Hello again fellow TA'rs. I wasn't going to bother making a thread for this, but as Valentia told me to in the thread for Perfection! 3. I suppose I'd better Nothing groundbreaking, just good honest word making fun, I made it because I wanted to play it which is pretty much how all of my games start out. It's free and there are literally millions of unique levels, so if you like word games it's probably worth a shot. Cheers. Wurds Stuart McLean Wurds is a unique, varied and hugely enjoyable word puzzle game. Not only are there literally hundreds of millions of un… Free Buy Now Watch Media DetailsWurds is a unique, varied and hugely enjoyable word puzzle game. Not only are there literally hundreds of millions of unique FREE puzzles that you can play as much as you like. You can also create and share your own games for a truly endless experience. Create enough words to fill the board from the letter tiles you are given before running out of time to advance through the levels and up the leaderboards. Play without time limits in laid-back mode or create a globe of words in word matrix games. Each level is generated dynamically, so there are an almost limitless amount of levels to play. The words you have to find are not predefined either, so as long as you enter a real word that fits on the game board, you can play it. Create your own custom games by defining a set of letters and words to find. Add a time limit, or not, and share it for any of your Wurds friends to play. Optional, plural and singular word checking and automatic entry. Say goodbye to the tedious process of entering slightly altered words over and over again. You can play the standard game, free forever. You never have to buy anything. • Hundreds of millions of unique levels • Five different game modes (One unlimited game mode in the Ad Supported version) • Games generated by Wurds itself, so no expansions to buy. Ever! • Optional, plural and singular word checking and automatic entry • Create your own custom levels and share them with Email, iMessage and AirDrop • Worldwide leaderboards to track yours and your friends progress • Lots of achievements to aim for • Challenge your friends to beat your best scores If you like word games, you will love Wurds. There is just one in-app purchase which removes the adverts, adds four new game modes and helps to ensure the future development of Wurds. We don't nag you about making a purchase, there will never be an irritating popup asking you to buy or an advert getting in the way of the game in Wurds. Information Seller:Stuart McLean Genre:Puzzle, Word Release:Jul 04, 2015 Updated:Sep 04, 2015 Version:1.0.2 Size:51.3 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Valentia Well-Known Member Patreon Gold Jan 20, 2009 618 1 18 Female Retired! California #2 Valentia, Jul 14, 2015 Last edited: Jul 14, 2015 Oh good, you did it! This very nice word game deserves some attention. I'll copy and paste my comments from that other thread now there's an appropriate place for them: Yep, I really like this game. TrueBlou Well-Known Member Patreon Silver Mar 20, 2014 269 0 16 Software Developer - witenoiz.com Scotland http://www.witenoiz.com #3 TrueBlou, Jul 14, 2015 Well I thought I'd better do it, ma mamma taught me do do what I'z told, or I getta slap round the heid Valentia Well-Known Member Patreon Gold Jan 20, 2009 618 1 18 Female Retired! California #4 Valentia, Jul 14, 2015 Lol!! PBSNellie Well-Known Member Jul 7, 2013 1,381 168 63 Southern CA #5 PBSNellie, Jul 14, 2015 Cup o' Joe from me too. Well done! TrueBlou Well-Known Member Patreon Silver Mar 20, 2014 269 0 16 Software Developer - witenoiz.com Scotland http://www.witenoiz.com #6 TrueBlou, Jul 14, 2015 Aw, thank you muchly. Hope you enjoy the game (and don't trounce me too badly on the leaderboards ) PBSNellie Well-Known Member Jul 7, 2013 1,381 168 63 Southern CA #7 PBSNellie, Jul 14, 2015 Last edited: Jul 14, 2015 Stuart, I also installed this on my phone but I am having trouble finding the "restore purchase" function...is there one? I went into the App Store but it didn't recognize my purchase. Thanks. UPDATED: I found the button in the upper left corner. Thanks for a great game! TrueBlou Well-Known Member Patreon Silver Mar 20, 2014 269 0 16 Software Developer - witenoiz.com Scotland http://www.witenoiz.com #8 TrueBlou, Jul 14, 2015 Sorry I didn't get back to you quicker, I was filling my face with food. I guess that button is a bit on the small side now that I look at it again, I'll remedy that in an update. But if you ever have trouble with it for any reason, you can just use the same button