The Quest Classic - HOL Redshift An expansion to The Quest Classic, a beautifully hand-drawn, immersive and enchanting world full of exciting challenges.… $1.99 Buy Now Watch Media DetailsAn expansion to The Quest Classic, a beautifully hand-drawn, immersive and enchanting world full of exciting challenges. After enabling the expansion, you can continue to play The Quest Classic with your existing character(s) to explore new areas and quests. However, if you don't have The Quest Classic, you can also play the expansion as a standalone game. In the game you are an agent of the Tzar called to the fortress of Zlatograd, the last free city, but it's besieged. You must fight hordes of Savirs who have united with the magic of Kozney the Deathless and overrun the beautiful country of Lukomorye, seized members of the Royal Family and taken over the major cities. You'll need all your skills, experience and brain to overcome the new challenges. However, you will find new friends, spells, weapons and other items to help you become the hero of Lukomorye. In the expansion you will find: - Over 30 hours of additional gameplay - New monsters with graphics/abilities/properties - New spells - New, superiorly enchantable armors and weapons - The ability to restore your lost xp - Many new quests, NPCs and high level shops - Many new books to learn skills from and enjoy reading - A new companion, Agent Kolobok, to travel with you through the long campaign. To access the new areas (not applicable if you are playing the expansion standalone), go to Mithria harbor and talk to captain Hanty, then select "Lukomorye" as your travel destination. It is recommended to reach at least level 22 before trying to take on the challenges of this new expansion. Please note that after you have traveled to Lukomorye, you'll have no way back for a long while (except if you have Marked a spot), so it is also recommended that you keep a save in Mithria. The Quest Classic - Hero of Lukomorye is developed by Zarista games ( Information Seller:Redshift Genre:Adventure, Role Playing Release:Aug 26, 2009 Updated:Nov 05, 2023 Version:20.12 Size:23.5 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating: (4) Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal The Bat Outta Hell Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze Mar 10, 2009 9,125 190 38 Hat Salesman Washington #2 The Bat Outta Hell, Aug 26, 2009 Holy moly another expansion? I'm not even close to finishing the main game! Captain Morgan Well-Known Member Jun 23, 2009 161 7 18 Trauma Nurse Phoenix #3 Captain Morgan, Aug 26, 2009 Nice, just about to turn in for the night, decided to acutally check this on a whim in iTunes, and saw it was up! Then, I thought, "Wow, I'll be the first to report it on TouchArcade!" NOT!!! Thanks Cat and RedShift, buying it now. Myrobotwillneverdie Well-Known Member Jan 14, 2009 487 2 0 SEPDX #4 Myrobotwillneverdie, Aug 26, 2009 Awesome. The wait is over! With this and 4 more, I'll get to play this forever. Myrobotwillneverdie Well-Known Member Jan 14, 2009 487 2 0 SEPDX #5 Myrobotwillneverdie, Aug 26, 2009 Holy crap, it's not working. I've enabled the game, and when I go to hanty, there's no option for lukomorye. What to do? Maelick Well-Known Member Aug 7, 2009 198 0 0 Read Above Myrtle Beach, SC USA #6 Maelick, Aug 26, 2009 Just grabbed his one myself. I'm pretty sure their is a part 2 to this addon that we can look forward to in the futue. Flashbang99 Well-Known Member Jul 12, 2009 153 0 0 #7 Flashbang99, Aug 26, 2009 This may not be the place for this but, what kind of custom class are you guys using? Im new to this game and I really would like to get in to it. Maelick Well-Known Member Aug 7, 2009 198 0 0 Read Above Myrtle Beach, SC USA #8 Maelick, Aug 26, 2009 Thief / Mage Ftw!!! I love stealin The Bat Outta Hell Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze Mar 10, 2009 9,125 190 38 Hat Salesman Washington #9 The Bat Outta Hell, Aug 26, 2009 Jesus Christ that's an awesome icon. pharmx Well-Known Member Jan 29, 2009 1,511 9 0 #10 pharmx, Aug 26, 2009 I agree, that icon is awesome Ravenblack Well-Known Member Feb 24, 2009 1,755 0 0 Singapore #11 Ravenblack, Aug 26, 2009 Nice. I haven't finished the main, nor gotten the expansion yet though. russian Member Jun 14, 2009 6 0 0 #12 russian, Aug 26, 2009 I have same thing I can't reach Lukomorie Maythius Well-Known Member Nov 3, 2008 1,165 3 0 #13 Maythius, Aug 26, 2009 With all the current releases for the Quest, this game has about 110+ hours of gameplay.... that's disgusting stanny Well-Known Member Jan 16, 2009 460 0 16 #14 stanny, Aug 26, 2009 Just wondering, how do expansions work? Do you keep your character across all different apps? falloutmike Well-Known Member Apr 16, 2009 1,112 0 0 VA #15 falloutmike, Aug 26, 2009 OPMGOMGOGMOMOGTG!