Atomas Max Gittel Atomas is a fascinating puzzle game, which you can learn in seconds but will entertain you for weeks. The perfect game f… Free Buy Now Watch Media DetailsAtomas is a fascinating puzzle game, which you can learn in seconds but will entertain you for weeks. The perfect game for your spare time! Your little universe starts with hydrogen atoms only but with the help of the energy rich plus atoms you are able to fusion two hydrogen atoms into one helium atom, 2 helium atoms into one lithium atom and so on. Your primary goal is to create the valuable elements like Gold, Platinum and Silver. But watch out, if your universe is overfilled with too many atoms it will cause a big crunch and the game is over. One way to prevent this is to build up long symmetries in your atoms and start big chain reactions. From time to time minus atoms appear, use them for absorbing and replacing atoms within your universe or sacrifice them for a plus atom. You see Atomas is not hard to play, but if you want to get to the top you'll need a good strategy, which keeps your atoms organized. By creating new elements like oxygen or copper you unlock lucky charms, which effect the game in various ways and adjust it to your strategy. What Atomas offers you: - 4 different game modes - simple but addicting game mechanics - 124 different atoms to create - 12 different lucky charms - exciting challenges - compare your scores with friends via GameCenter - share your score on twitter and Facebook - quick tutorial The developers high score is 66 534. Can you do better? Information Seller:Max Gittel Genre:Family, Puzzle, Trivia Release:Feb 25, 2015 Updated:May 01, 2020 Version:3.15 Size:20.6 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating: (7) Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal copaeci Well-Known Member Nov 2, 2012 1,606 0 0 student, writer, reviewer, beta tester ID #2 copaeci, Feb 25, 2015 This game is great, it's a simple matching game in basic but with a nice twist. It took a while for me to understand the game's rule since I abandoned the tutorial part, but once I got it I found if this is great for wasting my spare time vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member Dec 29, 2013 2,489 177 63 #3 vectorarchitekt, Feb 25, 2015 I like this game. I can't seem to delete the name Albert for the high score name and then if I try to add letters I can't delete those either. sirnik Well-Known Member Dec 20, 2011 63 0 0 Developer #4 sirnik, Feb 25, 2015 Hi, I'm the developer of Atomas. I'm so sorry because of that bug with the textfield It seems that this problem occurs on devices that are older than the iPhone6 / Plus. I will fix it as soon as possible! vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member Dec 29, 2013 2,489 177 63 #5 vectorarchitekt, Feb 25, 2015 No problem, just thought you'd want to know. Yeah I'm still holding onto my 5c. PeteOzzy Well-Known Member Oct 30, 2013 4,596 3 0 Norwich, England #6 PeteOzzy, Feb 26, 2015 This is absolutely fantastic, another surprise gem from today/yesterday. Slight hint of Threes but only very barely, it has a unique feel and a classy visual style. It's one of those games where being passionate about the subject matter helps a lot but really doesn't matter in the long run. It's a game of numbers and strategy, and what a game it is! It's something you probably need to play to understand the appeal but I adore it already and will be playing for some time to come! Note: I also had the Albert name bug, no big deal but obviously a fix will be grand when possible. Cheers! Breinstein Well-Known Member Sep 27, 2012 527 5 18 The Netherlands #7 Breinstein, Feb 26, 2015 Well looks I have to try this then.. I like science, I like puzzle games and ... My name is Albert ## vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member Dec 29, 2013 2,489 177 63 #8 vectorarchitekt, Feb 26, 2015 Lol perfect! I hope this game gets more attention this week. Highest I got was 9. I like this game better than Threes. Love the visual style as well. sirnik Well-Known Member Dec 20, 2011 63 0 0 Developer #9 sirnik, Feb 26, 2015 Last edited: Feb 26, 2015 I'm glad you like Atomas I've fixed the Textfield problem and added 5 more Atoms. The update should be approved by Apple within one week. I also want to share my strategies to achieve a high score (I've got 19 000 Points and the Gold Atom (37) ): Chain reaction: When ever possible build up chain reaction, which you can start with only one plus atom. The longer the better. Helper line: Perhaps you have already noticed the fine line around the game field. This line shows you the current longest possible chain reaction in your atoms. Minus: Most of times you should use the minus to absorb "sleeping" atoms (atoms that currently don't spawn in the middle) and convert them to a plus atom. So if you have created a really high atoms with a large chain reaction