My 3 year old deleted my nova game, and when I rediwnloaded it my save data was gone! So I put on Kung Fu panda for him, and started playing nova. When the movie got over I replayed it, and before it got over the second time I had already beat nova on normal difficulty. Now I just need to beat it on hard. It was cool though, because this time I got an alternate ending.
About 3 hours on normal difficulty, yes. I have beat it on easy and normal now, and honestly I didn't notice much of a difference. I plan to give hard mode a try, then do the achievement of beating it with pistol only. Yes thier are alternate endings. Without spoiling the story, all I can say is the ending are not much different other than one piece of dialog on the stories ending. It would have been nice if they had varying FMV sequences or something, or at least 2 hidden achievements. The alternate ending is easy to achieve. It's a basic "good guy / bad guy choice". Unfortunately it doesn't alter the gameplay depending on what side you choose.