you used to do the purchase first time, you won't get charged again for it. Collin Well-Known Member Jul 29, 2010 719 46 28 Graphic Designer/Illustrator/Art Director Colorado Springs, CO https://www.theislandsofmisfitcreativity.com/ #9 Collin, Jul 16, 2015 I'm enjoying it so far, and will be buying you a coffee soon; I've reached my spending limit for the week. I do have a request and a suggestion. The request: please make the letter buttons and the spaces above them a bit bigger on the iPad. The spaces for the words you've found/need to find are fine the size they are, but I keep messing up when trying to spell words. The suggestion: it would be nice if finding a word tossed a few seconds back on the clock. Thanks! TrueBlou Well-Known Member Patreon Silver Mar 20, 2014 269 0 16 Software Developer - witenoiz.com Scotland http://www.witenoiz.com #10 TrueBlou, Jul 16, 2015 I know how you feel with the spending limit, I spend wayyyy too much on games It's funny you should mention the button sizes, I've been thinking on my last few plays (is it sad that I play my own games lol) that they could be bigger. And I like your idea of adding time to the clock. So I think it's safe to say both of those will be in the next update. Cheers Valentia Well-Known Member Patreon Gold Jan 20, 2009 618 1 18 Female Retired! California #11 Valentia, Jul 16, 2015 That's great to read! I've been accidentally hitting letters I didn't mean to, and I think slightly larger buttons would be perfect. Collin Well-Known Member Jul 29, 2010 719 46 28 Graphic Designer/Illustrator/Art Director Colorado Springs, CO https://www.theislandsofmisfitcreativity.com/ #12 Collin, Jul 16, 2015 It's not sad at all; if you don't want to play your game, who else will? I'm glad you like the ideas. After playing a bit more, I have a few more UI suggestions. A bit larger interface on the home screen as well, after you hit the play triangle (on iPad). An option at game over to immediately start a new game, instead of just sending the player back to the home screen; as lovely as it is. The ability to tap one of the emptied letter squares to pull the last letter back, instead of having to go to the bottom left corner to undo, or move the undo button closer to the letter row (again, on iPad) TrueBlou Well-Known Member Patreon Silver Mar 20, 2014 269 0 16 Software Developer - witenoiz.com Scotland http://www.witenoiz.com #13 TrueBlou, Jul 16, 2015 Last edited: Jul 16, 2015 I suppose your right, all my games start out as something I want to play. Actually, most of the time I'm pretty much the only person playing them I like your ideas, I think most, if not all of them will make an appearance in the next update. Where were you when I was making this thing Oh, btw, I've already changed the buttons on the iPad and as as it's got a bigger screen the iPhone 6 plus gets a bit of an enlargement as well. It's made a big difference, I'm still slapping my forehead for missing obvious words now and again but it's not because I've hit the wrong letter anymore. Thanks. fiskadoro Well-Known Member Jan 1, 2009 326 17 18 Chicago, IL #14 fiskadoro, Jul 16, 2015 This is a cool idea. I like the fact that levels are generated automatically instead of seeing the same ones pop up over and over again (as I've seen with other word games like this). As others mentioned, bigger buttons would be neat -- they seem a bit too small on the 5S right now -- and the ability to restore words so you can quickly reenter the same word, say as a plural. Also, I noticed my Music app stopped playing when I entered the game, so the ability to listen to my music while playing would be nice. I was a bit confused that in a recent game, the word "ale" and "ales" were not included, so not sure if the dictionary has left out some important words. Collin Well-Known Member Jul 29, 2010 719 46 28 Graphic Designer/Illustrator/Art Director Colorado Springs, CO https://www.theislandsofmisfitcreativity.com/ #15 Collin, Jul 16, 2015 Probably sitting at home in ignorance. If you would ever like me to beta test anything, send me a message. Also, a question. Would you mind me making play through style videos of your games to post on YouTube? TrueBlou Well-Known Member Patreon Silver Mar 20, 2014 269 0 16 Software Developer - witenoiz.com Scotland http://www.witenoiz.com #16 TrueBlou, Jul 16, 2015 Sorry about the music, I just forgot to make a simple change before I submitted it to Apple. I'm blaming my medication for having me space cadet'ed That will definitely be fixed in the next update along with the buttons and a few other changes. I'll take a look at the