Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Judge Dredd: Countdown Sector 106 Drokk! It's an adventure game. It's an interactive book. It's an RPG. You are Judge Dredd, the toughest judge to patrol … TouchArcade Rating: $0.99 Buy Now Watch Media DetailsDrokk! It's an adventure game. It's an interactive book. It's an RPG. You are Judge Dredd, the toughest judge to patrol Mega-City One, a vast futuristic city, set in the 22nd Century!** REVIEWS **“With a new Judge Dredd movie coming out, this Gamebook really fired me up and got me in the mood. And, because each time you read the book it has the potential for a different storyline and ending, Judge Dredd: Countdown Sector 106 is a steal” - WIRED“With their latest release, Tin Man Games have proven that they can handle existing characters just as well as they do heroes of their own creation. Do yourself a favor – quit reading my words and start reading theirs.” – 4.5 out of 5 stars! GAMEZEBO“Funny, rewarding, and pleasantly violent, Judge Dredd: Countdown Sector 106 replaces the rattle of gunfire with the rattle of dice, and it just works.” – 8 out of 10! POCKETGAMER SILVER AWARD!“It all makes for a game that’s tough to criticize. As an adventure game book, Judge Dredd: Countdown Sector 106 succeeds very well and I suspect Judge Dredd fans will adore it all the more.” – 4 out of 5 stars! 148 APPS“By Grud, its good.” – 8 out of 10! STARBURST MAGAZINEYou, the reader, control the direction of the story by making decisions for Dredd on each page, and choosing your path. Using a realistic dice-based battle system, you get to fight your enemies in exciting shootouts and roll your fate, as you use your array of skills against a variety of perps in an epic storyline."Sector 106 of Mega-City One is short of senior Street Judges and only the most experienced Judges have been reassigned to fill this shortfall…foremost among them yourself, Dredd! What begins as a routine patrol arresting juves and skysurfers, turns into a race against time, as mysterious "Voices of Dredd" find their way into the hands of the local perps. Riding your Lawmaster bike and armed with your trusty Lawgiver, you must pit yourself against Sector 106's brutal criminal underworld. Quick Dredd! The countdown has begun…"Features:• Newly written interactive story by Nick Robinson that takes the reader on an epic ride through Mega-City One. • Custom built e-book interface, which is easy to use. As easy as reading a book! • Universal app! You only need to buy this once to play on all your devices.• Read in portrait or landscape. (iPad only) • Dynamic page links that respond to your situation.• Easy to change fonts and font sizes, to set up the book the way you want it. • New gamebook rules and battle system using the Gamebook Adventures Engine. Judge's Handbook included so that rules can be accessed at any time during the adventure if you need to refresh yourself. • Real-time 3D dice rolling with realistic physics. Shake the device like a dice shaker and watch the 3D dice bounce around the scene and off each other.• Make skill rolls based on the weapons you use, your fitness levels, and your perceived authority.• Accessible inventory sheet at all times during reading, which auto updates when you pick up an item, your stats change, or you gain valuable patrol notes.• Difficulty levels - Hardcore, Medium and Novice. Play the book how it was meant to be played or casually read it in an easier mode.• Use bookmarks to save your progress, helping you get past tricky sections. • Achievements to collect throughout the book for those who wish to thoroughly explore all aspects of the story.• Perp records sheets to collect during the adventure. Once a criminal is arrested or killed, their database updates with background information. Catch them all!• Beautifully illustrated by German Ponce and other popular Dredd artists. Once found, each illustration is mounted on the achievements wall.• High resolution artwork that takes advantage of the new iPad screen resolution and retina displays.