The Walking Dead: Michonne Howyaknow, LLC The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries is a three episode event (all episodes available now!) and stars the … TouchArcade Rating: Free Buy Now Watch Media DetailsThe Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale Miniseries is a three episode event (all episodes available now!) and stars the iconic, blade-wielding character from Robert Kirkman's best-selling comic books. Haunted by her past, and coping with unimaginable loss and regret, the story explores Michonne's absence between issues #126 and #139 of the comic book. In this three part miniseries, players will discover what took Michonne away from Rick, Ezekiel, and the rest of her trusted group… and what brought her back. ***NOTE: Requires iPhone 5 and up, and iPad 3 and up - also requires iOS 7.1 and up*** ***Save 20% on additional episodes in The Walking Dead: Michonne by purchasing the Multi-Pack [Episodes 2-3 bundle, available now] via in-app in the 'Episodes' menu*** Information Seller:Howyaknow, LLC Genre:Adventure Release:Feb 24, 2016 Updated:Nov 20, 2023 Version:1.2 Size:834.1 MB TouchArcade Rating: User Rating: (6) Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal redribbon Well-Known Member Jun 11, 2010 2,799 53 48 entepreanur,programmer #2 redribbon, Feb 24, 2016 nice, been waiting for this. thanks for the heads up metalman metalcasket Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze May 24, 2010 11,065 1,342 113 Deepest Circle, Hel #3 metalcasket, Feb 24, 2016 Oh man, me too man. Me ****ing too! redribbon Well-Known Member Jun 11, 2010 2,799 53 48 entepreanur,programmer #4 redribbon, Feb 24, 2016 noo, they took out all the dynamic lighting even on the 6s plus . damn why would they do that. latest idevice wont even sweat to run this game on full res with all the fancy things on. great new story and gameplay though, even i only play for a while, i already drown into the story. great game as always, telltale. metalcasket Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze May 24, 2010 11,065 1,342 113 Deepest Circle, Hel #5 metalcasket, Feb 24, 2016 I've honestly never minded the fact that Telltale dumb down the graphics for mobile, especially since their apps are now becoming quite massive...but I've always felt like these games fit mobile better, so it's a small price to pay I guess. lainsxp Well-Known Member May 26, 2014 100 0 16 #6 lainsxp, Feb 24, 2016 Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2016 downloading now (germany) mzinn Well-Known Member Jan 5, 2014 770 0 16 #7 mzinn, Feb 25, 2016 Oh Yeah! Guess I won't be going anywhere this weekend rezn Well-Known Member Patreon Silver Mar 8, 2014 862 6 18 Male Coder/Keyer in medical ICD 10 Reno, NV #8 rezn, Feb 25, 2016 This is what I've been waiting for. It was tough not to mash the buy button on Steam before iOS showed up. But really I may have to get this on Steam or Xbox One as well. Looks nearly flawless. kowalos Member Oct 16, 2014 16 0 0 #9 kowalos, Feb 25, 2016 Wd2, twau , tftb , got and now wd3. Scratching my head over this . I understand that those effects affecting performance and probably battery a bit , but they could give us option to turn it on/off at least for a8x-a9 devices. I love their games but compare wd2 or twau before they cut out dl and shadows. Always enjoyed graphical evolution of ios games thanks to new hardware every year but in this case those games look worst now than they did on older devices before ios 9 showed up. Don't get me wrong , I'm still gunna buy it for ios but we apparently getting close to console quality graphics on mobile. So why it looks like we going backwards in this case? I know most people don't care and wouldn't notice and gameplay is not affected by it but immersion is a little bit.Anyways enjoy it guys , only 3 chapters this time ! Alexythimia23 Well-Known Member Dec 26, 2012 576 0 0 #10 Alexythimia23, Feb 25, 2016 100% agree if a big publisher like this can cater for the powerfuller devices, who will. It wont stop me from buying the game but its defo a dissapointment considering were supposed to be catching up with consoles lol im sure we will get there but its gonna take a long time judging by these trends? Limelight Well-Known Member Jun 14, 2014 250 0 16 To save my city. localhost #11 Limelight, Feb 26, 2016 Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Another great game by telltale. I already finished the other walking dead game and it was great. Well, I am excited to finish this new game again. The first few minutes was interesting and really have different environment I'm loving it. Its worth the $$$ BeefJerky Well-Known Member Jun 4, 2009 392 1 0 #12 BeefJerky, Feb 28, 2016 Well, I finished the first chapter. Some excellent zombie moments and I'm glad they haven't completely forgotten to make the zombies a threat (the comics have kind of lost that). The setting is excellent and I hope we get to see more of the surrounding areas in the next two chapters. But there isn't much to this chapter and it reminded me of some bits in mid season 2, like I had played this before. I went ahead and bought the next two chapters so I'm looking forward to playing them and hoping for good things but the first chapter didn't quite grab me like I hoped it would. sobriquet Well-Known Member Patreon Bronze Jul 30, 2015 1,216 1 38 #13 sobriquet, Feb 28, 2016 Has anyone pulled the trigger in the beginning? What a strange decision to give you. Anyway, just wondering what happens