Stuntman Stuart Zeichenkraftwerk Jeutter, Schaller, Staeger GbR Genres: Games Action Arcade GAME CENTER ENABLED Free Supported Devices: iPad2Wifi iPadFourthGen4G iPodTouchFifthGen iPhone5s iPhone-3GS iPhone4 iPhone5 iPad23G iPadMini4G iPodTouchFourthGen iPhone6 iPadThirdGen iPhone4S iPhone5c iPadThirdGen4G iPadMini iPadFourthGen iPhone6Plus Minimum iOS Version: iOS 6.0 Download Size: 37MB Stuntman Stuart Pixelsplit – We want you, stuntmen! Dear awesome film production company, my name is Stuart and I am interested in working as a st… Free Buy Now Watch Media Details– We want you, stuntmen! Dear awesome film production company, my name is Stuart and I am interested in working as a stuntman for your next movie „Falling in Tokyo“. Pay what you want for this unique pixe-art game. No ads. No freemium. No goats. Just buy us a „slice of pizza“ if you like our game! Information Seller:Pixelsplit Genre:Action, Arcade Release:Jul 15, 2015 Updated:May 05, 2016 Version:1.1 Size:67.1 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal chief78 Well-Known Member Jul 24, 2012 2,317 7 38 #2 chief78, Jul 15, 2015 This looks pretty cool. I'll have to wait until later when I'm back home but def gonna downlaod and imps to follow. Sanuku Well-Known Member Jun 14, 2009 11,954 4 38 Austria #3 Sanuku, Jul 15, 2015 Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel NOEN Well-Known Member Jul 31, 2012 3,245 0 0 U.S. #4 NOEN, Jul 15, 2015 Waaaa? Sanuku? Long time no see! Baracus Well-Known Member Jun 19, 2009 1,023 0 36 UK #5 Baracus, Jul 15, 2015 Ha yea I was just about to say the same!! Where you been Sanuku man!!?? chief78 Well-Known Member Jul 24, 2012 2,317 7 38 #6 chief78, Jul 16, 2015 Yeah wow, surprise! J.R. Jalapeno Well-Known Member Oct 6, 2008 663 0 16 #7 J.R. Jalapeno, Jul 16, 2015 The controls are not good. You have to tap the top of the screen to go left or right completely blocking your view. Deleted. icoker Well-Known Member Mar 26, 2013 652 10 18 #8 icoker, Jul 16, 2015 Its not the sharpest but its got potential. It seems like the developers got some inspiration from The Firm, great game by the way. I just wish there would be something the player could spend their money on. Needs a menu with options too. chief78 Well-Known Member Jul 24, 2012 2,317 7 38 #9 chief78, Jul 16, 2015 The controls work, the issue is how large the down button is. If it took up less space (it's close to half way up the screen), there wouldn't be that dead space that causes people to believe the controls are unresponsive. I played and played and finally realised that's what it is. Playing on a 6+, it's a struggle. If the down button could be customized on how far up or down a player wants it, problem solved #### chief78 Well-Known Member Jul 24, 2012 2,317 7 38 #10 chief78, Jul 17, 2015 Hmmm....after every run today, getting this screen, which forces me to close the app and restart. Attached Files: image.jpg File size: 106.4 KB Views: 5 (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
This looks pretty cool. I'll have to wait until later when I'm back home but def gonna downlaod and imps to follow.
The controls are not good. You have to tap the top of the screen to go left or right completely blocking your view. Deleted.
Its not the sharpest but its got potential. It seems like the developers got some inspiration from The Firm, great game by the way. I just wish there would be something the player could spend their money on. Needs a menu with options too.
The controls work, the issue is how large the down button is. If it took up less space (it's close to half way up the screen), there wouldn't be that dead space that causes people to believe the controls are unresponsive. I played and played and finally realised that's what it is. Playing on a 6+, it's a struggle. If the down button could be customized on how far up or down a player wants it, problem solved ####