Finally! We're so proud to present our newest game to you... Stickman Battlefields Djinnworks GmbH Experience ultra realistic and action packed arcade battlefield atmosphere in this awesome tactical arcade shooter. Equi… Free Buy Now Watch Media DetailsExperience ultra realistic and action packed arcade battlefield atmosphere in this awesome tactical arcade shooter. Equip your favorite weapons, explosives and gadgets and battle through the single player campaign or take part in the realtime synchronous multiplayer online mode where you can even board vehicles, tanks or attack helicopters to battle your online enemy players. Play in highly dynamic landscapes, ranging from snowy mountains, beautiful beaches to windy forests. Destroy trees, blow out all the windows of buildings or use your tank to trample down everything right before you parachute behind the enemies lines. FEATURES: - Ultra realistic and action packed arcade battlefield atmosphere - Single player campaign with more than 100 missions - Realtime synchronous multiplayer mode - Bootcamp missions - Various different locations (Beach, Forest, Mountain, Snow, Rain, etc…) - Various weapons (M16, M32, Shotgun, M2010 Sniper Rifle, AT4 Rocket launcher, etc…) - Various explosives (Grenades, RGOs, etc…) - Various gadgets and equipments. (Parachute, Laser Sight, Camouflage, etc…) - Various vehicles you can control (Tanks, Humvees, Apaches, etc…) - Weather system (Rain, Snow, Wind, etc…) - Tons of upgradeable items and weapons - Integrated leaderboard and achievements to unlock Take a look at the Stickman Battlefields Trailer : Feel free to post your ideas, we will try to implement them as soon as possible Thank you very much for all your support and interest in our games! We would love to hear your suggestions! Information Seller:Djinnworks GmbH Genre:Action, Arcade Release:Sep 18, 2015 Updated:Oct 13, 2016 Version:2.0.0 Size:314.7 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating: (4) Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel An update with tons of new stuff is already finished! LordShad0wz Well-Known Member Nov 19, 2014 4,280 1 38 #2 LordShad0wz, Sep 18, 2015 Has anyone completed the tutorial in campaign? I'm stuck and can't proceed. I think it's bugged. It's after you choose what control scheme you wish. It tells you to follow the terrain. You come to a large building with 2 trees and 3 barrels in the building. There's a rock in the way that prevents you for going forward. You cannot jump over it. I don't know what I'm missing or if it's bugged. Billy Grimstone82 Well-Known Member Jan 3, 2011 594 0 0 Northbrook, IL #3 Grimstone82, Sep 18, 2015 I've only played a couple levels but so far so good, I'm liking it! Climb the ladder and jump from the roof of the building. robertsze Well-Known Member Patreon Top Tier Oct 20, 2009 531 30 28 #4 robertsze, Sep 19, 2015 We just submitted an update for Stickman Battlefields with following changes and improvements: - New weapon "Flashbang" - New weapon "M320 Grenade launcher" - New weapon "AT Mine", Anti Tank Mine - New weapon "PP2000" - New item "Body Armor" - New 8 player multiplayer map "Operation Siberia" - Two new single player misions - New option to configure control sensitivity - Option to swap controls (run left, fire right) - Correctly save options - Display information like weapon configuration about killing player - Updated Tank sounds - Respawn idle Vehicles after 3 minutes when not boarded - Added new option to get free stuff by watching videos - Various fixes to Humvee - Fixed Apache sometimes not boardable - Balanced all items and lowered prices - Added Tips of the Day to loading screen - Fixed Parachute appearance button - Correctly account weapon accuracy (was 100% before) - Lowered various prices - Respawn idle Vehicles after 3 minutes when not boarded - Fixed headshot detection - New multiplayer kill message format - Fixed possible crash after getting Become a Pro - Fixed issue where vehicles "beamed" around in multiplayer maps - Greatly reduced required memory size - Reward Killstreaks now - Tons of fixes NOEN Well-Known Member Jul 31, 2012 3,245 0 0 U.S. #5 NOEN, Sep 19, 2015 Last edited: Sep 20, 2015 Oh wow! This looks good! UPDATE: Ok, so far the game has been pretty damn fun. The controls are a little awkward, but it looks like they will be fixed in the next update. Money is a little tough to get, but that's pretty normal in a F2P game. So far tho, I'm really liking it! I tend to like just about every game released in the Stickman series. Definitely worth a try. Degney Member Sep 20, 2015 24 1 1 #6 Degney, Sep 20, 2015 Last edited: Sep 20, 2015 I love this game a lot, I'm number 1 in the world on multiplayer kills and thanks for updating. Keep them coming! Oh also the new map and flashbang are not there for me but everything else is..? PLEASE BRING UPDATE TO UK!! NOEN Well-Known Member Jul 31, 2012 3,245 0 0 U.S. #7 NOEN, Sep 21, 2015 I'm struggling with this game a little. It's definitely fun, but I'm at Rank 5 and all available missions are Rank 6 and above, so I been to replay older missions to rank up. Only problem is that you only get 100 or so xp per mission, so it takes forever to rank