Still recommending Red Conquest... I've written a review, it looks like it either hasn't got approved or is still waiting for approval by a moderator...
I say Air Hockey ($0.99): Merry Christmas!
I would get Run! and Green Fingers for $2 total. Both are great pick up and play games with online leaderboards.
I spent my $25 card on music (Dissidia FF and Pirates of the Caribbean 3), because I already have 2 full pages of great games and 2 pages of decent games from Black Friday and Appvent
Kevin Calderone, developer of Gomi? I loved Gomi, but that last boss is impossible! You should think about making a Gomi 2!
I loved Trace and Gomi! I can't wait for Trace 2 seeing as the first was amazing. I'm interested in knowing your 2 pages of great games. Would you mind sharing?
The results of lurking TA far too much Black Friday - Underworlds, Inotia 1, Wolfenstein RPG, Defender Chronicles, Elven Chronicles, Hybrid, Spy Bot, Toy Bot Mini Missions Xmas sales and Appvent - Undercroft, Crusade of Destiny, Seed, DarkRaider 3GS, Minimae (world 2 update), Soosiz, Ice Age, Toki Tori, Uniwar, Totemo, Wheeler's Treasure, Blimp, 7 Cities, iSamurai, Run Run Sheep, Minim, Army Wars, Go Go Rescue Squad, Da Vinci's Secret Machines, Chuck the Ball, Ms. Chuck, Minisquadron, 33rd Division, Equilibrio, Cabby, Sentinel 1, Flickitty, Pentanimals, TTR 3 And thank you guys for the compliments . For the last boss of Gomi, use vacuum on the first round to eat up the bolts quickly. On the next two rounds, try to be aware of your surroundings and always look for any missles heading for you. It also helps if you keep shooting as much as possible, you'll take out projectiles offscreen and it should make things a bit easier.
Those are some nice games you got there! I got a bunch of those during the sales, too. From the Appvent Calender and Black Friday sales alone, I have filled up all of the pages on my iPod touch repeatedly!
On the appvent site they said that they're going to do this again on Easter and next Christmas; I'm not sure if I'll ever get through all these