you should remove it afterward, because as long as it doesn't spawn in the middle it's an obstacle for you. Don't worry, it still counts as your highest atom of the game even when you remove it. The same thing with low atoms: if you have 1 helium within 15 sodiums you should remove it as soon as possible, because you won't get another helium to make a helium pair. Use Minus as a replacer only if it helps you to build a big chain reaction. Lucky Charms: If you create new Elements you also unlock new lucky charms. Choose that one that fits your strategy. I'm using Potassium (Kalium) which gives you 20% more Plus atoms, but -10% less Minus Atoms. This are the main strategies, which worked pretty good for me. If you have some other tips and strategies i'd love to hear them Have fun playing! marshallmick007 New Member May 9, 2012 1 0 0 #10 marshallmick007, Feb 26, 2015 Last edited: Feb 26, 2015 This is a really really fun game, and it is hard to put down! How do Charms get unlocked? I've made it up to Argon, and saw many Potassium elements, so I am thinking it might be based off of score and not your highest element? edit: Duh! Potassium is K and not P sirnik Well-Known Member Dec 20, 2011 63 0 0 Developer #11 sirnik, Feb 26, 2015 When the highest element you've created is higher then the lucky charm element, it gets unlocked. You can look up your highest element at the main screen with the big atom. Potassium should come right after Argon, perhaps you saw Phosphorus (P) Here's a full list of the lucky charms and their effects: Oxygen(8) : +10% Plus Atoms Silicon(14) : +10% Minus Atoms Potassium(19): +15% Plus -10% Minus Chrome(22): +20% higher (center) atoms Copper(27): +20% Points for chain reactions Selenium(32): 50% chance of higher fusion results Silver(35): Game starts with Carbon Platin(36): +33% Chance of plus if 18 atoms on the game field Gold(37): ?????? scott997 Well-Known Member Jan 5, 2015 93 0 6 #12 scott997, Feb 26, 2015 What atoms will you get? What atoms will you not get? Is there any pattern? I noticed that when I don't have any atoms to match I can put the plus atom in to the circle. Then when I match atoms around it, they cause a chain reaction. I wonder if you can use this to build up a larger chain reaction. Thanks. sirnik Well-Known Member Dec 20, 2011 63 0 0 Developer #13 sirnik, Feb 26, 2015 Last edited: Feb 26, 2015 Whoops, I need to correct myself a little bit: There is a little possibility to get the lower atom as long as it's on the game field, but it's still an big obstacle and should be removed if possible. The atoms you get from the middle depend on the amount of moves you made. More moves -> higher atoms Edit: A plus appears about every 5th move and a Minus every 20th Yes that's possible! The reaction only starts when the plus atoms right and left side atoms are the same. saosijs Well-Known Member Mar 24, 2012 1,483 2 38 Brazil #14 saosijs, Feb 26, 2015 Not sure what you mean by that first sentence. The atom I get from the middle depends only on the amount of moves? Or does it depend on what you have on the board too? vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member Dec 29, 2013 2,489 177 63 #15 vectorarchitekt, Feb 27, 2015 I made it to 1505 silicon but I still don't understand what is happening half the time. Are the chain reactions due to the numbers being brought together in consecutive order or is it the combination of elements? I feel really stupid. My only strategy has been to keep like ones together and try to make higher elements but when a few big chains occur I have no idea why sirnik Well-Known Member Dec 20, 2011 63 0 0 Developer #16 sirnik, Feb 27, 2015 You have a range of possible atoms which increases with your amount of moves. The game starts with the range Hydrogen to Lithium, after ~10 moves it will be Helium - Beryllium and so on. To increase difficulty the length of the range is also increased from time to time. But before you get a random atom from this range, the game pick a random existing one in your circle and checks if its below this range, if so it will spawn this atom. So the chance to get an atom in the game field that is below the current range is 1/(amount of atoms in circle). I actually pretty simple: If you have a point between two atoms, all atoms that are symmetrical to that point (in a continuous line) will get involved in a chain reaction (if you place a plus at this point). You can see what i mean in the image below. You can also look at part 3/7 and 4/7 of the tutorial which shows such situations. (Tutorial can be repeated from the last page in the menu) Attached Files: chain.png File size: 478.4 KB Views: 34 saosijs Well-Known Member Mar 24, 2012 1,483 2 38 Brazil #17 saosijs, Feb 27, 2015 Thanks Sirnik! The understanding of the spawning is crucial to choosing the right strategy. The weekend I will play more. rbates Well-Known Member Sep 4, 2012 194 0 0 #18 