if you do it. Norman3 New Member Jan 12, 2015 1 0 0 #14 Norman3, Feb 28, 2016 You go immediately to the end game screen that reads "You win". Spoiler Pete grabs the gun and saves you. Your suicide attempt is mentionded now and then in the upcoming dialouge. [END SPOILER] sobriquet Well-Known Member Patreon Bronze Jul 30, 2015 1,216 1 38 #15 sobriquet, Feb 28, 2016 Spoiler Thanks for the info. I thought it might have been an endgame situation that forced a restart. I think one of the Silent Hill games did something like that. Anyway I didn't want to take a chance and end up playing from the beginning for the third time. I'm also I'm trying to make decisions based on what I think the comic book Michonne would do. WWMD. I don't think she would pull the trigger, so I didn't. geniusx Well-Known Member Mar 20, 2016 263 0 16 #16 geniusx, Mar 20, 2016 great game,when can we expect next episode? metalcasket Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze May 24, 2010 11,065 1,342 113 Deepest Circle, Hel #17 metalcasket, Mar 20, 2016 29th of this month. geniusx Well-Known Member Mar 20, 2016 263 0 16 #18 geniusx, Mar 20, 2016 wow,great news,thanks! dannyswfc New Member Aug 24, 2012 1 0 0 #19 dannyswfc, Mar 29, 2016 Last edited: Mar 29, 2016's officially OUT NOW! Hit download! ### >>>>problems downloading for some reason after purchase Sorry metalcasket Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze May 24, 2010 11,065 1,342 113 Deepest Circle, Hel #20 metalcasket, Mar 31, 2016 Episode 2 was excellent. Short, straight to the point, gut-wrenching decision after the next. You just feel the whole thing has major consequences. Can't wait for episode 3 to come. 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noo, they took out all the dynamic lighting even on the 6s plus . damn why would they do that. latest idevice wont even sweat to run this game on full res with all the fancy things on. great new story and gameplay though, even i only play for a while, i already drown into the story. great game as always, telltale.
I've honestly never minded the fact that Telltale dumb down the graphics for mobile, especially since their apps are now becoming quite massive...but I've always felt like these games fit mobile better, so it's a small price to pay I guess.
This is what I've been waiting for. It was tough not to mash the buy button on Steam before iOS showed up. But really I may have to get this on Steam or Xbox One as well. Looks nearly flawless.
Wd2, twau , tftb , got and now wd3. Scratching my head over this . I understand that those effects affecting performance and probably battery a bit , but they could give us option to turn it on/off at least for a8x-a9 devices. I love their games but compare wd2 or twau before they cut out dl and shadows. Always enjoyed graphical evolution of ios games thanks to new hardware every year but in this case those games look worst now than they did on older devices before ios 9 showed up. Don't get me wrong , I'm still gunna buy it for ios but we apparently getting close to console quality graphics on mobile. So why it looks like we going backwards in this case? I know most people don't care and wouldn't notice and gameplay is not affected by it but immersion is a little bit.Anyways enjoy it guys , only 3 chapters this time !
100% agree if a big publisher like this can cater for the powerfuller devices, who will. It wont stop me from buying the game but its defo a dissapointment considering were supposed to be catching up with consoles lol im sure we will get there but its gonna take a long time judging by these trends?
Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Another great game by telltale. I already finished the other walking dead game and it was great. Well, I am excited to finish this new game again. The first few minutes was interesting and really have different environment I'm loving it. Its worth the $$$
Well, I finished the first chapter. Some excellent zombie moments and I'm glad they haven't completely forgotten to make the zombies a threat (the comics have kind of lost that). The setting is excellent and I hope we get to see more of the surrounding areas in the next two chapters. But there isn't much to this chapter and it reminded me of some bits in mid season 2, like I had played this before. I went ahead and bought the next two chapters so I'm looking forward to playing them and hoping for good things but the first chapter didn't quite grab me like I hoped it would.
Has anyone pulled the trigger in the beginning? What a strange decision to give you. Anyway, just wondering what happens if you do it.
You go immediately to the end game screen that reads "You win". Spoiler Pete grabs the gun and saves you. Your suicide attempt is mentionded now and then in the upcoming dialouge. [END SPOILER]
Spoiler Thanks for the info. I thought it might have been an endgame situation that forced a restart. I think one of the Silent Hill games did something like that. Anyway I didn't want to take a chance and end up playing from the beginning for the third time. I'm also I'm trying to make decisions based on what I think the comic book Michonne would do. WWMD. I don't think she would pull the trigger, so I didn't.'s officially OUT NOW! Hit download! ### >>>>problems downloading for some reason after purchase Sorry
Episode 2 was excellent. Short, straight to the point, gut-wrenching decision after the next. You just feel the whole thing has major consequences. Can't wait for episode 3 to come.