FINAL FANTASY PORTAL APP SQUARE ENIX This is a general portal app for information on FINAL FANTASY and related products. ◆ Get the latest info on all things… Free Buy Now Watch Media DetailsThis is a general portal app for information on FINAL FANTASY and related products. ◆ Get the latest info on all things FINAL FANTASY! View the latest information on FINAL FANTASY games, books, music, merchandise, events, and more! ◆ Point system By logging in through your Square Enix account, you can acquire points, which you can in turn exchange for various items. There are many ways in which points can be acquired: - Daily login points - Points for viewing news - Points for viewing videos - Points for viewing FF Topics and more! ◆ Save up and exchange your points! Acquired points can be exchanged for digital content, such as wallpapers for your smartphone! ◆ Play the in-app games! You can play the card game "Triple Triad." * Specified in-game apps are made specifically to launch from this portal app only. ◆ Compatibility - iPhone 6 or later - iOS 12.0 and later Information Seller:SQUARE ENIX Genre:Role Playing Release:Aug 19, 2015 Updated:Mar 25, 2024 Version:2.1.8 Size:13.9 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating: (6) Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal touchy85 Well-Known Member Jan 21, 2015 1,616 1 38 #2 touchy85, Aug 20, 2015 gameplay video Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel strivemind Well-Known Member Aug 11, 2010 2,784 2 38 Designer Ottawa, Canada #3 strivemind, Aug 20, 2015 Final Fantasy (I) is currently available for free through the app. It appears to be identical to the regular iOS version, except it downloads into the app. Usually it will cost money, but is currently free. aconfusedkender Well-Known Member Sep 28, 2012 1,362 122 63 Oil & Gas Kendermore, Ansalon #4 aconfusedkender, Aug 21, 2015 Anyone else tried this thing out. There is a way to get free "point" that you accumulate by playing Triple Triad or by logging in and you can exchange those for wallpapers and Triple Triad cards. I loved TT and I love it here as well but yesterday the TT game in the Portal app just stopped working for some reason. It just freezes up and won't load. Just seeing if anyone else has had this problem. Thanks Tinsel Well-Known Member Dec 8, 2008 508 5 18 #5 Tinsel, Aug 22, 2015 The point thing is weird. The points will expire after two months, at maximum. You can get two points a day plus however many new articles there are on there to read. The rare triple triad cards cost 300 points. In two months you will have 120 points. Do we really think there are going to be 180 articles to read on here? falcon815 Well-Known Member Jul 11, 2013 372 0 16 Chemist Indianapolis #6 falcon815, Aug 22, 2015 I've been playing TT quite a bit the past couple days - I'm about halfway through Normal difficulty in Solo mode, taking time to re-beat the same people 3-4 times each so I can snag more cards. Currently rocking a deck chock full of 7s and having a pretty easy time on Normal. I did have the app crash one time on my iPod Touch 5 (running iOS 8.3), so hard that it made my iPod reboot (!). But it relaunched just fine, remembered where I was in my game, and I haven't had any issues since. zergslayer69 Well-Known Member Apr 21, 2010 1,211 3 38 #7 zergslayer69, Aug 22, 2015 Is this online only? (Can't be too sure these days) falcon815 Well-Known Member Jul 11, 2013 372 0 16 Chemist Indianapolis #8 falcon815, Aug 22, 2015 You do have to be connected to the internet to play, but there is a solo mode where you play against a protagonist character from each of FFI through FFXIII, in addition to an unnamed Moogle. Each character has a different combination of rules by default, which varies between Easy, Normal, and Hard difficulties. You can also play against other people via Bluetooth or online. I haven't tried either of those yet, I've only been playing solo. Retro Nug Well-Known Member May 9, 2012 532 0 16 The Netherworld #9 Retro Nug, Aug 22, 2015 Triple Triad! About the best thing that came outta FF8! curtisrshideler Well-Known Member Patreon Bronze Jul 30, 2011 3,097 25 48 Male Video Producer/Editor Texas #10 curtisrshideler, Aug 22, 2015 Anyone find a way to delete game data we've downloaded through the portal app? I downloaded FF1 so I could have it through the app, but I don't need to play it. I might check out the app data through iFile or if all else fails, just delete the app I guess. It would be nice to have the option to delete a game from within the app though. L.Lawliet Well-Known Member Jun 28, 2011 6,405 420 83 #11 L.Lawliet, Aug 22, 2015 I tried this and it's fairly decent for a freemium game (Triple Triad). I wish there was an offline mode or a paid version. I'd love to have one just that I can play anywhere. It's fairly simple to pick up and matches are quick but I don't like the idea of having to constantly log in / read articles to get super rare cards. Or having the actual game hidden inside another news app. It's an interesting idea but it just gets in the way for me especially since the interface is a bit clunky (you can tell when clicking buttons almost feels like a browser game with the delay). falcon815 Well-Known Member Jul 11, 2013 372 0 16 Chemist Indianapolis #12 falcon815, Aug 23, 2015 Last edited: Aug 23, 2015 Finished up getting through all the solo matches on all difficulties