Hey, It's alive! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.eightyeightgames.tenmillion Thanks to all the toucharcadians who helped with the beta
Congrats on the release I had a good time with it on my iPad, so I can only recommend it to those who didn't pick it up on iOS yet, or who only have an Android device!
I picked it up after watching WTF is 10000000 on Youtube. I was laughing at the British dude's inability to match the obvious matches, but when I actually played 10000000, man this game is super hard when I am playing it instead of watching someone else play it...
There is nothing more frustrating than watching a video of someone playing a game and not doing the obvious thing. It'll sometimes happen on TA plays, where I'll be screaming at the monitor "Just click on that button!"