So, I went to a meat cloud hunting and turned out I just mistook the base turret damage as rockets hitting a meat cloud. My bad.
Did the Earth stage get much simpler? I used to have so much trouble with it, but I just managed to finish it on Hard without even upgrading my base, and still had >50% health left.
The last update did slightly reduce the difficulty of the EDP map so if you had a pretty good strategy it will now work even better! Both normal and hard have become a bit easier but some upcoming changes will throw a bit of a spanner in the works which leads nicely into a little WIP teaser ;-) I'll let you guys speculate from here! This is a touch arcade forum exclusive teaser. These are very much work in progress designs and the final versions might not look the same hence why there are some inconsistencies between the global HUD. Also we are not 100% sure how much will make it into the next update... I have a tendency to get carried away and a bit too excited. It may get split in two. This is an update that is a direct response to the most requested areas of expansion or changes.
Looking forward to the update. Any rough idea when it will be available? Also I am curious how much tech points I get with my current xp.
We are aiming for 2-3 months development. It's hard to say but the research system is getting an overhaul which will also include an increase on the experience level cap as there will be many more tech points required to fully upgrade everything. This has been one of the top request for expansion in the game so we have made it a priority. Nightmare mode will include new elite spawn portals and other changes to make playing the campaign feel very fresh. I'm really looking forward to balancing this one - Gunna make it as painful as I can get away with. There's quite a few other changes we are looking at as well including some QOL stuff. Once it's all in we will need to do quite a bit of testing as well as the new mode and research system will impact the difficulty. The ideal outcome for the game modes is to make normal a tiny bit easier than what it is now, hard mode around the same and nightmare will be very challenging. Some work will be done on survival as well. We want this update to not only provide extra content for new players but also to provide a fresh experience for existing players and add longevity. Because of the changes to the player experience level cap and the research menu we will likely allow for players to keep their level but their research unlocks will be reset and they will be awarded tech points relevant to their level which they can spend as they choose. As we make progress and start to test things out I'll have more info.
Not sure adding more elite would provide fresh experience. It would certainly make the game harder, but with limited base turret types and turret slots, I am concerned the nightmare difficulty falling into something that require specific turret placements and orders to beat. I am more interested in randomized turret slots or ability to pick turret locations (say 10 out of 20 possible locations). Also ways to use cash after upgrading all the turrets would be nice. I know these are a lot to ask for $2, so maybe for future titles?
It's possible we could look at adding some additional tower platforms for the more difficult modes. Nightmare won't function like hard mode. It won't just be a case of making monsters tankier. There will be new spawn portals added to the map where groups of elites will spawn. Maybe we could expand on this more in the future we shall see! Also bare in mind the research system will be getting an overhaul and expansion in the next update.
I am rather interested in randomized or being able to select turret locations over added turret locations for higher difficulty. Say there are 20 turret slots available on a map, and 10 out of those slots are chosen by the game or the player. I think this will increase the longevity of the game with less work compared to adding new maps.
Makes sense. I already saw some added slots in the screenshots! It may also make sense to buy slots at a high price for survival mode. Eg $500-1000 per new slot?
I'm already stuck at Saturn, and that's not a bad thing. I like replaying failed missions, since I might learn (or come across) a better strategy. In case of failure, I'll still get some XP so it's not a waste.
Hi Sebgo! Welcome to the conversation. Are you playing on normal or hard? I plan on doing a Saturn walkthrough next. Saturn is a thinker monster paradise! Some tips for that map. Try and save the tactical drone for the last wave to deploy the shield against the thinkers and slugs The tactical drone rockets are an excellent way to handle thinker crowd control. If they start overwhelming your defences then focus rocket fire on them A couple of upgraded plasma turrets near the command centre, will be very helpful later on. Level 3 or Lightning is recommended There's quite a lot of fleshwings on that map so try and get at least one MGT with rockets near the command centre Keep us posted on how you get on
One thing you should know is that enemies have various armor types, which are roughly categorized into strong and weak armor. Strong armor requires either plasma or artillery turrets to be effectively damaged. So you will need to balance between 4 turret types. (Well, you can beat normal Saturn with MGs only. Yes, I tried it).
The only maps I found survival impossible were the Asteroid and the Last Stand, especially the Asteroid. The map is just beyond me with Husks spawning right behind the base. The next map I recommend is Saturn. Basically a large map with enemy spawn points placed far from the base is more manageable.
Well, if there is one thing that I want changed about the survival is the starting cash. Maybe 800? since the first wave on some maps is even crazier than the hard difficulty. Try Mars and you will get the idea.
We discussed this quite a lot yesterday and in the coming update you will be able to build additional tower platforms when playing nightmare or survival. Things are coming along quite nicely for the content update. I've finished the designs for the research menu overhaul and Pete our lead dev is now laying the foundations for this in Unity. The foundations for nightmare mode are also in so once we the research system is finished we will work on the UI for building tower platforms and then it will be time to work on the monster waves and balancing. There's some other QOL stuff getting worked on alongside. I'll share more as we continue to develop the content update.