Sisyphos Florian Grolig Sisyphos lets you experience the joy and pain of pushing a rock up a mountain. "A lesson in humility—a destruction of … Free Buy Now Watch Media DetailsSisyphos lets you experience the joy and pain of pushing a rock up a mountain. "A lesson in humility—a destruction of the human ego" - "Utterly ridiculous ,utterly pointless and utterly brilliant" Information Seller:Florian Grolig Genre:Action, Arcade, Education Release:Oct 04, 2014 Updated:Feb 14, 2024 Version:1.2 Size:81.6 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Sexy Pirate Well-Known Member Sep 29, 2014 889 0 0 Call centre / Parent Newcastle England #2 Sexy Pirate, Oct 5, 2014 Anyone tried this? Not sure if it's worth checking out or if it's just someone's weird test to see if people will buy any old crap? The art sure looks nice. triptych Well-Known Member Jul 29, 2012 203 0 0 #3 triptych, Oct 5, 2014 At least it's not a flappy bird clone. Sexy Pirate Well-Known Member Sep 29, 2014 889 0 0 Call centre / Parent Newcastle England #4 Sexy Pirate, Oct 5, 2014 Last edited: Oct 5, 2014 Well I'll TOFTT and report back soon (since it's only 69p) Edit. "Impressions" Right well........ It's a simple affair of tap to push the Rock and then tap to move a foot forward and repeat, the rock is obviously constantly trying to roll back down the hill and the further you push it the steeper the hill gets, and that seems to be it. There's stats for how high you've got and it seems like there is a peak to reach. But that's all there seems to be, now I've only played it for five mins so I'll post back later after I've tried to reach higher up the hill. Sexy Pirate Well-Known Member Sep 29, 2014 889 0 0 Call centre / Parent Newcastle England #5 Sexy Pirate, Oct 6, 2014 Well I made it to the peak and the little guy just pushes the rock over and it rolls down the other side so he starts pushing it up again but from the other side. While it looks nice and plays fine I really can't reccomend anyone to buy this as its pretty pointless. Attached Files: image.jpg File size: 92.6 KB Views: 3 fgrolig Member Oct 9, 2014 12 5 3 Game Designer Berlin #6 fgrolig, Oct 9, 2014 Last edited: Oct 9, 2014 pointless is the point Just wanted to point out, though of course it's not very appealing for everyone from a gameplay point of view, being caught in a "pointless" task is exactly what the myths of sisyphos is about. psj3809 Moderator Jan 13, 2011 12,972 722 113 England #7 psj3809, Oct 9, 2014 I cant believe you pushed it to the top of the mountain ! Thought its a pointless 'game' just as the description says "lets you experience the arduousness, joy and pain of pushing a rock up a mountain". Seems to do exactly that ! fgrolig Member Oct 9, 2014 12 5 3 Game Designer Berlin #8 fgrolig, Apr 4, 2015 Free for a week Sisyphos is free till 11. April. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
Anyone tried this? Not sure if it's worth checking out or if it's just someone's weird test to see if people will buy any old crap? The art sure looks nice.
Well I'll TOFTT and report back soon (since it's only 69p) Edit. "Impressions" Right well........ It's a simple affair of tap to push the Rock and then tap to move a foot forward and repeat, the rock is obviously constantly trying to roll back down the hill and the further you push it the steeper the hill gets, and that seems to be it. There's stats for how high you've got and it seems like there is a peak to reach. But that's all there seems to be, now I've only played it for five mins so I'll post back later after I've tried to reach higher up the hill.
Well I made it to the peak and the little guy just pushes the rock over and it rolls down the other side so he starts pushing it up again but from the other side. While it looks nice and plays fine I really can't reccomend anyone to buy this as its pretty pointless.
pointless is the point Just wanted to point out, though of course it's not very appealing for everyone from a gameplay point of view, being caught in a "pointless" task is exactly what the myths of sisyphos is about.
I cant believe you pushed it to the top of the mountain ! Thought its a pointless 'game' just as the description says "lets you experience the arduousness, joy and pain of pushing a rock up a mountain". Seems to do exactly that !