up. Especially with an energy system. I tried multiplayer a few times, but as soon as I get into a match, I'm usually picked off pretty quick because everybody is rolling in tanks and aircraft. It just would be nice to have a few extra missions to grind xp or cash. Right now I'm playing the same 2 or 3 missions over and over just to get to Rank 6. Hopefully once I get there, I won't have to do it all over again to get to Rank 7, 8, ect. All in all, it's still a nice game. It just needs a few tweaks here and there. I can see this game being pretty big once everything gets worked out and balanced. Degney Member Sep 20, 2015 24 1 1 #8 Degney, Sep 21, 2015 Why is the update not in uk..? Iv played a lot I'm number 1 in the world for multiplayer kills and no update but it's out .. LordShad0wz Well-Known Member Nov 19, 2014 4,280 1 38 #9 LordShad0wz, Sep 21, 2015 Hi, I cannot find anywhere to pay to get rid of the terrible and experience ruining energy system. I want to enjoy te game but I cannot support any game that doesn't allow me to pay to get rid of it. Also I won't make any purchases in a game where it has energy. Please tell me where the option is? I only see a way to remove the ads. But what's the point of that if you have energy and cannot play a game you've spent money on. Billy robertsze Well-Known Member Patreon Top Tier Oct 20, 2009 531 30 28 #10 robertsze, Sep 21, 2015 We are still balancing the game heavily. The current live iOS version is "rather old" compared to the Android version which got a lot of balance updates already. The iOS update should be available soon. Anyway, we are still releasing new version with new stuff added, bugs fixed and balancing changed on Android every few days. Because of the review process from Apple we try to release on iOS every week. Congrats, you kill/death ratio must be awesome Unfortunately the update its still in review by Apple but should be available soon. We don't have this option yet but we will definitely add it to the next version. Thanks for the hint. NOEN Well-Known Member Jul 31, 2012 3,245 0 0 U.S. #11 NOEN, Sep 21, 2015 I don't think there is one. I looked for it too. Just currency and ad removal. Maybe in an update? Hopefully?? I'm still really liking the game. I'm looking forward to the update with controls swap. I'm still grinding along and getting my ass handed to me in multiplayer. robertsze Well-Known Member Patreon Top Tier Oct 20, 2009 531 30 28 #12 robertsze, Sep 21, 2015 Yes, we will add an option for this in the coming update! LordShad0wz Well-Known Member Nov 19, 2014 4,280 1 38 #13 LordShad0wz, Sep 21, 2015 Amen reverend. I will absolutely buy this and the ad removal. Btw I figured out why I couldn't proceed. All I had to do was crouch lol ! When I figured it out I felt so stupid. Billy NOEN Well-Known Member Jul 31, 2012 3,245 0 0 U.S. #14 NOEN, Sep 22, 2015 Haha. Don't feel bad. I had the same problem in the beginning. I restarted the game twice before I figured it out. Spudboy Well-Known Member May 28, 2012 118 1 18 #15 Spudboy, Sep 22, 2015 Watched the video/commercial. Every time I see one of these with all the weapon choices I get turned off. Especially if it is free to play game. Miss playing games on my Amiga A1000 and a Wico Red Bat. robertsze Well-Known Member Patreon Top Tier Oct 20, 2009 531 30 28 #16 robertsze, Sep 22, 2015 The tutorial message, telling you you should press the crouch button, didn't it appear at this very location? NOEN Well-Known Member Jul 31, 2012 3,245 0 0 U.S. #17 NOEN, Sep 22, 2015 I swear the first time it didn't, but I could be wrong. I know the second time I played through it did. That's when I figured it out. I'm sure just a mistake on my part. robertsze Well-Known Member Patreon Top Tier Oct 20, 2009 531 30 28 #18 robertsze, Sep 22, 2015 Very interesting, we will check this with an intense test. Flaws in the first-time-user-experience are very critical... rIcHrAnDoM Well-Known Member Patreon Silver Nov 17, 2008 7,936 30 38 Steelworker/Welder Indiana, USA #19 rIcHrAnDoM, Sep 22, 2015 I had this same issue. When I just decided to completely restart the tutorial it worked properly. The first playthrough I tried everything at the edge of that building but to no avail. This IS a damn fine game regardless of that one glitch though. Brettedwards Well-Known Member Jun 20, 2015 75 0 0 #20 Brettedwards, Sep 22, 2015 I agree the controls are tough to get used to. The part where you shoot and control is not the best but least you get the choice to change that afterwards. Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel (You must log in or sign up to post here.) 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Has anyone completed the tutorial in campaign? I'm stuck and can't proceed. I think it's bugged. It's after you choose what control scheme you wish. It tells you to follow the terrain. You come to a large building with 2 trees and 3 barrels in the building. There's a rock in the way that prevents you for going forward. You cannot jump over it. I don't know what I'm missing or if it's bugged. Billy
I've only played a couple levels but so far so good, I'm liking it! Climb the ladder and jump from the roof of the building.
