Infectonator Armor Games Studios Inc Tired of killing zombies? How about turning people into zombies instead! "Best Game of the Year 2012" - Armor Games "Bes… TouchArcade Rating: Free Buy Now Watch Media DetailsTired of killing zombies? How about turning people into zombies instead! "Best Game of the Year 2012" - Armor Games "Best Browser Strategy & Simulation 2012" - JayisGames "Carnage Was Never So Cute" - JayisGames "Guaranteed to bring mayhem fun" - Indigo Entertainment "This Game is Epic" - AstralX7 "Infectonator is made more robust" - IGN "Great Pixel Art Graphics" - AppAdvice They said you were crazy. They said you were inhuman. Well, you're assembling a lab full of zombies to take over the world by turning everyone into zombies, so they were probably right. Infectonator is over-the-top arcade action where you drop your undead virus into unsuspecting countries and reap the rewards. Upgrade your zombies with powerful enhancements, unlock special undead and chow down on celebrities, and infect each unique country by giving a whole new meaning to "going green". With bright pixel graphics and a sense of humor, Infectonator is a fun and casual zombie game for everyone. Information Seller:Armor Games Studios Inc Genre:Simulation, Strategy Release:Sep 25, 2012 Updated:Jul 12, 2017 Version:1.6.3 Size:171.2 MB TouchArcade Rating: User Rating: (6) Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Butterbrains Well-Known Member Mar 12, 2012 58 0 0 Sunny Singapore #2 Butterbrains, Sep 25, 2012 Looks really good. Any chance of a gameplay video? Exact-Psience Well-Known Member Jan 12, 2012 22,664 2 38 The Work-At-Home Guy Philippines #3 Exact-Psience, Sep 25, 2012 Does look good. I still have about $13 on my US account imma use that for now Imps later. Exact-Psience Well-Known Member Jan 12, 2012 22,664 2 38 The Work-At-Home Guy Philippines #4 Exact-Psience, Sep 25, 2012 Last edited: Sep 25, 2012 Hahaha! Totally fun! The gameplay looks like this: Missions are "locations" on the map where it starts your objectives. Your first tap will create a "puff" of virus in that area, infecting people in that puf and turning them into zombies. These zombies will move on their own, and will try to attack other humans. Zombies have a chance to infect other humans they attack. Also, the zombies rot, so they have a duration or a life span. Everything isnt automatic though. You have skills that you can use like "instant summoning" a couple zombies to increase your horde right away, or to flank some fleeing humans so you can get more of them. Other skills involve using grenades to instantly killing humans or they can give out other effects. Also, coins found in the game can be acquired by tapping close to it, or on it, so your finger will always have something to do in the game. In between missions you can get to the upgrade screens where you can unlock up to 11 zombie types, and upgrade them, or buy items like the grenades. From the look of things there is so much in this game that will make one busy. Current run end when you lose all zombies, or when you kill all humans in that scenario. You get scored by your performance each end of a mission in a very stylish way (wont spoil it. It isnt that unique, but i like it nonetheless.) Chiptunes are awesome, and the retro graphics are cute and somewhat detailed. The humans and zombies are pretty well drawn, and with much variety in each zombie type or human types. Right now, i can say i am very much enjoying this and i would strongly recommend getting it. It's a good way to spend that dollar. There is some IAP, but so far i am getting VERY generous amount of coins, even just from the very first mission. Too early to say, but it looks like IAP well-done. L.Lawliet Well-Known Member Jun 28, 2011 6,405 420 83 #5 L.Lawliet, Sep 25, 2012 omg yes!!! a few years back i'd play this all the time on my comp (before i had any idevice). it was so fun. now i can take it with me anywhere I can attest to how good the flash one was. If you guys are familiar with this type of game, it's the best of it's kind. I guarantee it! Janni Well-Known Member Aug 10, 2012 284 0 0 #6 Janni, Sep 25, 2012 thanks for the review EP, great work as usual! pixel-gfx looks also neat... well... sold NLjaan Well-Known Member Jan 31, 2011 135 0 16 #7 NLjaan, Sep 25, 2012 Last edited: Sep 25, 2012 OH MY GOD. I kid you not, just yesterday I was thinking they should port this to iPad. Talk about a co-incidence. O_O EDIT: By the way, this game is awesome. Definitely a must-buy! Exact-Psience Well-Known Member Jan 12, 2012 22,664 2 38 The Work-At-Home Guy Philippines #8 Exact-Psience, Sep 25, 2012 There are so many objectives (some hidden it seems since ive only unlocked a few) and it gives you coins as reward which all make sure you wont need IAP. Completing mission objectives destroys that city, and gives much gold as well. Pretty balanced in my opinion, and the IAP is never needed unless for those impatient and want to stay ahead and have an easy run. All i get from this game is fun. And i cant stop playing it. Greyskull Well-Known Member Dec 13, 2009 5,587 1 38 Photographer/Social Sciences adjunct/sweet sweet l Fort Lauderdale #9 Greyskull, Sep 25, 2012 Last edited: Sep 26, 2012 This game is published by Armor Games, so if you want to try before you buy, I'm sure you can at their website, which is a Flash game portal. toxiccheese Well-Known Member Mar 21, 2010 394 0 0 #10 toxiccheese, Sep 25, 2012 This game is infectious! Can't put it down! MrAlbum Well-Known Member Feb 8, 2012 247 0 0 Student Alaska #11 MrAlbum, Sep 25, 2012 Alright, I bit the hook and tried out Infectonator. I happen to be of the opinion that Infectonator: World Dominator, one of the previous iterations of the Flash games, is one of the best variations of the Infectonator formula, and I was halfway ecstatic when I discovered that this game took the vast majority of its gameplay mechanics from that other game. Essentially, this game is a port of I: WD for the iPhone, and it is just as infectiously awesome