Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Mini Motor Racing The Binary Mill **Winner of App Store Best of - Casual Games ** Little Cars, BIG Fun! Start your engines! The most vibrant, super-char… TouchArcade Rating: $2.99 Buy Now Watch Media Details**Winner of App Store Best of - Casual Games ** Little Cars, BIG Fun! Start your engines! The most vibrant, super-charged racing game you’ve ever seen is here! And now it's better than ever with the massive Anniversary Update! Mini Motor Racing plays like a favorite remote-controlled car showdown, combined with modern tech to nitro-boost your engines! Play multiplayer against your friends or rivals, via WiFi, Bluetooth and ONLINE! Race in campaign competitions for big rewards! Upgrade your skills and cars to win more! It’s all here in Mini Motor Racing. Features: * HUGE new update featuring new Championships, four in total. Now over 400 races to conquer! * YOUR CHOICE OF CARS. Race in fully upgradeable cars, each with their own unique handling and style! Whether it be Sports, Hatch, Big-rig, Pick-up, School Bus, Hot Rod…the list goes on! * WIN RACES, WIN CARS! Win races throughout the game and you’ll find yourself behind the wheel of the sweetest rides around including the official Fruit Ninja buggy! * MANY RACE TYPES. Race on over 50 tracks, day and night, in varying weather conditions * ONLINE MULTIPLAYER. Up to 4 players – WiFi, Bluetooth or over the internet via random games or with friends. * GAME CENTER SUPPORT. Invite up to four friends to play online via Game Center plus dozens of Achievements and Leaderboards! * ENHANCED FOR LATEST iPhones and iPads. Full remastered tracks and effects for more eye-popping visual candy taking advantage of all that extra power! All this, and no assembly required! There's never been a better time to join in on the fun that is Mini Motor Racing! Information Seller:The Binary Mill Genre:Arcade, Racing Release:Dec 08, 2011 Updated:Jul 19, 2017 Version:2.0.3 Size:882.1 MB TouchArcade Rating: User Rating: (7) Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Sanuku Well-Known Member Jun 14, 2009 11,954 4 38 Austria #2 Sanuku, Dec 7, 2011 Last edited: Dec 7, 2011 Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Nice One. Getting it Habakuk Well-Known Member Dec 11, 2008 4,779 9 38 Vienna, Austria #3 Habakuk, Dec 7, 2011 Last edited: Dec 7, 2011 I stole Epox' posting from the looong Upcoming Games thread: Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Toucharcade : GDC 2011: The Binary Mill's 'Mini Moto Racing' – Exclusive Video Other Previews : STP Touchgen Simon Potticary Well-Known Member Jul 19, 2010 800 0 16 Writer East London #4 Simon Potticary, Dec 7, 2011 Wowser, it's finally here! Great news. Do we know the price by any chance? Echoseven Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze Jul 19, 2011 6,091 270 83 The red Skittle #5 Echoseven, Dec 7, 2011 $1.99 HD Version: ($3.99 I think) Bad Hanson Well-Known Member Apr 13, 2009 513 0 0 Somnambulist The Westcountry UK #6 Bad Hanson, Dec 7, 2011 -It's going to have to be good to kick my Mario Kart 7 addiction. But I'll give it a go come midnight. Anyone have any idea if the HD version is universal? Habakuk Well-Known Member Dec 11, 2008 4,779 9 38 Vienna, Austria #7 Habakuk, Dec 7, 2011 According to the NZ iTunes website: NOPE. oooooomonkey Well-Known Member Jan 15, 2011 6,307 0 0 Forge World #8 oooooomonkey, Dec 7, 2011 Woah this looks to good to be true. Instabuy tonight. UncleLimey Well-Known Member Oct 2, 2008 457 0 0 #9 UncleLimey, Dec 7, 2011 Anyone know app size and what the icon looks like? Echoseven Moderator Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze Jul 19, 2011 6,091 270 83 The red Skittle #10 Echoseven, Dec 7, 2011 173MB click to enlarge russiaone Well-Known Member Jan 4, 2009 1,300 0 36 Pimp San Francisco #11 russiaone, Dec 7, 2011 Amen! On-line is the bees knees. LOLavi Well-Known Member May 23, 2011 8,364 0 0 iPhone gamer Finland #12 LOLavi, Dec 7, 2011 Bigger instabuy than Batman(mainly cause of price and size), but yeah, can't wait Habakuk Well-Known Member Dec 11, 2008 4,779 9 38 Vienna, Austria #13 Habakuk, Dec 7, 2011 I think I'll buy the HD version in 12 hours. Maybe waiting for some raves and hoping that there will be no sale within 48 hrs or so. BTW where do you get the… link for the huge icon? Thx in advance for enlightenment. Sanuku Well-Known Member Jun 14, 2009 11,954 