We just submitted an update for Stickman Battlefields with following changes and improvements: - New weapon "Flashbang" - New weapon "M320 Grenade launcher" - New weapon "AT Mine", Anti Tank Mine - New weapon "PP2000" - New item "Body Armor" - New 8 player multiplayer map "Operation Siberia" - Two new single player misions - New option to configure control sensitivity - Option to swap controls (run left, fire right) - Correctly save options - Display information like weapon configuration about killing player - Updated Tank sounds - Respawn idle Vehicles after 3 minutes when not boarded - Added new option to get free stuff by watching videos - Various fixes to Humvee - Fixed Apache sometimes not boardable - Balanced all items and lowered prices - Added Tips of the Day to loading screen - Fixed Parachute appearance button - Correctly account weapon accuracy (was 100% before) - Lowered various prices - Respawn idle Vehicles after 3 minutes when not boarded - Fixed headshot detection - New multiplayer kill message format - Fixed possible crash after getting Become a Pro - Fixed issue where vehicles "beamed" around in multiplayer maps - Greatly reduced required memory size - Reward Killstreaks now - Tons of fixes
Oh wow! This looks good! UPDATE: Ok, so far the game has been pretty damn fun. The controls are a little awkward, but it looks like they will be fixed in the next update. Money is a little tough to get, but that's pretty normal in a F2P game. So far tho, I'm really liking it! I tend to like just about every game released in the Stickman series. Definitely worth a try.
I love this game a lot, I'm number 1 in the world on multiplayer kills and thanks for updating. Keep them coming! Oh also the new map and flashbang are not there for me but everything else is..? PLEASE BRING UPDATE TO UK!!
I'm struggling with this game a little. It's definitely fun, but I'm at Rank 5 and all available missions are Rank 6 and above, so I been to replay older missions to rank up. Only problem is that you only get 100 or so xp per mission, so it takes forever to rank up. Especially with an energy system. I tried multiplayer a few times, but as soon as I get into a match, I'm usually picked off pretty quick because everybody is rolling in tanks and aircraft. It just would be nice to have a few extra missions to grind xp or cash. Right now I'm playing the same 2 or 3 missions over and over just to get to Rank 6. Hopefully once I get there, I won't have to do it all over again to get to Rank 7, 8, ect. All in all, it's still a nice game. It just needs a few tweaks here and there. I can see this game being pretty big once everything gets worked out and balanced.
Why is the update not in uk..? Iv played a lot I'm number 1 in the world for multiplayer kills and no update but it's out ..
Hi, I cannot find anywhere to pay to get rid of the terrible and experience ruining energy system. I want to enjoy te game but I cannot support any game that doesn't allow me to pay to get rid of it. Also I won't make any purchases in a game where it has energy. Please tell me where the option is? I only see a way to remove the ads. But what's the point of that if you have energy and cannot play a game you've spent money on. Billy
We are still balancing the game heavily. The current live iOS version is "rather old" compared to the Android version which got a lot of balance updates already. The iOS update should be available soon. Anyway, we are still releasing new version with new stuff added, bugs fixed and balancing changed on Android every few days. Because of the review process from Apple we try to release on iOS every week. Congrats, you kill/death ratio must be awesome Unfortunately the update its still in review by Apple but should be available soon. We don't have this option yet but we will definitely add it to the next version. Thanks for the hint.
I don't think there is one. I looked for it too. Just currency and ad removal. Maybe in an update? Hopefully?? I'm still really liking the game. I'm looking forward to the update with controls swap. I'm still grinding along and getting my ass handed to me in multiplayer.
Amen reverend. I will absolutely buy this and the ad removal. Btw I figured out why I couldn't proceed. All I had to do was crouch lol ! When I figured it out I felt so stupid. Billy
Haha. Don't feel bad. I had the same problem in the beginning. I restarted the game twice before I figured it out.
Watched the video/commercial. Every time I see one of these with all the weapon choices I get turned off. Especially if it is free to play game. Miss playing games on my Amiga A1000 and a Wico Red Bat.
The tutorial message, telling you you should press the crouch button, didn't it appear at this very location?
I swear the first time it didn't, but I could be wrong. I know the second time I played through it did. That's when I figured it out. I'm sure just a mistake on my part.
Very interesting, we will check this with an intense test. Flaws in the first-time-user-experience are very critical...
I had this same issue. When I just decided to completely restart the tutorial it worked properly. The first playthrough I tried everything at the edge of that building but to no avail. This IS a damn fine game regardless of that one glitch though.
I agree the controls are tough to get used to. The part where you shoot and control is not the best but least you get the choice to change that afterwards. Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel