It's an honest review rating the current state of a game very well. And I really often don't like the STP reviews. But this one is just right.
Okk well deliciously filled pies and magic wands that miss set aside. Has anyone been able to beat challenge number 7? The one with the three evil rats? I'm stuck on that one and I don't know how to beat it.
I'm here quite all the time But you cannot ignore the bugs and flaws. They are all mentioned in here. So why flaming STP for including that into their fair rating? They update their reviews, so the chances are high to get a better rating in the future.
I do hope that happens because I do visit STP from time to time, I guess I'm just disappointed with their review. Everywhere else you look for a 100 rogues review praises the game for its charm and everything else its good at doing then lets everyone know there is bugs. STP kind of went with: there is bugs, with good things and some more bugs and bad things.
The bugs make the game near-unplayable for many people in the current state (including myself across 2 of 3 devices I tested the game on). 2 is more than fair, and some may say a tad bit generous at this point. Do note I will be updating the review as updates roll out that squash some of those nasty insects crawling inside the app.
Sorry you feel that way... it was a perfectly fair review as others have pointed out, however. To each his/her own, I suppose.
Any mediocre pen-pusher can twist the facts in such a way as to make their conclusion seem "fair." What your review lacks is any semblance of foresight, breadth of vision, or the ability to recognize a truly great game in spite of its faults.
While the S2P review does focus on the technical issues a fair bit, sometimes I like to balance their more critical reviews against TA's near constant optimism and positivity. Anyways, S2P are good about going back and updating their reviews (see the SoF hoohaa about 6 months back). I think 100 Rogues will really start to dazzle people when the future planned content starts trickling in.
Ok, I been supportive since day one... It is getting old... Now I can't name my rogue... One thing gets fixed and we lose something else. When will leaderboards be reset??? Sigh...
"STP kind of went with: there is bugs, with good things and some more bugs and bad things. " Obviously I'm biased, as a developer of the game, but I think this is true. Yes - the game is buggy. But also, it's very unique on the platform, lots of originality and thought put into it, and I think that's at least equally as important as stability. Also, it would have been nice if they had mentioned that we've released two patches in the 10 days since release - that we're basically working our ASSES off to clean it up and make it right. In other words, if we were like EA or someone who just puts our game out there and forgets about it, then yes, I'd agree totally with this assessment, "It's good but too buggy to play". Slide to Play has made a grievous error, in that as the weeks go on, their review will become less and less accurate. A couple months from now, their complaints will be completely invalid, and they'll be stuck with a negative review of a great game.
It makes me sad, but I have to second this. And Slide 2 Play does update their reviews alongside app updates. And the Dinofarm boys should take a day off or something! Slow down, freshen up & come back to it
That is a fair point - the STP review should probably mention the updates. When the game is all fixed up - I have no doubt STP will feel the heat from this forum to update their review.
I find that to be a very strange argument as it appears to imply that STP are not fully responsible for what they publish in the meantime. "Well, they can always go back and update and no harm done." Sorry, it doesn't work that way. The average punter will read a review and base their purchase decision on it then and there. They aren't going to go back to check in a month's time. Plenty of harm is done through less than competent reviews whether they are changed at a later date or not.
I can only imagine the tremendous pressure on you guys, with everybody having such high hopes that you guys will deliver a bug-resistant game. One friendly advice is to make the next update count. You don't need to rush it, as long as you release it properly. Quality first before anything else. Don't worry about initial negative reviews, what's going to count in the end are the positive reviews you are gonna generate in the future by properly updating your game. I also suggest not getting too involved with people's petty bickerings here in the forums. Just concentrate on the facts, collect the information necessary to improving your game, listen to anything constructive people might have to share, and leave all the dirty work to 100R's loyal legion of fans
I'm not going to argue with the fact that the efficacy of the "updating a review" does seem questionable and will not have as much an impact on the consumer as the intial review. I am merely stating the fact that this does happen in reponse to the comment that the review will be static. I'm a fan myself and I also agree that it wasn't the best handling of a review I've seen either. Still, we may need to switch to decaf for a little bit here. On another note, the current release is being very nice to my fairy so far And it seems like the item stacks a working a bit better too. Thanks! Edit: Aha! I see you quoted my on the first, not second time of me saying the statement. So, my "response" qualifier is irrelevant. Sorry! Oh well, it's not an argument, just a fact. And 100 Rogues will prove itself over and over.
are you for real? i am compleatly neutral and i compleatly back up what hes saying. his job is to REVIEW the game. not make people feel good or bad about it. i would have given the same review except im not as nice as Stp. do i like 100 rogues? yes. if i could go back in time and buy it over again would i? probably not untill the bugs are fixed. ya know why/ because i cant even play it! now i dunno about you but thats a HUGE thing for me to be able to PLAY a game i buy. if i was STP i woulda said. the game looks awesome. but dont buy it until the bugs are fixed. stay away because it crashes CONSTANTLY. 1.02 might have fixed a lot of the bugs. congratulations. i still crash when i kill a rat. i still cant play challenges. or rename my guy or do lots of other stuff. so again.. nothings changed. its a review. his job isnt to see the future or make you feel good about it. if you wanna get pissy over someones view of a game then tough. and no offense to the dino boys but you shouldnt release a game to the public if you dont want the public reviewing it. its not stps job to say ZOMG this games going to be awesome when the bugs are fixed. if he wants to say as it stands this game is unplayable. thats fair..because it is. otherwise this thread wouldnt have damn near 1000 posts. stop getting butt hurt over stupid things.
When playing for a while my inventory gets full, but I can't drop any items! I try to use the "throw" option, but it doesn't drop anything. I just downloaded the latest update hoping that it'll get fixed then, but it doesn't. Is anyone else having this problem? Sorry if this has been mentioned already, but there's too many pages to scan through. Hopefully this gets fixed as well. Other than that, it's a great game.