4 38 Austria #14 Sanuku, Dec 7, 2011 Game Impressions HD Gameplay Trailer (iPad 2/First few Minutes of Gameplay): Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel sapphire_neo Well-Known Member Jan 20, 2011 3,934 0 0 #15 sapphire_neo, Dec 7, 2011 This looks gorgeous! Gabrien Well-Known Member Nov 24, 2009 5,148 0 36 #16 Gabrien, Dec 7, 2011 Only release tonight I was interested in, but after Sanuku's video I'm really not sure. The cars feel way too "light," like they're made from cardboard. What's with the "snapping" around bends instead of drifting? Honestly looking for a reason to still download this I guess. What looks good about this to others? I don't get it. LOLavi Well-Known Member May 23, 2011 8,364 0 0 iPhone gamer Finland #17 LOLavi, Dec 7, 2011 Physics, shadows, dust, overall graphics, gameplay, controls - wow, all seems to be nailed! killy billy Well-Known Member Aug 6, 2009 1,386 1 0 planet iphone/ipad #18 killy billy, Dec 7, 2011 Last edited: Dec 7, 2011 I hope there's a virtual stick option to steer because i dont like buttons left-right! Like you can see in sanuku's gameplay footage, You just can't steer fluid with left-right buttons...hate that! Edit: controls like DEATH RALLY is what i am hoping for! Gabrien Well-Known Member Nov 24, 2009 5,148 0 36 #19 Gabrien, Dec 7, 2011 Well, you can if the game compensates with appropriate inertia, but these cars sort of look like their fronts are nailed to the track while the backs fishtail as if the rear tires are constantly on ice. Come to think of it, the physics actually strongly resemble slot cars. CzarCastic Well-Known Member Jan 21, 2010 2,164 0 0 Michigan #20 CzarCastic, Dec 7, 2011 This looks like it's going to be the closest iOS game to RC Pro-am from the old NES days, so I'm pretty psyched. I don't need realistic physics in my arcade racer. I want classic RC Pro-am styled gameplay, and this seems to be exactly that! I'd even be happy to see the AI opponent that gets the impossibly fast nitro boost and wins every time. If this is close to RC Pro-am, like I hope, then all we'll be missing on the iOS platform is a game that is comparable to Ironman Stewart's Off-Road Racing. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Page 1 of 26 1 ← 2 3 4 5 6 → 26 Next > Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
I stole Epox' posting from the looong Upcoming Games thread: Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Toucharcade : GDC 2011: The Binary Mill's 'Mini Moto Racing' – Exclusive Video Other Previews : STP Touchgen
$1.99 HD Version: ($3.99 I think)
-It's going to have to be good to kick my Mario Kart 7 addiction. But I'll give it a go come midnight. Anyone have any idea if the HD version is universal?
I think I'll buy the HD version in 12 hours. Maybe waiting for some raves and hoping that there will be no sale within 48 hrs or so. BTW where do you get the… link for the huge icon? Thx in advance for enlightenment.
Game Impressions HD Gameplay Trailer (iPad 2/First few Minutes of Gameplay): Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel
Only release tonight I was interested in, but after Sanuku's video I'm really not sure. The cars feel way too "light," like they're made from cardboard. What's with the "snapping" around bends instead of drifting? Honestly looking for a reason to still download this I guess. What looks good about this to others? I don't get it.
I hope there's a virtual stick option to steer because i dont like buttons left-right! Like you can see in sanuku's gameplay footage, You just can't steer fluid with left-right buttons...hate that! Edit: controls like DEATH RALLY is what i am hoping for!
Well, you can if the game compensates with appropriate inertia, but these cars sort of look like their fronts are nailed to the track while the backs fishtail as if the rear tires are constantly on ice. Come to think of it, the physics actually strongly resemble slot cars.
This looks like it's going to be the closest iOS game to RC Pro-am from the old NES days, so I'm pretty psyched. I don't need realistic physics in my arcade racer. I want classic RC Pro-am styled gameplay, and this seems to be exactly that! I'd even be happy to see the AI opponent that gets the impossibly fast nitro boost and wins every time. If this is close to RC Pro-am, like I hope, then all we'll be missing on the iOS platform is a game that is comparable to Ironman Stewart's Off-Road Racing.