• Amazing soundtrack and sound effects accompany the story, which can be turned on and off if required. Information Seller: Genre:Adventure, Dice Release:Aug 01, 2012 Updated:Nov 30, -0001 Version: Size:0.0 TouchArcade Rating: User Rating: (2) Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal psj3809 Moderator Jan 13, 2011 12,971 722 113 England #2 psj3809, Aug 1, 2012 Last edited: Aug 1, 2012 Bought this asap ! Huge Judge Dredd fan, you may remember the Stallone Judge Dredd film back in the mid 90's, did have some bright moments but a lot of bad ones though. In the comic you never see Dredds face as he doesnt remove his helmet but of course in the Stallone one he does. Theres a new film coming out in September (Dredd) which looks great and seems much more faithful to the comic series. Anyway onto the game, i've got a lot of the Gamebook adventures, was over the moon when i heard there was gonna be a Judge Dredd game. Nice illustrations, so far from what i've played its a great little story. Hope it does well for Tinman as i would love to see more 2000ad gamebooks Sanuku Well-Known Member Jun 14, 2009 11,954 4 38 Austria #3 Sanuku, Aug 1, 2012 Looks interesting enough to give it a try. Looking forward to see if the Game does live up to my expectation. TheMerc Well-Known Member Jul 11, 2012 353 0 0 #4 TheMerc, Aug 1, 2012 I'm very interested in reading your thoughts about this. The concept piqued my interest, and Judge Dredd is one of my favorite comic book characters, but I'd rather hear some opinions before spending the 4$. sapphire_neo Well-Known Member Jan 20, 2011 3,934 0 0 #5 sapphire_neo, Aug 1, 2012 Whoa... combines two of my favorite things, sold! Appletini Well-Known Member Jan 8, 2011 2,564 0 0 Ankh-Morpork #6 Appletini, Aug 1, 2012 Hadn't actually expected this one this week, but I'm hardly going to complain, especially as I'm due to pick it up gratis. Sanuku Well-Known Member Jun 14, 2009 11,954 4 38 Austria #7 Sanuku, Aug 1, 2012 Game Impressions Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel ttocs Well-Known Member Feb 3, 2012 283 0 16 Sr. Data Analyst Baltimore, MD #8 ttocs, Aug 1, 2012 Now this looks interesting. I grow tired of all the endless running games and cutesy 2 minutes of attention games that constantly come out. Sure, some are fun, but this is what I'd truly like to see more of. Something different for a change. Joltrabbit Well-Known Member Jul 5, 2012 669 0 0 #9 Joltrabbit, Aug 1, 2012 Interested in impressions as well. I held off on the Fighting Fantasy games but I like the theme here better. Leegames Well-Known Member Jul 1, 2010 1,083 0 0 Ex. game journalist and EiC now PR Denmark #10 Leegames, Aug 1, 2012 Game Impressions A great FF-book. The way you can customize everything in this games is truly amazing. Lots of fonts, sizes, horisontal, vertical, sound effects, music, bookmarks as save points (amount available specified by the level of difficulty you choose). A very nice and polished package. I am not far in the story, but it seems well written, in e spirit of 2000AD and again the whole interface make reading/playing this a joy. oooooomonkey Well-Known Member Jan 15, 2011 6,307 0 0 Forge World #11 oooooomonkey, Aug 2, 2012 Well I don't know where to start, I've got all the gamebook series so you could say I'm a fan of the genre. And while I love especially books 1-7 (wasn't to big a fan of the sci-fi book 8 if I'm being honest) This new judge dredd book is brilliant, its got the usual high quality feel that all of tin man games gamebooks have with great art, music and dice battles etc. But there's something about this that I'm really enjoying, even though I know it's the same dice roll, choose your own adventure style book it really feels like a whole new type of game with the capturing/killing perps and attending crimes. As always I'm playing on hardcore setting as I like to replay the gamebook over and over rather than walk through and see everything in one go. In fact it's the not seeing the end that keeps me trying again and again. So overall my opinion is if your a fan of the gamebook series or judge dredd then this is a no brainer, just get it and see, it's great. And if you've never read a gamebook before..... What have you been doing? Catch up and read some. There brilliant. nfong Well-Known Member Aug 30, 2011 1,186 1 38 #12 nfong, Aug 2, 2012 What's the uncompressed size? oooooomonkey Well-Known Member Jan 