as that game. The graphics have been upgraded, however, and the "hero" system has changed a little. You see, in the original I: WD, you gain heroes by killing them while they are alive, which allows you to use them in your own personal quest for world domination as Infected. These heroes did straddle copyright infringement, however, with evil Ronald McDonald and a Zombie Michael Jackson (complete with moonwalking and a chip tune version of "Thriller" 8D ) being only a couple of the heroes one would eventually get by playing the game. This port instead has you unlocking hero characters after completing specific objectives, and you can only equip four heroes at once. Similarly, you can only use three support weapons, along with the default infection spreader. And, sadly, there is no zombie MJ. Other than that, this port is shockingly faithful to its source, and considering how gloriously cheesily awesome the original was, that is a good thing. If you hated Plague Inc. or Pandemic 2.5 for being too slow, distant or uninvolved, then get this game. Mechanics-wise, it is the exact opposite of those games, despite all these games being about taking over the world by spreading plague. I give this game 4 out of 5 stars for being a faithful port of an awesome game, despite the tweaks that had to be made for the iOS conversion. Its only negative is that if you've played the original Infectonator, this will feel very familiar. Good for those new to the game, but a little tough on veteran Zombie makers looking for a bigger challenge. Sincerely, Mr. Album Exact-Psience Well-Known Member Jan 12, 2012 22,664 2 38 The Work-At-Home Guy Philippines #12 Exact-Psience, Sep 25, 2012 I have finished the game on the first playthrough and there is MJ but he is aptly renamed Jackon and still used the Thriller chiptune. Ronald Mcdonald is also in the game but is named Reinald. This is definitely one charming and fun casual strategy game, and is one i'd easily recommend. Oh, and i finished without any IAPs by the way. The game gives out generous amounts of coins, and whoever thinks they need IAP to finish the game is an idiot. dadamlamim Member Sep 17, 2012 17 0 0 #13 dadamlamim, Sep 25, 2012 Game Impressions An excellent game, amazing 8-bit graphics Tropxe Well-Known Member Sep 17, 2012 59 0 0 England #14 Tropxe, Sep 26, 2012 Zombies, levelling up and cleavage. Count me in. Royce Well-Known Member Mar 22, 2011 4,240 180 63 #15 Royce, Sep 26, 2012 I get stuck right after the tutorial. It seems the tutorial exhausts all my actions and all I can do is watch the people running around. What am I missing? Do I just wait for a long time? Tutorial references "your mouse" btw drloony Well-Known Member Jul 19, 2012 310 0 0 #16 drloony, Sep 26, 2012 Initial impressions of this game weren't good. After seeing this thread I gave it a go, and ya, this game is a lot of fun, I'm deffinately enjoying it. Exact-Psience Well-Known Member Jan 12, 2012 22,664 2 38 The Work-At-Home Guy Philippines #17 Exact-Psience, Sep 26, 2012 Yeah... there seems to be a bug that the game doesnt end when completing a mission or even when failing a mission. WHat i do is just hit options>quit, and it still has saved all earnings you got in the game. The other bug i got into was that it doesnt register my taps anymore... This happens when i get calls while playing the game, or get the full screen notifications. Royce Well-Known Member Mar 22, 2011 4,240 180 63 #18 Royce, Sep 26, 2012 How do I get to options? I can't find anything like that. All I can do is force quit, and replay the tutorial Exact-Psience Well-Known Member Jan 12, 2012 22,664 2 38 The Work-At-Home Guy Philippines #19 Exact-Psience, Sep 26, 2012 Im not sure if the options are available on the tutorial, but yeah, restarting the app works. Royce Well-Known Member Mar 22, 2011 4,240 180 63 #20 Royce, Sep 26, 2012 Last edited: Sep 26, 2012 Problem is it just throws me back into the tutorial and I get stuck again. It's an endless cycle. Guess I'll try to delete and reinstall... Edit: Reinstalled and same deal. All I can do is play the tutorial over and over. Bogus. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Next > Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
Hahaha! Totally fun! The gameplay looks like this: Missions are "locations" on the map where it starts your objectives. Your first tap will create a "puff" of virus in that area, infecting people in that puf and turning them into zombies. These zombies will move on their own, and will try to attack other humans. Zombies have a chance to infect other humans they attack. Also, the zombies rot, so they have a duration or a life span. Everything isnt automatic though. You have skills that you can use like "instant summoning" a couple zombies to increase your horde right away, or to flank some fleeing humans so you can get more of them. Other skills involve using grenades to instantly killing humans or they can give out other effects. Also, coins found in the game can be acquired by tapping close to it, or on it, so your finger will always have something to do in the game. In between missions you can get to the upgrade screens where you can unlock up to 11 zombie types, and upgrade them, or buy items like the grenades. From the look of things there is so much in this game that will make one busy. Current run end when you lose all zombies, or when you kill all humans in that scenario. You get scored by your performance each end of a mission in a very stylish way (wont spoil it. It isnt that unique, but i like it nonetheless.) Chiptunes are awesome, and the retro graphics are cute and somewhat detailed. The humans and zombies are pretty well drawn, and with much variety in each zombie type or human types. Right now, i can say i am very much enjoying this and i would strongly recommend getting it. It's a good way to spend that dollar. There is some IAP, but so far i am getting VERY generous amount of coins, even just from the very first mission. Too early to say, but it looks like IAP well-done.