rbates, Feb 28, 2015 I love the presentation of this game, but I'm still trying to wrap my head around the strategy beyond making chains. I feel like I am at the mercy of the game giving me a plus sign which, as far as I can tell, happens randomly, is there any way to control that? I noticed you can save a plus by not putting in between the same type but then you are stuck with needing one of the types next to it. Feels a little too random. I have a question about the antimatter, does it go away permanently after one use or does it come back for each game? That part feels a bit pay-to-win to me but I guess it is worth it to have an elegant game like this for free. sirnik Well-Known Member Dec 20, 2011 63 0 0 Developer #19 sirnik, Feb 28, 2015 Last edited: Feb 28, 2015 Yes the plus is random, BUT the maximum of moves without a plus is 5. So you can reckon that about every 5th move a plus appears. You can influence the probability by equipping a lucky charm. Oxygen for example, gives you 10% more pluses. You can also use the minus (appears every ~20 moves) to absorb an atom and convert it into a plus. Antimatter is a consumable. The purpose of antimatter is to save you from losing, but only one time per game, otherwise you could play indefinitely, which is not the sense of a high score game and would be unfair to all other players. Of course you don't need antimatter to get a high score, (I've got 19 000 points and gold without antimatter), but it can help you if you made some mistakes and don't want to lose right before a new highscore. So if you have antimatter, you should use it wisely sirnik Well-Known Member Dec 20, 2011 63 0 0 Developer #20 sirnik, Feb 28, 2015 Game Impressions A little bit late, but here's the official game trailer for Atomas, hope you like it: Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel (You must log in or sign up to post here.) 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This game is great, it's a simple matching game in basic but with a nice twist. It took a while for me to understand the game's rule since I abandoned the tutorial part, but once I got it I found if this is great for wasting my spare time
I like this game. I can't seem to delete the name Albert for the high score name and then if I try to add letters I can't delete those either.
Hi, I'm the developer of Atomas. I'm so sorry because of that bug with the textfield It seems that this problem occurs on devices that are older than the iPhone6 / Plus. I will fix it as soon as possible!
This is absolutely fantastic, another surprise gem from today/yesterday. Slight hint of Threes but only very barely, it has a unique feel and a classy visual style. It's one of those games where being passionate about the subject matter helps a lot but really doesn't matter in the long run. It's a game of numbers and strategy, and what a game it is! It's something you probably need to play to understand the appeal but I adore it already and will be playing for some time to come! Note: I also had the Albert name bug, no big deal but obviously a fix will be grand when possible. Cheers!
Well looks I have to try this then.. I like science, I like puzzle games and ... My name is Albert ##
Lol perfect! I hope this game gets more attention this week. Highest I got was 9. I like this game better than Threes. Love the visual style as well.
I'm glad you like Atomas I've fixed the Textfield problem and added 5 more Atoms. The update should be approved by Apple within one week. I also want to share my strategies to achieve a high score (I've got 19 000 Points and the Gold Atom (37) ): Chain reaction: When ever possible build up chain reaction, which you can start with only one plus atom. The longer the better. Helper line: Perhaps you have already noticed the fine line around the game field. This line shows you the current longest possible chain reaction in your atoms. Minus: Most of times you should use the minus to absorb "sleeping" atoms (atoms that currently don't spawn in the middle) and convert them to a plus atom. So if you have created a really high atoms with a large chain reaction you should remove it afterward, because as long as it doesn't spawn in the middle it's an obstacle for you. Don't worry, it still counts as your highest atom of the game even when you remove it. The same thing with low atoms: if you have 1 helium within 15 sodiums you should remove it as soon as possible, because you won't get another helium to make a helium pair. Use Minus as a replacer only if it helps you to build a big chain reaction. Lucky Charms: If you create new Elements you also unlock new lucky charms. Choose that one that fits your strategy. I'm using Potassium (Kalium) which gives you 20% more Plus atoms, but -10% less Minus Atoms. This are the main strategies, which worked pretty good for me. If you have some other tips and strategies i'd love to hear them Have fun playing!
