popup should now work as intended. Collapsed chat should now correctly scroll to the bottom automatically on startup, minimizing expanded chat or receiving a new message. Localization Fixed some font sizes in the Alliance Settings Menu text for German. Speed Up text on research panels now fits correctly in all languages. Dropship stats now fit correctly in all languages. Localisation applied in some missing places. Fixed some bad grammer in French and Spanish. Updated the text field height in the Global Network for food to stop the text getting cut off.
Game Update 1.4 Patch Notes Nuclear Silos will now become active on the World Map. Alliances can capture these Silos by deploying troops to ‘Secure’ them. Once secured, the controlling Alliance will have 24 hours to launch a missile strike against targets in their current region. A new button will show on the world map if any Nuclear silos are currently active. Added an extra info button on the deployment panel to explain the different types of attack march. The buffs button on the HUD now also displays how many active buffs the player has, a new buff indicator has been added for when a shield is active. Players now have a button to send more dropships to the same target as an initial deployment. (Redeploy) Medical bays now show the request help button in the correct color & position and the button hides in the correct situations. Medical bay now shows the capacity on the healing panel at all times. Medical Bays have had their capacities increased by an additional 20%. Lowered the required experience points required for gaining Alliance Cache Levels, as a result some Alliances may notice an increase in their current Cache Level. Player can now be notified when daily missions, alliance missions and alien UFOs are ready for collection via push notifications. A panel has been added to the facility overview to show various values relating to city capacities. The missions notifications panel in the HUD now displays up to 99 uncollected missions. The missions icon on the HUD now separates notifications for Main Missions and Daily & Alliance Missions. Higher tier units that die in combat will now go to the medical bay first. Mission panels redesigned to allow easier boosting of mission. The bookmarks panel has been split into two tabs - your facilities and your actual bookmarks Alliance leaders can now leave bulletins for their allies to read later. (These can only be read by members of the Alliance.) Players can now see potential rewards available from engaging alien sectors. Rewards gained from collecting timed UFO’s have been increased based on the player’s current Headquarters Level. Drone cooldown and mission timers are now visible in the timer and extended timer panels on the HUD. When gathering deployments are returning home, the deployment panel now shows what resource and how much they’re bringing. The expanded timer panel now starts to scroll at 6 items instead of 8, meaning it’s less likely to overlap with elements of the game. Added a checkbox that lets you choose whether or not to follow a new deployment. Bugs Fixed an issue where after sending a deployment the game could spin endlessly on the deployment panel. Fixed a missing sound effect on the deployment increase capacity panel. Fixed an issue where the extended timer panel could get left in an incorrect state when switching to the various views. Fixed a bug where heroes could incorrectly be released twice. When stationed troops are dismissed from the city, the dismiss button is disabled and does not allow players to tap it multiple times. (which would cause a desync) If stationed troops are dismissed and return while their owner is online - they are now added to the facilities units when they arrive. Fixed bug where missions could cause a desync when instant completing them in a specific order. Fixed bug where instant completing missions could show invalid numbers on the button. Players can now no longer send reinforcements until they have a security station. Fixed an issue where explosions did not show for other players in the world. Various fixes and improvements to translated chat display. Fixed various chat issues. Fixed bug where unit production timers would extend when the buff from operations expired. Having the buff active at the start of production is now all that is required to boost production for its duration. Fixed a bug where stationed units could go incorrectly to the medical bay if the player is online when receiving them. Fixed a bug where hostile marches were not correctly returned when using a shield. Fixed an issue where an incorrect claim button was shown in challenges if the player joined the alliance after the event completed. Fixed a bug where contest marches would not return if they complete while the user is online. Fixed a bug where instant training of units could cause a disconnect. Fixed a bug where facilities showed the damaged effect when they are no longer damaged. Updated the UI to respond better to situations where new alliances may not be loaded but the panel is still showing the information from the last alliance that was viewed. The Hero Avatar Preview panel now correctly dims the panels behind it. Fixed a bug where the selection would sometimes offer you buttons on a different march that is returning from that tile. Fixed news image getting cut off at the bottom in the news panel. ~The Operation: New Earth Team
Game Update 1.5 - Rallies Patch Notes Cross platform play is now available with the Steam, iOS and Android. A new interior structure has been added, the Situation Room, this structure will allow Alliance members of rank Officer and above to create Rallies. Players will require a level 10 Headquarters in order to build the Situation room. Rallies are deployments that can up to 2.5 million in units in size, and can contain the troops of multiple alliance members, the creator of the Rally will specify a briefing period, in which Alliance members have time to donate troops before the Rally is deployed. When joining the Rally, your troops will deploy to the main Facility of the Rally owner and join into a Rally deployment. This deployment cannot be attacked by other players. As many alliance members can donate as needed in order to reach the rally capacity, however each Alliance member may only donate once. Alliance have a limit of 10 concurrent rallies, regardless of stage. Rallies travel at a speed of 3 regardless of troop composition and cannot use fuel boosts. Destroy attacks on Facilities no longer prevent defenses being salvaged. The amount of defenses the Defensive Salvaging research salvaged in combat has been increased for levels 1 through 9 for each skill I, II, III and IV. You can now share combat-related notifications with your alliance. Selecting territory sectors in the world now displays an Alliance name when possible. Bugs Fixed an issue where heroes experience loss from dying was higher than expected in some cases. Fixed an issue when clicking to view Nuclear Strikes the panel wouldnt always close correctly. Fixed an issue with units being sorted differently