Goat Simulator MMO Simulator Coffee Stain Publishing Coffee Stain Studios brings next-gen Goat MMO simulation to mobile devices. You no longer have to fantasize about being … $6.99 Buy Now Watch Media DetailsCoffee Stain Studios brings next-gen Goat MMO simulation to mobile devices. You no longer have to fantasize about being a simulated goat in a simulated MMO, your dreams have finally come true! Features * Five different classes: Warrior, Rouge, Magician, Hunter and Microwave * Complete dozens of quests, level up a hundred times and play five different classes that’s a ton of content you do the math * Level cap is 101, 1 level higher than you-know-what * There are even elves and dwarves like in that movie * Stay a while and listen to Dumblebore the Grey in Twistram Information Seller:Coffee Stain Publishing Genre:Adventure, Simulation Release:Sep 02, 2015 Updated:Mar 25, 2024 Version:2.0.8 Size:869.4 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating: (1) Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal rIcHrAnDoM Well-Known Member Patreon Silver Nov 17, 2008 7,936 30 38 Steelworker/Welder Indiana, USA #2 rIcHrAnDoM, Sep 3, 2015 Holy goat...oh no they di-unt!!! NOEN Well-Known Member Jul 31, 2012 3,245 0 0 U.S. #3 NOEN, Sep 3, 2015 Ok. I never got much into the original GS, but this looks interesting. I may bite. rIcHrAnDoM Well-Known Member Patreon Silver Nov 17, 2008 7,936 30 38 Steelworker/Welder Indiana, USA #4 rIcHrAnDoM, Sep 3, 2015 They had me at Goa.. But seriously downloading now. skylined87 Well-Known Member Nov 9, 2014 457 0 16 #5 skylined87, Sep 3, 2015 Holy crap, this was unexpected! rIcHrAnDoM Well-Known Member Patreon Silver Nov 17, 2008 7,936 30 38 Steelworker/Welder Indiana, USA #6 rIcHrAnDoM, Sep 3, 2015 I'm really digging this. If you liked the first you'll certainly like/love this, it's...well; massive rezn Well-Known Member Patreon Silver Mar 8, 2014 862 6 18 Male Coder/Keyer in medical ICD 10 Reno, NV #7 rezn, Sep 3, 2015 I've purchased way too many Coffee Stained games because of these Goats for my boys. But this one I'll probably just get in on Android or purchase the pack on Steam. Looks pretty awesome. Lickzy Well-Known Member Patreon Silver Oct 28, 2013 921 3 18 Director of Sales Winnipeg, MB, Canada #8 Lickzy, Sep 3, 2015 Anyone know how many hours of playtime this offers? schnedi Well-Known Member Apr 16, 2015 122 0 0 #9 schnedi, Sep 3, 2015 is this online only? Sexy Pirate Well-Known Member Sep 29, 2014 889 0 0 Call centre / Parent Newcastle England #10 Sexy Pirate, Sep 3, 2015 I'm pretty sure it's not online. it's a simulated online rpg and in other notes. WOAH unexpected surprise Downloading now. schnedi Well-Known Member Apr 16, 2015 122 0 0 #11 schnedi, Sep 3, 2015 ok.thanks Exact-Psience Well-Known Member Jan 12, 2012 22,664 2 38 The Work-At-Home Guy Philippines #12 Exact-Psience, Sep 3, 2015 Baaaaaad week for wallets. Sexy Pirate Well-Known Member Sep 29, 2014 889 0 0 Call centre / Parent Newcastle England #13 Sexy Pirate, Sep 3, 2015 Loving this, same fun and physics new world to play in. Makes me feel like a Kid again geno11233 Well-Known Member Nov 29, 2013 1,054 0 0 #14 geno11233, Sep 3, 2015 That app description #### Avatre Well-Known Member Apr 30, 2013 416 0 16 #15 Avatre, Sep 3, 2015 I wasnt keen on the other Goat Sims but watching the trailer for this and reading the description definitely had me laughing. I notice that for Steam this was a free update to the original Goat Sim, so can anyone tell me if there's enough here for a game? Also, are there reallllyy tons of quests to do and hand in? comingTouch.com Well-Known Member Jun 10, 2014 323 0 0 #16 comingTouch.com, Sep 3, 2015 TRAILER: Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Sexy Pirate Well-Known Member Sep 29, 2014 889 0 0 Call centre / Parent Newcastle England #17 Sexy Pirate, Sep 3, 2015 from what I've played so far it looks like there's tons of quests to do and the map seems pretty big too. I'd say there's easy enough content here to make it a separate game. I've got all three goat sims now and love them all, this one is the most game like out of them all if that's what your looking for. AppUnwrapper Well-Known Member Oct 26, 2011 4,062 3 0 http://www.appunwrapper.com/escape-games/ #18 AppUnwrapper, Sep 3, 2015 The first one lost my interest pretty quickly. Once I had a enough of flying and shooting tennis balls at people, I didn't really see any point in playing. But I'm tempted to get this one....mainly to find out what that walking microwave in the screenshot is all about. rIcHrAnDoM Well-Known Member Patreon Silver Nov 17, 2008 7,936 30 38 Steelworker/Welder Indiana, USA #19 rIcHrAnDoM, Sep 3, 2015 Same, have bought all three and completely satisfied that for the $15 I've got the equivalent of one great big Goat Sim. game with tons to see, lick, kick and maim! redribbon Well-Known Member Jun 11, 2010 2,799 53 48 entepreanur,programmer #20 redribbon, Sep 3, 2015 The Gameplay: Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
I'm really digging this. If you liked the first you'll certainly like/love this, it's...well; massive
I've purchased way too many Coffee Stained games because of these Goats for my boys. But this one I'll probably just get in on Android or purchase the pack on Steam. Looks pretty awesome.
I'm pretty sure it's not online. it's a simulated online rpg and in other notes. WOAH unexpected surprise Downloading now.
I wasnt keen on the other Goat Sims but watching the trailer for this and reading the description definitely had me laughing. I notice that for Steam this was a free update to the original Goat Sim, so can anyone tell me if there's enough here for a game? Also, are there reallllyy tons of quests to do and hand in?
from what I've played so far it looks like there's tons of quests to do and the map seems pretty big too. I'd say there's easy enough content here to make it a separate game. I've got all three goat sims now and love them all, this one is the most game like out of them all if that's what your looking for.
The first one lost my interest pretty quickly. Once I had a enough of flying and shooting tennis balls at people, I didn't really see any point in playing. But I'm tempted to get this one....mainly to find out what that walking microwave in the screenshot is all about.
Same, have bought all three and completely satisfied that for the $15 I've got the equivalent of one great big Goat Sim. game with tons to see, lick, kick and maim!