15, 2011 6,307 0 0 Forge World #13 oooooomonkey, Aug 2, 2012 115meg drloony Well-Known Member Jul 19, 2012 310 0 0 #14 drloony, Aug 2, 2012 I'd like to buy this. Never played a digital play book on iOS. I can see it's a universal app, but does anybody know if game saves transfer to other devices through iCloud? I'm guessing no since it's not in app description benbritten Well-Known Member Jul 20, 2009 62 0 0 Technical Director for Mighty Games Melbourne, AU #15 benbritten, Aug 2, 2012 Hey DrLoony, At the moment we don't have iCloud support. It is one of those things that is at the top of my list but with only two guys in the company, sometimes these things take wayy longer than I want them to We have two more books coming out this month with a few more following on in the next month, so it is going to be very busy but I hope I can get some iCloudyness in there soon! Cheers! -Ben drloony Well-Known Member Jul 19, 2012 310 0 0 #16 drloony, Aug 2, 2012 That's eneough to push me over the fence. I can't even get iCloud working on my Mac so I can understand. I'm looking forward to playing this and hope the game books you guys make in the future will also be as cool as Judge Dread looks. Bool Zero Well-Known Member Dec 14, 2010 1,922 0 36 #17 Bool Zero, Aug 2, 2012 Well I haven't missed a book in their releases yet and with the use of the Megacity one/Judge Dredd universe to boot, I am sold. Buying now, impressions later! Greelmaster New Member Jun 29, 2012 1 0 0 #18 Greelmaster, Aug 2, 2012 Judge Dredd is one of my favourite characters, and I have loved game books since the early days of Lone Wolf (bought and loved around 20 of them). Therefore this is an instant purchase. If I enjoy this format, consider me a permanent customer. I don't know if you have the rights to Joe Dever's works, but if you do you can have all my money. Saving between platforms (iPhone and iPad) would be appreciated. wicro Well-Known Member Oct 2, 2011 49 0 6 Scotland #19 wicro, Aug 2, 2012 Real like this adaption. I have not played any previous books by this company but I could not resist the Judge Dredd setting, and have been pleasantly surprised. The art work is great ,adding to the story, but what espically made it for me is the small touchs like Dredds voice when you make a roll successful dice roll. I have previously played all the Fighting Fantasty adaption on the iPad which are really "clunky" in comparison to this (although I still enjoyed them, even it was for more nostalgic reasons). Everything runs smooth, and looks thoroughly professional. Story wise ,the brutal fascist nature of the world is portrayed well. I cant comment on the lenght of the book so far as i am still playing through my first time.All in all I think any "Dredd fan" will througly enjoy this, and even those not familer with the background should find plenty to satisfy them. If I would make a suggestion, it would be to add a few more (optional) incidental sound effects , ( e.g. background chatter in crowded areas etc) but I only thought of this because of the use of voice already in the game, it would not of occurred to me otherwise. Great work dev team,I look forward to further books in the series. soldat7 Well-Known Member Jul 12, 2011 754 0 16 #20 soldat7, Aug 3, 2012 Not even sure what Judge Dredd is, but I will buy this. Looks fantastic. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Next > Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
Bought this asap ! Huge Judge Dredd fan, you may remember the Stallone Judge Dredd film back in the mid 90's, did have some bright moments but a lot of bad ones though. In the comic you never see Dredds face as he doesnt remove his helmet but of course in the Stallone one he does. Theres a new film coming out in September (Dredd) which looks great and seems much more faithful to the comic series. Anyway onto the game, i've got a lot of the Gamebook adventures, was over the moon when i heard there was gonna be a Judge Dredd game. Nice illustrations, so far from what i've played its a great little story. Hope it does well for Tinman as i would love to see more 2000ad gamebooks
Looks interesting enough to give it a try. Looking forward to see if the Game does live up to my expectation.