each time a troop deployment panel was opened. Fixed a bug where the text for the deploy options would be blank. Fixed language format exception in every language file when alliance help was completed. Fixed a bug where the level of the enemy hero sometimes wouldnt be displayed on a scouting report. Captured heroes displayed in a players extended profile now correctly display their rank. Fixed an issue where the world map tutorial would display even if you had already visited the world map. Fixed bug where requesting help was not boosting the time correctly for the production queue at times. Fixed a bug where some deployments would stay on the deployment screen until you closed the window even if they already completed. Fixed a bug where boosting or requesting heal on healing units could cause a disconnect. Fixed a bug where the client would be able to add hero XP to the hero even if the hero is dead, resulting in an incorrect event score displayed to the player. We hope you are all as excited as we are about this update! Thanks for supporting the game and we'd love to hear any feedback you may have after the game update goes live! ~The Operation New Earth Team
Game Update 1.6 - Shelter and Pacts New Features! Alliances can now create Non-Aggression Pacts with each other, after doing so their bases, territory and dropships will now appear in a yellow color to indicate the pact. A new structure, the Bunker has now been added to the game.This structure allows you to hide troops from enemy attacks. The Bunker can be built upon reaching Headquarters level 5. Medical Bay now shows a timer in the city view when troops are being healed. When viewing a report of enemy locations, the enemy units displayed can now be tapped to show more information; such as damage, defense and health. Updated the frequency recommended missions appear, as well as improving context by having them display if they can be sped up or completed for free. Rallies can now be instantly deployed at level 8 Situation Room, down from level 22. High-level Situation Rooms will now increase the Rally speed. Alliance Veterans can now also create Rallies. Scan range has been increased by 5 sectors for every level of Satellite Uplink. Battle Reports will now detail the type of the attack in the Victory or Defeat header. Deployments on the map will now have indicators which show if they belong to you or an Alliance member. Player profiles are now standardised across the game. The Hero Level Up panel now has an Assign Points button, taking the player to the panel to assign their hero's new points Bugs Hostile Containment now correctly opens an extended info panel. Tax Rates are now consistent throughout the game. The VIP panel add time button now correctly indicates if you will activate VIP (where its currently inactive) or if you will add more time (where it is already active). The structure icons on the Headquarters upgrade screen no longer overlap. Fixed an issue where the alliance assist panel was appearing incorrectly on the region overview. Fixed a bug where the events window would not bring up the player or alliance information window. Fixed a bug where the event's leaderboard history would miss out some positions on the full list. Fixed a bug where you would get a message saying your facility has teleported when your outpost was destroyed. Fixed a bug where events would be able to be collected after relocating when they are not available. Fixed an issue where spinners on the rally icon on the world map and the rally creation panel had stopped spinning. Fixed a bug where territory tiles might not update and display correctly Fixed a bug where units could incorrectly end up in the Medical Bay. Fixed a bug where healing units would incorrectly contribute towards power gain event. Fixed a bug where speeding up healing units to completion from the medical bay window would not refresh the window contents. Fixed a bug where completing the research from the speed up panel would mean the research tutorial broke. Fixed an issue where your dropship counter on the hud would be off in some situations. Fixed an issue where the world zoom did not reset when switching to the world. Fixed an issue where your hero would not go to the Medical Bay on the client if he died and there were no other units present. Fixed a bug where demolishing an outpost while being online would not result in your power dropping. Fixed a bug where the hero and headquarters level up window would not animate if another window was shown immediately after. We're looking forward to hearing your feedback on our latest update, and as always more updates are already in the works! ~The New Earth Team
Game Update 1.7 - The Mothership Awakens! Game Update 1.7 - The Mothership Awakens is now live! Join the battle for the New Earth as Alien Motherships awaken in every region! Use your Bookmark panel to locate the Mothership on the World Map! Patch Notes An Alien Mothership has been available to capture in every region. This can be found by accessing your bookmarks panel. Alliances can enter capture points by sending 'Secure' deployments to the 16 sectors which are adjacent to the Mothership crash site. When an Alliance secures the Mothership, their Leader will gain access to grant positive and negative titles to any players in their region. This player will also be known as the 'Defender of New Earth' These titles will be shown on both of their player profiles and in the chat rooms. Players in other regions can now have their profiles viewed via an Info button on Facilities and Outposts, this significantly improves cross-server communication. Two new unit types have been added to the game, and will obtainable soon! Updated the wording on the Alliance Ranks panel to make it clearer. Updated colouring on several panels to correctly show NAP alliance tags in yellow. Various optimisations and Improvements. Bug Fixes Fixed a rare bug where territory tiles could display incorrectly. Fixed an issue where invite notification would allow you to view the alliance or decline the invitation before the alliance was loaded. Fixed a disconnect caused by looking up a disbanded alliance. Fixed an issue where rallies would always display as friendly color on the map. Fixed an issue where the message that said you cannot create rallies would be hidden behind the window. Fixed an issue where nuclear missile silos would display the data for the current player's region in other regions. Fixed an issue where tooltips could overlay panels when applying boosts to deployments. Fixed an issue where dropship level would report incorrectly when changing specialisation. Fixed an issue where the rally troop information panel would not update while having it open. The Camera now clamps to the actual world bounds in the world map. ~The New Earth Team
Operation : New Earth turns 1 year old today! It's been an great year with over 25 updates since launch, in addition to bringing the game to 2 new platforms. Game Update 1.73 is due out next week, and we hope you are all excited about year 2! Thanks to all 237,907 of you! We'll see you on the battlefield!