dictionary, it's odd that those words weren't there. I'm constantly adding to the dictionary as well so with each update they will grow. The level generation thing was the inspiration for me making this game. I was so fed up of playing the same levels over and over again in other games that I decided to do something about it. When I ran the maths before submitting the current version, there were several hundred million possible unique levels that Wurds could make and that will grow even more as I improve the dictionaries. Plenty to keep us playing for years without repeating the same levels TrueBlou Well-Known Member Patreon Silver Mar 20, 2014 269 0 16 Software Developer - witenoiz.com Scotland http://www.witenoiz.com #17 TrueBlou, Jul 16, 2015 Thanks very much for the offer, I'll definitely keep that in mind. Feel free to make any videos you like with the games. I've no problems at all with that sort of thing. Cheers. TrueBlou Well-Known Member Patreon Silver Mar 20, 2014 269 0 16 Software Developer - witenoiz.com Scotland http://www.witenoiz.com #18 TrueBlou, Jul 16, 2015 Thanks again folks for all of the suggestions. I've been hammering away at my keyboard and here's what's been implemented so far. Firstly, bigger in-game buttons and better spacing, as much as each devices screen will allow. Some interface button sizes increased. You can now play your own music in the background. No more undo button. Instead just tap on any of the white tiles and the last letter is removed. Now you can tap on any word you have entered in the top boxes and it will be instantly added back onto the play tiles, handy for plurals and such. It can also be combined with the tap of the tiles to remove the last letter making word entry even faster. You get a couple of seconds added, well, three (this may change) for each word you successfully enter, so your game time can be extended. Incidentaly, fiskadoro, I was playing a game a wee while ago and entered both ale and ales and they worked. Not sure why yours didnt, but Im investigating just to make sure theres nothing weird going on under the hood. Ok, thats just a quick update to let you know how the progress is going. I can tell you that the game plays much, much better with the above implemented. So thanks to you all. Im still tinkering away to see what else can be done for the first update. vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member Dec 29, 2013 2,489 177 63 #19 vectorarchitekt, Jul 19, 2015 Last edited: Jul 19, 2015 Nice game man. One suggestion. Whenever I play games like this (TextTwist for example) I always hated when I think of a word and now I have to go and add the plural. Is there any chance you could make it so that when you discover a word, you automatically get credit for the plural since obviously you are going to add that anyway? If you could save me from this tedious aspect you would be my word game hero!! Also I agree with the bigger buttons as I have fat fingers. And, the word "bass" didn't register. Dazzlemi Well-Known Member Mar 14, 2010 979 4 18 #20 Dazzlemi, Jul 19, 2015 Everyone must notice the resemblance to (copy of) Text Twist (You must log in or sign up to post here.) 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Oh good, you did it! This very nice word game deserves some attention. I'll copy and paste my comments from that other thread now there's an appropriate place for them: Yep, I really like this game.
Well I thought I'd better do it, ma mamma taught me do do what I'z told, or I getta slap round the heid
Stuart, I also installed this on my phone but I am having trouble finding the "restore purchase" function...is there one? I went into the App Store but it didn't recognize my purchase. Thanks. UPDATED: I found the button in the upper left corner. Thanks for a great game!
Sorry I didn't get back to you quicker, I was filling my face with food. I guess that button is a bit on the small side now that I look at it again, I'll remedy that in an update. But if you ever have trouble with it for any reason, you can just use the same button you used to do the purchase first time, you won't get charged again for it.
I'm enjoying it so far, and will be buying you a coffee soon; I've reached my spending limit for the week. I do have a request and a suggestion. The request: please make the letter buttons and the spaces above them a bit bigger on the iPad. The spaces for the words you've found/need to find are fine the size they are, but I keep messing up when trying to spell words. The suggestion: it would be nice if finding a word tossed a few seconds back on the clock. Thanks!