already. I have about 110 cards - looks like I can easily pick up another 70-80 just by replaying everyone on Normal and Hard a few times to pick up new ones. Not sure how much more I can do after that without playing online or on Bluetooth. Repeatedly kicking Squall around on Hard seems to be the easiest way to consistently get good cards - I think he's the most advanced character on Hard that doesn't involve the "chaos" rule that makes you play your cards in a certain order. I had another crash incident so bad that it made my iPod Touch 5 unresponsive. Had to hold Power and Home for a few seconds to get it to reboot before it would even so much as display the lock screen. Hope there's an eventual update coming - this is the only app that's ever crashed my Pod so badly, and to have it happen twice in four days is a little unnerving. falcon815 Well-Known Member Jul 11, 2013 372 0 16 Chemist Indianapolis #13 falcon815, Aug 23, 2015 Nope, I was wrong - Vaan doesn't have the Chaos rule either. But you have to get through quite a few Chaos people to get that far, so Squall's a great point to keep hacking away at to improve your deck if you can't get through Zidane/Tidus/Shantotto. eflin Well-Known Member Mar 24, 2011 454 0 0 #14 eflin, Aug 23, 2015 These 5 star cards with"increased odds of showing up" during the introduction promotion are insane. I have farmed the Lightning event for the past 2 days and not even see her gold card once. I can't even imagine what the non boosted rate is... falcon815 Well-Known Member Jul 11, 2013 372 0 16 Chemist Indianapolis #15 falcon815, Aug 23, 2015 Oh, neat, there's a checklist. I hadn't bothered to check the notice board yet, thanks for the tip. I've been farming Vaan on Hard today (FFT nut, I want as many FFT cards as possible), and I got the 5* Ramza card. From the top and going clockwise, he's 6-A-2-9. That's the only 5* card I've seen so far. eflin Well-Known Member Mar 24, 2011 454 0 0 #16 eflin, Aug 23, 2015 Well finally saw her card after farming so much... And their last card got a combo causing a draw.... Chaos same plus is an annoying combo! Back to farming! Laire Well-Known Member Feb 4, 2012 586 0 0 Overworked Graphic Designer :) #17 Laire, Aug 23, 2015 If you want 5* cards, you play on-line. Assuming you can win, that is (since EVERYONE on-line seems to have at least one, often five, 5* cards). For people playing for the "collect rare cards" aspect, they'll be done in a week. falcon815 Well-Known Member Jul 11, 2013 372 0 16 Chemist Indianapolis #18 falcon815, Aug 24, 2015 That's a pretty big assumption, sadly. I just started trying to play online with a deck that has been murdering Hard Solo mode... and I'm 0-4-1 so far. Four of the five people I've played have had well-nigh unassailable hands of 5 5* cards; the fifth merely had 2. I think I'll have to slum it in Solo mode for a while if I'm even going to have a prayer of anything beyond a draw on multi. falcon815 Well-Known Member Jul 11, 2013 372 0 16 Chemist Indianapolis #19 falcon815, Aug 24, 2015 After getting repeatedly crushed, I played enough games to unlock all the rule variants. Never thought I would appreciate the Chaos ruleset after it annoyed me so much in solo, but it made a huge difference. The upshot of people having such ridiculous decks is that it only took three wins to come up with 5* Lightning, Cecil Illustration, and Cloud. Now it feels like I have more of a shot. Laire Well-Known Member Feb 4, 2012 586 0 0 Overworked Graphic Designer :) #20 Laire, Aug 24, 2015 See? Didn't take too long. And therein lies the problem. There's a couple dozen 5* cards to shoot for, and everything else is largely meaningless unless you play with Fallen Ace (or whatever it's called) all the time. When most games will start with 5* Lightning in the top right corner because she's largely unassailable there, it's going to get old fast. It's almost like they were creating two different games. They made "limited" cards that can only be used in your right-most slot and 5* cards that show up very rarely in solo mode. But then they made all of those "limited" cards useless and 5* earnable through regular VS play. The game should cap at 3* for regular farmable content, 4* from achievements, and 5* from events. And the default rules should limit you to a single 5* in your deck. Otherwise, everyone will play the game cookie cutter decks and it'll be a yawnfest before you know it. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
Final Fantasy (I) is currently available for free through the app. It appears to be identical to the regular iOS version, except it downloads into the app. Usually it will cost money, but is currently free.
Anyone else tried this thing out. There is a way to get free "point" that you accumulate by playing Triple Triad or by logging in and you can exchange those for wallpapers and Triple Triad cards. I loved TT and I love it here as well but yesterday the TT game in the Portal app just stopped working for some reason. It just freezes up and won't load. Just seeing if anyone else has had this problem. Thanks
The point thing is weird. The points will expire after two months, at maximum. You can get two points a day plus however many new articles there are on there to read. The rare triple triad cards cost 300 points. In two months you will have 120 points. Do we really think there are going to be 180 articles to read on here?