Game Update 1.8 is now live, join us in game for new challenges and events! The battle for New Earth is really heating up! Features Added main missions for building the Shard Reactor. Steam players can now correctly receive the Shards from their Shard Reactors. Nuclear Silos and Motherships now always correctly update in real-time. Multiple daily events can now be run simultaneously. Starting the weekend of the 4th of November we'll be running new flash events as well as the normal daily events you are used to. We're looking forward to player feedback on this. Daily events are also being renamed to Challenges. This is to distinguish them from the weekend events we run several times a month. Bugs Fixed an issue where some players were not receiving rewards from video missions. Fixed the colouring of player names on the world map. Updated the Upgrade Outpost panel to make it more intuitive to use. Fixed colour errors in the video mission icons. Fixed an issue with Missile Silos which, if watched, were repopulating incorrectly. Empty tiles around the mothership and silos now correctly identify as empty tiles. Fixed an issue where clicking a deployment in the hangar would display a time if the deployment was securing, it now shows the infinity symbol. Fixed an issue where potentially the deployment boost panel could stay open even if the deployment could not be boosted. ~The New Earth Team
Game Update 1.9 is now live, players with a level 8 Command Post can build the 'Hero Armory' and gain access to all new Hero Equipment and a new skill tree! Patch Notes Heroes now have access to a new Invader Skill tree. Heroes now have an 'Energy' value which is used when attacking Invader enemies on the map. Heroes will regain their energy over time or via using Stim-Packs. Defeating these Invaders awards a new chest which can contain items used for crafting. At the 'Hero Armory' players can now craft equipment for the following slots: Helmets, Chests, Boots and Weapons. Armored Alien Bugs ranging from level 1 to 5 have been spotted across all regions. Player profiles now show the total number of PvP units that the player has killed. We hope you all enjoy this latest game update and as always we'd love to hear your feedback on the new features. ~ The New Earth Team
Game Update 4.0 The Command Post, Hero Armory and Medical Bay have had their maximum level increased to 25. Added 3 new craftable items: Infused Machinist Treads Infused Defender's Visor Infused Nitrosuit Added 9 new objectives for the Command Post, Hero Armory and Medical Bay. Added a new event type ‘UFO Invasion’ defeat new Flying Saucer invaders to earn and craft the most powerful hero equipment. Alien Hives have started appearing across the map, occupied by powerful Alien Masterminds these will be a challenge for even tier 5 units. New Supply Drop is now available free every 6 hours. ~ The New Earth Team
Game Update 10.0 3 new training structures have been added to the game, and as such 3 new construction plots are now available on the Facility map. The new structures are: The Robotics Bay will allow construction of Mech units of tiers 4 and 5 and our first Mech Aircraft, the Orbital Interceptor. The Experimentation Chamber will allow construction of Prototype units of tiers 4 and 5 as well as the all-new Tactical Ballistic Launcher. The Alien Genetics Lab will allow construction of Alien units of tiers 4 and 5, and joining the ranks of the Alien forces is the Renegade Alien Hunter. In addition to the new training capabilities, each of these new structures will come with an inherent defensives bonus to their relevant unit type! To train the three NEW Tier 5 units, players will be required to complete new specialized research and upgrade each of the relevant new structures to the maximum level. Finally, a new component "Specialized Circuitry" has been added to the drop tables of both the Level 9 UFOs and Plasma Striders. We look forward to hearing your feedback and stay tuned for future updates! ~The Operation: New Earth Team!