This is a really really fun game, and it is hard to put down! How do Charms get unlocked? I've made it up to Argon, and saw many Potassium elements, so I am thinking it might be based off of score and not your highest element? edit: Duh! Potassium is K and not P
When the highest element you've created is higher then the lucky charm element, it gets unlocked. You can look up your highest element at the main screen with the big atom. Potassium should come right after Argon, perhaps you saw Phosphorus (P) Here's a full list of the lucky charms and their effects: Oxygen(8) : +10% Plus Atoms Silicon(14) : +10% Minus Atoms Potassium(19): +15% Plus -10% Minus Chrome(22): +20% higher (center) atoms Copper(27): +20% Points for chain reactions Selenium(32): 50% chance of higher fusion results Silver(35): Game starts with Carbon Platin(36): +33% Chance of plus if 18 atoms on the game field Gold(37): ??????
What atoms will you get? What atoms will you not get? Is there any pattern? I noticed that when I don't have any atoms to match I can put the plus atom in to the circle. Then when I match atoms around it, they cause a chain reaction. I wonder if you can use this to build up a larger chain reaction. Thanks.
Whoops, I need to correct myself a little bit: There is a little possibility to get the lower atom as long as it's on the game field, but it's still an big obstacle and should be removed if possible. The atoms you get from the middle depend on the amount of moves you made. More moves -> higher atoms Edit: A plus appears about every 5th move and a Minus every 20th Yes that's possible! The reaction only starts when the plus atoms right and left side atoms are the same.
Not sure what you mean by that first sentence. The atom I get from the middle depends only on the amount of moves? Or does it depend on what you have on the board too?
I made it to 1505 silicon but I still don't understand what is happening half the time. Are the chain reactions due to the numbers being brought together in consecutive order or is it the combination of elements? I feel really stupid. My only strategy has been to keep like ones together and try to make higher elements but when a few big chains occur I have no idea why
You have a range of possible atoms which increases with your amount of moves. The game starts with the range Hydrogen to Lithium, after ~10 moves it will be Helium - Beryllium and so on. To increase difficulty the length of the range is also increased from time to time. But before you get a random atom from this range, the game pick a random existing one in your circle and checks if its below this range, if so it will spawn this atom. So the chance to get an atom in the game field that is below the current range is 1/(amount of atoms in circle). I actually pretty simple: If you have a point between two atoms, all atoms that are symmetrical to that point (in a continuous line) will get involved in a chain reaction (if you place a plus at this point). You can see what i mean in the image below. You can also look at part 3/7 and 4/7 of the tutorial which shows such situations. (Tutorial can be repeated from the last page in the menu)
Thanks Sirnik! The understanding of the spawning is crucial to choosing the right strategy. The weekend I will play more.
I love the presentation of this game, but I'm still trying to wrap my head around the strategy beyond making chains. I feel like I am at the mercy of the game giving me a plus sign which, as far as I can tell, happens randomly, is there any way to control that? I noticed you can save a plus by not putting in between the same type but then you are stuck with needing one of the types next to it. Feels a little too random. I have a question about the antimatter, does it go away permanently after one use or does it come back for each game? That part feels a bit pay-to-win to me but I guess it is worth it to have an elegant game like this for free.
Yes the plus is random, BUT the maximum of moves without a plus is 5. So you can reckon that about every 5th move a plus appears. You can influence the probability by equipping a lucky charm. Oxygen for example, gives you 10% more pluses. You can also use the minus (appears every ~20 moves) to absorb an atom and convert it into a plus. Antimatter is a consumable. The purpose of antimatter is to save you from losing, but only one time per game, otherwise you could play indefinitely, which is not the sense of a high score game and would be unfair to all other players. Of course you don't need antimatter to get a high score, (I've got 19 000 points and gold without antimatter), but it can help you if you made some mistakes and don't want to lose right before a new highscore. So if you have antimatter, you should use it wisely
Game Impressions A little bit late, but here's the official game trailer for Atomas, hope you like it: Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel