Yeah, it looks like a pretty awesome Bomberman clone! I was going to make a list of all the games I was interested in, but I got lazy!
I'm thinking Mini Motor Racing will have the spotlight this week. At least I hope so, because I've been waiting on it since the dawn of time.
Aww.... Just got really excited when I saw Uncharted... then i found out what it really was..... *cries*
The way I now see it is that Chrono Trigger will come sometime in the next three weeks on a Tuesday and not during holiday lockdown. Thanks to ianimex for pointing out Square Enix comment "...The app will be released tomorrow first in Japan. But the apps have already been submitted. It'll be soon available in other countries. Wait for a moment..."
Only getting Six Guns so I can critique the hell out of it. No Batman. Getting MMR, a couple chillingo games, and crazy bomber. I'll be looking into some others as well!
By the way expect FFT for iPad, as they said it will be released before winter and winter starts officially at 23 dec
Those mini games from alien homnib came out. Excellent platforming fun with tons of levels. 15 free levels, 69p to unlock all 500! The game needs a thread, can't find one Search for 'PDA Games'
So is the 15th going to be the last week of releases? As far as I know, the lockdown is on the 22nd, but is that going to be after some releases, or is 15th all we get?
I can't unlock the full game...please tell me what I'm doing wrong...write here or PM me! Thanks in advance (I loved the first 15 levels and I want all the game!!) And ye, someone can add a thread for this game (it was on TA front-page yesterday or 2 days ago)?