I know how you feel with the spending limit, I spend wayyyy too much on games It's funny you should mention the button sizes, I've been thinking on my last few plays (is it sad that I play my own games lol) that they could be bigger. And I like your idea of adding time to the clock. So I think it's safe to say both of those will be in the next update. Cheers
That's great to read! I've been accidentally hitting letters I didn't mean to, and I think slightly larger buttons would be perfect.
It's not sad at all; if you don't want to play your game, who else will? I'm glad you like the ideas. After playing a bit more, I have a few more UI suggestions. A bit larger interface on the home screen as well, after you hit the play triangle (on iPad). An option at game over to immediately start a new game, instead of just sending the player back to the home screen; as lovely as it is. The ability to tap one of the emptied letter squares to pull the last letter back, instead of having to go to the bottom left corner to undo, or move the undo button closer to the letter row (again, on iPad)
I suppose your right, all my games start out as something I want to play. Actually, most of the time I'm pretty much the only person playing them I like your ideas, I think most, if not all of them will make an appearance in the next update. Where were you when I was making this thing Oh, btw, I've already changed the buttons on the iPad and as as it's got a bigger screen the iPhone 6 plus gets a bit of an enlargement as well. It's made a big difference, I'm still slapping my forehead for missing obvious words now and again but it's not because I've hit the wrong letter anymore. Thanks.
This is a cool idea. I like the fact that levels are generated automatically instead of seeing the same ones pop up over and over again (as I've seen with other word games like this). As others mentioned, bigger buttons would be neat -- they seem a bit too small on the 5S right now -- and the ability to restore words so you can quickly reenter the same word, say as a plural. Also, I noticed my Music app stopped playing when I entered the game, so the ability to listen to my music while playing would be nice. I was a bit confused that in a recent game, the word "ale" and "ales" were not included, so not sure if the dictionary has left out some important words.
Probably sitting at home in ignorance. If you would ever like me to beta test anything, send me a message. Also, a question. Would you mind me making play through style videos of your games to post on YouTube?
Sorry about the music, I just forgot to make a simple change before I submitted it to Apple. I'm blaming my medication for having me space cadet'ed That will definitely be fixed in the next update along with the buttons and a few other changes. I'll take a look at the dictionary, it's odd that those words weren't there. I'm constantly adding to the dictionary as well so with each update they will grow. The level generation thing was the inspiration for me making this game. I was so fed up of playing the same levels over and over again in other games that I decided to do something about it. When I ran the maths before submitting the current version, there were several hundred million possible unique levels that Wurds could make and that will grow even more as I improve the dictionaries. Plenty to keep us playing for years without repeating the same levels
Thanks very much for the offer, I'll definitely keep that in mind. Feel free to make any videos you like with the games. I've no problems at all with that sort of thing. Cheers.
Thanks again folks for all of the suggestions. I've been hammering away at my keyboard and here's what's been implemented so far. Firstly, bigger in-game buttons and better spacing, as much as each devices screen will allow. Some interface button sizes increased. You can now play your own music in the background. No more undo button. Instead just tap on any of the white tiles and the last letter is removed. Now you can tap on any word you have entered in the top boxes and it will be instantly added back onto the play tiles, handy for plurals and such. It can also be combined with the tap of the tiles to remove the last letter making word entry even faster. You get a couple of seconds added, well, three (this may change) for each word you successfully enter, so your game time can be extended. Incidentaly, fiskadoro, I was playing a game a wee while ago and entered both ale and ales and they worked. Not sure why yours didnt, but Im investigating just to make sure theres nothing weird going on under the hood. Ok, thats just a quick update to let you know how the progress is going. I can tell you that the game plays much, much better with the above implemented. So thanks to you all. Im still tinkering away to see what else can be done for the first update.
Nice game man. One suggestion. Whenever I play games like this (TextTwist for example) I always hated when I think of a word and now I have to go and add the plural. Is there any chance you could make it so that when you discover a word, you automatically get credit for the plural since obviously you are going to add that anyway? If you could save me from this tedious aspect you would be my word game hero!! Also I agree with the bigger buttons as I have fat fingers. And, the word "bass" didn't register.