The interesting thing about making the most popular paid game free is that most people interested init probably already have it.
Why the hell would you rate it poorly? It's actually a really fun app (along with Songify) and I'm surprised people are so critical of it. And that aside, I think they said that I Am T Pain is not the app that the hype was referring to.
Strange timing on this. Seems like they would have been better off hyping whatever it is as the 12/7 game of the day.
Very misleading thread title then. "Most Popular Paid iOS Title of 2011" does not equate to a game that's barely made the Top 20 at best. Here's the link to the pocketgamer article. Edit: Not to be ungrateful mind you... It's just that I am pretty disappointed by the disparity. Thanks for the free app regardless!
I'll be pretty happy and will definitely give credit to FAAD if it ends up being Zombie Gunship. I don't have it but have considered buying it numerous times based on reviews. Something about it just didn't grab me enough and I thought there would be a chance I'd end up getting bored quickly. If I had realized that it was the same company that did Tower Madness I may have pulled the trigger. That was one of the first premium games I ever got on my old iPod Touch and was one of the biggest influences that got me into iOS gaming. And it's still in my top 5 TD games, although I don't play that genre much anymore.
I could have sworn it was #1 for awhile. I think that's why I remember even considering it, since I don't often bother looking at zombie games.
Hmm, perhaps I was mistaken then. I used this as a source.
Not at all, maybe I am the one who is mistaken Either way, is a great game Just that it's almost midnight here and has not gone free yet
I was hoping for Angry Birds (as it is in my opinion probably the Most Popular Paid iOS Title of 2011) but I now I see it's not and I am so angry at this deception On a more serious note , does anybody know at what time Zombie Gunship will be going free in the UK?
Well I did confirm that it was the top grossing (different than ranked) game the week of its debut. Link. Still waiting for it to become official though.
It depends on what their goal was. From past experience, their hype seems to work since everybody knows what FAAD is these days. I guess it could be seen as a fail to the delusional among us that were hoping for Infinity Blade 2 or some other high priced game that would never go free.