@@@ Been waiting forever! Nice to wake up tooooo!!!!!! WOOO!! DD BEST game ever. Ravenblack Well-Known Member Feb 24, 2009 1,755 0 0 Singapore #16 Ravenblack, Aug 26, 2009 Yes. Read the app description. Masmo Well-Known Member Apr 8, 2009 1,624 5 0 Overlord In your pants #17 Masmo, Aug 26, 2009 Sweet, I haven't finished the main or started on the other expansion pack so I can keep continuing the game with this one later. Just wanted to ask all the pros, I'm creating a new character and which do you think overall is the best character or skills in terms of choices in the game (Persuading people etc, etc) falloutmike Well-Known Member Apr 16, 2009 1,112 0 0 VA #18 falloutmike, Aug 26, 2009 That's up to you.... That's what makes it an RPG, you decide. I always have alchemy, the rest are up to your playing style. falloutmike Well-Known Member Apr 16, 2009 1,112 0 0 VA #19 falloutmike, Aug 26, 2009 Last edited: Aug 26, 2009 Too bad the expansion doesnt work.... I tried adding it to the quest, and it says requries 3.0, da da da, then hit yes ... goes to the regular quest game and i go to mithria harbor and don't have the option to go there.... I have 2nd gen ipod touch with 3.0 Oh rofl, how depressing, just noticed you need version 3.0 for the quest ugh... this sucks Elendil / Redshift Well-Known Member Apr 14, 2009 276 0 0 #20 Elendil / Redshift, Aug 26, 2009 We are extremely sorry about this, but this is entirely Apple's fault. We have submitted all updates (The Quest, Lite, Ice & Fire and Lukomorye) together, however it seems they decided to review them separately and quite unfortunately The Quest is last. However it really shouldn't take long now for it to appear in the App Store, so please be patient. 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Nice, just about to turn in for the night, decided to acutally check this on a whim in iTunes, and saw it was up! Then, I thought, "Wow, I'll be the first to report it on TouchArcade!" NOT!!! Thanks Cat and RedShift, buying it now.
Holy crap, it's not working. I've enabled the game, and when I go to hanty, there's no option for lukomorye. What to do?
Just grabbed his one myself. I'm pretty sure their is a part 2 to this addon that we can look forward to in the futue.
This may not be the place for this but, what kind of custom class are you guys using? Im new to this game and I really would like to get in to it.
With all the current releases for the Quest, this game has about 110+ hours of gameplay.... that's disgusting
Sweet, I haven't finished the main or started on the other expansion pack so I can keep continuing the game with this one later. Just wanted to ask all the pros, I'm creating a new character and which do you think overall is the best character or skills in terms of choices in the game (Persuading people etc, etc)
That's up to you.... That's what makes it an RPG, you decide. I always have alchemy, the rest are up to your playing style.
Too bad the expansion doesnt work.... I tried adding it to the quest, and it says requries 3.0, da da da, then hit yes ... goes to the regular quest game and i go to mithria harbor and don't have the option to go there.... I have 2nd gen ipod touch with 3.0 Oh rofl, how depressing, just noticed you need version 3.0 for the quest ugh... this sucks
We are extremely sorry about this, but this is entirely Apple's fault. We have submitted all updates (The Quest, Lite, Ice & Fire and Lukomorye) together, however it seems they decided to review them separately and quite unfortunately The Quest is last. However it really shouldn't take long now for it to appear in the App Store, so please be patient.