SLING A KITTY PocApp Studios Genre: Puzzle Adventure Free This our new upcoming title and we would love for you to test it and give us feedback. Currently we have two worlds (40 Levels) which are day and night. Right now we are working on another 40 levels which will be a beautiful snow world. Supported Devices: - iPhone 5s - iPhone 6 - iPhone 6 Plus - iPad Air - iPad mini 2 - iPad Air 2 - iPad mini 3 Minimum iOS Version: iOS 5.1.1 or later Thank you for your time! -Tim
Hey guys! We have just released a new update for Sling a Kitty, now it's more polished! Please try it out and leave some feedback since it's the first game we have released! Cheers!
Behind the scenes: An example of how we made the levels in Sling a Kitty using KINGs Defold engine! Youtube: