100 Rogues Fusion Reactions 100 Rogues is being featured by Apple as a "Great Role-Playing Game" and is first on the list of GamePro's "36 Best iPho… $2.99 Buy Now Watch Media Details100 Rogues is being featured by Apple as a "Great Role-Playing Game" and is first on the list of GamePro's "36 Best iPhone Games". Need we say more? Start playing today and battle over 60 villains! ... About 100 Rogues ... 100 Rogues is a dungeon crawling adventure for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. ... Reviews ... • "One of the most captivating, refined & rewarding games on the App Store" - Touch Arcade • "100 Rogues blends arcade thrills with engrossing dungeon crawling. It's the very best of both worlds" - Mobot • "100 Rogues will take its place as one of the best role-playing games" - Pocket Gamer • "This might be the best RPG on the iPhone to date." - Final Level • "In presentation, gameplay, & charm, 100 Rogues excels" - GameZebo • "100 Rogues has taken me by the heartstrings and drives me by them as if they were reigns" - NoDPad • "Those of you looking for strategic challenge with RPG elements now have the perfect game" - Appolicious Advisor • "Dungeon crawling with a strategic twist" - TouchGen • "Retro music & distinctive monster designs smother 100 Rogues with sweet, sweet eye & ear candy" - App Safari ... Features ... • A mix of handcrafted and randomly generating maps. • Three unique player classes - with completely different skill trees and abilities. Plus, a monster class of characters with wildly different abilities and strategy requirements. • Discover swords, axes, daggers, throwing knives, rocks, food, potions, scrolls, armor and gold as well as many rare items. • Over 60 fun, challenging monsters – including Skybabies, Robots, Ghosts, Candy Clowns and Gummy Rats, each with unique tactics and weaknesses. • Original artwork & arcade-style music – An original score & vivid pixel art make 100 Rogues a visual and aural pleasure. • More – Future additions of a fourth playable class, challenges, another environment, and more! Information Seller:Fusion Reactions Genre:Action, Role Playing Release:May 04, 2010 Updated:Nov 23, 2013 Version:3.6 Size:61.2 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating: (44) Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal The classic (Universal) iOS RPG featured by Apple and countless Best Of lists is free for the first time since July 2011. Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel
get this game NOW... and then buy some IAP's... after almost a year of having this game, this is still one of my iOS favorites and one i still buy stuff for @Violentv Combo mode is good for getting some starting items for the core game mode. Endless is well... Endless Get the Skellyman Scoundrel and the Dinoman Bruiser... both great characters that require different tactics to use Monster IAPs? Well I'd say the White Knight and MAYBE the Cowboy
Been submitting this game as my "wish" on FAAD every day for the past week. Wonder if that had anything to do with it going free.
Hi guys! I'm the lead designer of 100 Rogues. I think all of the IAPs are good, but the most work went into the two on top - the Skellyman Scoundrel and the Dinoman Bruiser. I think they're both really solid and balanced, although the Dinoman just came out, so he might be a patch away from golden (you tell us). Just to give you guys a rundown on those two classes: the Scoundrel is probably the hardest to excel with, as she has low stats. With that said, she's also capable of delivering the hugest amount of damage, and she can be really great with someone who knows how to use her. Somewhat like a D&D Rogue. The Bruiser is sort of the opposite, but not quite. He will seem very easy to use at first, but his game tends to be a bit of the opposite of the Wizard's, in that the game will tend to get harder as you go. Food will be on the short side, and he takes extra damage from magic attacks. High stats, high damage - somewhat like a D&D Barbarian. Again, both classes are fun to play, it just depends on the playstyle you're looking for. Also, as a side note, Fusion Reactions also released a spin-off title called 100 Trials. It's different in that the maps are not random, and it's like this long story-driven campaign game (the maps are a little bit like Challenge Mode from 100 Rogues). Might want to check it out if you just can't get enough of the style of gameplay from 100 Rogues. http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/100-trials/id498321766?mt=8 Enjoy- -Keith Burgun, Lead Designer @ Dinofarm Games -www.dinofarmgames.com
the game is awesome will probebly buy som IAP the only thing I don't like about the game is the app icon xD it does not look as awesome as the rest of the game :/ then ther is a bug with the music :O there is no music in the meny when I start the game, and no music when the story start (the "cutscene"). :O i play on a 3GS if that helps ^^
This is a facepalm if I've ever heard one. The short story of it is that there will always be some people who hate our app icon. Sorry to hear that you don't like it! Too bad Apple doesnt allow people to choose custom icons for things. We'll look into your bug. Thanks, and glad you enjoy the game.
Yeah I get the no music thing too. The bgm stops playing if I switch apps before going back to 100 rogues too.
haha, well, if the icon had a better look, with more colors and more interesting things it had perhaps sold even better i probebly missed it beacuse it dosen't look that intressting. I don't look at all aps in the appstore. so if there is a app that dont look so cool. i guess I just w8 til i find a cooler looking app, uhm, if you know what I mean? that app hade a black background when my frend downloded it :O but then when that game was done downloading it turnd white? it did kinda look more bad ass black my is white too?
It's pretty easy to change icons on your device with iExplorer... That being said, I liked the old @ icon better than the current one... (not that the current one is bad at all - better than the 100 Trials one, for sure! (sorry Wes! (Ooh, nested comments! )))
For those who get it free, it's a highly, highly recommended game, and you can purchase Skelly and Dinoman to help the devs out. This is arguably the best roguelike RPG on the appstore.