I'm very interested in reading your thoughts about this. The concept piqued my interest, and Judge Dredd is one of my favorite comic book characters, but I'd rather hear some opinions before spending the 4$.
Hadn't actually expected this one this week, but I'm hardly going to complain, especially as I'm due to pick it up gratis.
Now this looks interesting. I grow tired of all the endless running games and cutesy 2 minutes of attention games that constantly come out. Sure, some are fun, but this is what I'd truly like to see more of. Something different for a change.
Interested in impressions as well. I held off on the Fighting Fantasy games but I like the theme here better.
Game Impressions A great FF-book. The way you can customize everything in this games is truly amazing. Lots of fonts, sizes, horisontal, vertical, sound effects, music, bookmarks as save points (amount available specified by the level of difficulty you choose). A very nice and polished package. I am not far in the story, but it seems well written, in e spirit of 2000AD and again the whole interface make reading/playing this a joy.
Well I don't know where to start, I've got all the gamebook series so you could say I'm a fan of the genre. And while I love especially books 1-7 (wasn't to big a fan of the sci-fi book 8 if I'm being honest) This new judge dredd book is brilliant, its got the usual high quality feel that all of tin man games gamebooks have with great art, music and dice battles etc. But there's something about this that I'm really enjoying, even though I know it's the same dice roll, choose your own adventure style book it really feels like a whole new type of game with the capturing/killing perps and attending crimes. As always I'm playing on hardcore setting as I like to replay the gamebook over and over rather than walk through and see everything in one go. In fact it's the not seeing the end that keeps me trying again and again. So overall my opinion is if your a fan of the gamebook series or judge dredd then this is a no brainer, just get it and see, it's great. And if you've never read a gamebook before..... What have you been doing? Catch up and read some. There brilliant.
I'd like to buy this. Never played a digital play book on iOS. I can see it's a universal app, but does anybody know if game saves transfer to other devices through iCloud? I'm guessing no since it's not in app description
Hey DrLoony, At the moment we don't have iCloud support. It is one of those things that is at the top of my list but with only two guys in the company, sometimes these things take wayy longer than I want them to We have two more books coming out this month with a few more following on in the next month, so it is going to be very busy but I hope I can get some iCloudyness in there soon! Cheers! -Ben
That's eneough to push me over the fence. I can't even get iCloud working on my Mac so I can understand. I'm looking forward to playing this and hope the game books you guys make in the future will also be as cool as Judge Dread looks.
Well I haven't missed a book in their releases yet and with the use of the Megacity one/Judge Dredd universe to boot, I am sold. Buying now, impressions later!
Judge Dredd is one of my favourite characters, and I have loved game books since the early days of Lone Wolf (bought and loved around 20 of them). Therefore this is an instant purchase. If I enjoy this format, consider me a permanent customer. I don't know if you have the rights to Joe Dever's works, but if you do you can have all my money. Saving between platforms (iPhone and iPad) would be appreciated.
Real like this adaption. I have not played any previous books by this company but I could not resist the Judge Dredd setting, and have been pleasantly surprised. The art work is great ,adding to the story, but what espically made it for me is the small touchs like Dredds voice when you make a roll successful dice roll. I have previously played all the Fighting Fantasty adaption on the iPad which are really "clunky" in comparison to this (although I still enjoyed them, even it was for more nostalgic reasons). Everything runs smooth, and looks thoroughly professional. Story wise ,the brutal fascist nature of the world is portrayed well. I cant comment on the lenght of the book so far as i am still playing through my first time.All in all I think any "Dredd fan" will througly enjoy this, and even those not familer with the background should find plenty to satisfy them. If I would make a suggestion, it would be to add a few more (optional) incidental sound effects , ( e.g. background chatter in crowded areas etc) but I only thought of this because of the use of voice already in the game, it would not of occurred to me otherwise. Great work dev team,I look forward to further books in the series.