Hello! Just thought folks here might be interested in our latest release. It's an album of game music exclusively from iOS games. We've included some of your favorite music from some very well-known games for iPhone, iPod, and iPad: iBlast Moki and StarDunk (Godzilab) Compression (Little White Bear Studios) Galcon (Phil Hassey) GeoSpark (Imangi Studios) Spazzle II (Fairlady Media) Marblenauts (Crescent Flare) Super 7 (No Monkeys) Check it out in iTunes: http://bit.ly/bPie6D
Wow, what an awesome idea. The only thing that makes this weird is that the for the most part, the songs cost as much as the games themselves.
It is kind of weird, but people routinely spend $10 on an album, but complain about spending $1.99 on a game. I actually think it's the games that are too cheap for the amount of work the devs put in...
Hmmm. That idea is nice. Certainly would have me download less music. I pirate music like crazy cause I have been so poor that past several months. I want new music (and old music that I don't have) but can't buy it. I want it more than I can buy it. If it's good enough I will buy it eventually so I don't feel AS guilty (after all, I do enjoy having the physical copy of the album vs a downloaded copy, and that's even with iTunes bought stuff) but I digress. I doubt this will ever happen.
Unless it has changed, or is different on this album, the Compression theme is loop running about 60 seconds or less. Ditto for the Super 7 theme; the stardunk theme may be up to double that. I haven't heard the others, but this album ismpretty good idea at least.
All the tracks on the album are full-length versions, and several of them were specially augmented for the album.