omg yes!!! a few years back i'd play this all the time on my comp (before i had any idevice). it was so fun. now i can take it with me anywhere I can attest to how good the flash one was. If you guys are familiar with this type of game, it's the best of it's kind. I guarantee it!
OH MY GOD. I kid you not, just yesterday I was thinking they should port this to iPad. Talk about a co-incidence. O_O EDIT: By the way, this game is awesome. Definitely a must-buy!
There are so many objectives (some hidden it seems since ive only unlocked a few) and it gives you coins as reward which all make sure you wont need IAP. Completing mission objectives destroys that city, and gives much gold as well. Pretty balanced in my opinion, and the IAP is never needed unless for those impatient and want to stay ahead and have an easy run. All i get from this game is fun. And i cant stop playing it.
This game is published by Armor Games, so if you want to try before you buy, I'm sure you can at their website, which is a Flash game portal.
Alright, I bit the hook and tried out Infectonator. I happen to be of the opinion that Infectonator: World Dominator, one of the previous iterations of the Flash games, is one of the best variations of the Infectonator formula, and I was halfway ecstatic when I discovered that this game took the vast majority of its gameplay mechanics from that other game. Essentially, this game is a port of I: WD for the iPhone, and it is just as infectiously awesome as that game. The graphics have been upgraded, however, and the "hero" system has changed a little. You see, in the original I: WD, you gain heroes by killing them while they are alive, which allows you to use them in your own personal quest for world domination as Infected. These heroes did straddle copyright infringement, however, with evil Ronald McDonald and a Zombie Michael Jackson (complete with moonwalking and a chip tune version of "Thriller" 8D ) being only a couple of the heroes one would eventually get by playing the game. This port instead has you unlocking hero characters after completing specific objectives, and you can only equip four heroes at once. Similarly, you can only use three support weapons, along with the default infection spreader. And, sadly, there is no zombie MJ. Other than that, this port is shockingly faithful to its source, and considering how gloriously cheesily awesome the original was, that is a good thing. If you hated Plague Inc. or Pandemic 2.5 for being too slow, distant or uninvolved, then get this game. Mechanics-wise, it is the exact opposite of those games, despite all these games being about taking over the world by spreading plague. I give this game 4 out of 5 stars for being a faithful port of an awesome game, despite the tweaks that had to be made for the iOS conversion. Its only negative is that if you've played the original Infectonator, this will feel very familiar. Good for those new to the game, but a little tough on veteran Zombie makers looking for a bigger challenge. Sincerely, Mr. Album
I have finished the game on the first playthrough and there is MJ but he is aptly renamed Jackon and still used the Thriller chiptune. Ronald Mcdonald is also in the game but is named Reinald. This is definitely one charming and fun casual strategy game, and is one i'd easily recommend. Oh, and i finished without any IAPs by the way. The game gives out generous amounts of coins, and whoever thinks they need IAP to finish the game is an idiot.
I get stuck right after the tutorial. It seems the tutorial exhausts all my actions and all I can do is watch the people running around. What am I missing? Do I just wait for a long time? Tutorial references "your mouse" btw
Initial impressions of this game weren't good. After seeing this thread I gave it a go, and ya, this game is a lot of fun, I'm deffinately enjoying it.
Yeah... there seems to be a bug that the game doesnt end when completing a mission or even when failing a mission. WHat i do is just hit options>quit, and it still has saved all earnings you got in the game. The other bug i got into was that it doesnt register my taps anymore... This happens when i get calls while playing the game, or get the full screen notifications.
How do I get to options? I can't find anything like that. All I can do is force quit, and replay the tutorial
Problem is it just throws me back into the tutorial and I get stuck again. It's an endless cycle. Guess I'll try to delete and reinstall... Edit: Reinstalled and same deal. All I can do is play the tutorial over and over. Bogus.