I've been playing TT quite a bit the past couple days - I'm about halfway through Normal difficulty in Solo mode, taking time to re-beat the same people 3-4 times each so I can snag more cards. Currently rocking a deck chock full of 7s and having a pretty easy time on Normal. I did have the app crash one time on my iPod Touch 5 (running iOS 8.3), so hard that it made my iPod reboot (!). But it relaunched just fine, remembered where I was in my game, and I haven't had any issues since.
You do have to be connected to the internet to play, but there is a solo mode where you play against a protagonist character from each of FFI through FFXIII, in addition to an unnamed Moogle. Each character has a different combination of rules by default, which varies between Easy, Normal, and Hard difficulties. You can also play against other people via Bluetooth or online. I haven't tried either of those yet, I've only been playing solo.
Anyone find a way to delete game data we've downloaded through the portal app? I downloaded FF1 so I could have it through the app, but I don't need to play it. I might check out the app data through iFile or if all else fails, just delete the app I guess. It would be nice to have the option to delete a game from within the app though.
I tried this and it's fairly decent for a freemium game (Triple Triad). I wish there was an offline mode or a paid version. I'd love to have one just that I can play anywhere. It's fairly simple to pick up and matches are quick but I don't like the idea of having to constantly log in / read articles to get super rare cards. Or having the actual game hidden inside another news app. It's an interesting idea but it just gets in the way for me especially since the interface is a bit clunky (you can tell when clicking buttons almost feels like a browser game with the delay).
Finished up getting through all the solo matches on all difficulties already. I have about 110 cards - looks like I can easily pick up another 70-80 just by replaying everyone on Normal and Hard a few times to pick up new ones. Not sure how much more I can do after that without playing online or on Bluetooth. Repeatedly kicking Squall around on Hard seems to be the easiest way to consistently get good cards - I think he's the most advanced character on Hard that doesn't involve the "chaos" rule that makes you play your cards in a certain order. I had another crash incident so bad that it made my iPod Touch 5 unresponsive. Had to hold Power and Home for a few seconds to get it to reboot before it would even so much as display the lock screen. Hope there's an eventual update coming - this is the only app that's ever crashed my Pod so badly, and to have it happen twice in four days is a little unnerving.
Nope, I was wrong - Vaan doesn't have the Chaos rule either. But you have to get through quite a few Chaos people to get that far, so Squall's a great point to keep hacking away at to improve your deck if you can't get through Zidane/Tidus/Shantotto.
These 5 star cards with"increased odds of showing up" during the introduction promotion are insane. I have farmed the Lightning event for the past 2 days and not even see her gold card once. I can't even imagine what the non boosted rate is...
Oh, neat, there's a checklist. I hadn't bothered to check the notice board yet, thanks for the tip. I've been farming Vaan on Hard today (FFT nut, I want as many FFT cards as possible), and I got the 5* Ramza card. From the top and going clockwise, he's 6-A-2-9. That's the only 5* card I've seen so far.
Well finally saw her card after farming so much... And their last card got a combo causing a draw.... Chaos same plus is an annoying combo! Back to farming!
If you want 5* cards, you play on-line. Assuming you can win, that is (since EVERYONE on-line seems to have at least one, often five, 5* cards). For people playing for the "collect rare cards" aspect, they'll be done in a week.
That's a pretty big assumption, sadly. I just started trying to play online with a deck that has been murdering Hard Solo mode... and I'm 0-4-1 so far. Four of the five people I've played have had well-nigh unassailable hands of 5 5* cards; the fifth merely had 2. I think I'll have to slum it in Solo mode for a while if I'm even going to have a prayer of anything beyond a draw on multi.
After getting repeatedly crushed, I played enough games to unlock all the rule variants. Never thought I would appreciate the Chaos ruleset after it annoyed me so much in solo, but it made a huge difference. The upshot of people having such ridiculous decks is that it only took three wins to come up with 5* Lightning, Cecil Illustration, and Cloud. Now it feels like I have more of a shot.
See? Didn't take too long. And therein lies the problem. There's a couple dozen 5* cards to shoot for, and everything else is largely meaningless unless you play with Fallen Ace (or whatever it's called) all the time. When most games will start with 5* Lightning in the top right corner because she's largely unassailable there, it's going to get old fast. It's almost like they were creating two different games. They made "limited" cards that can only be used in your right-most slot and 5* cards that show up very rarely in solo mode. But then they made all of those "limited" cards useless and 5* earnable through regular VS play. The game should cap at 3* for regular farmable content, 4* from achievements, and 5* from events. And the default rules should limit you to a single 5* in your deck. Otherwise, everyone will play the game cookie cutter decks and it'll be a yawnfest before you know it.