Update 1.02 has been submitted to Apple and is awaiting review, and while it does introduce some modest stability and performance improvements, I'm afraid there is more work to be done in those departments to achieve the level of quality the game deserves. The official update will read: Challenges reintroduced Armor / Energy enhancements from equipment now remove properly when unequipping Boss difficulty normalized Modest framerate and stability improvements The incredible misfortune of the exploitable bugs and regrettably absent challenges were both quick, easy fixes, and Keith took people's comments to heart regarding the difficulty of Satan. Yes, he should beat the snot out of you, but probably not the first turn, so the damage of all his attacks has been scaled back considerably. I've begun basically ravaging a safe copy of the code, tearing away monsters, doors, stairs, everything, trying to remove anything that may be a distraction from the heart of the problems. Along the way I came across the easy-to-fix bugs that made it into 1.02. Stability and framerate are *definitely* still top priority for me, but that's no reason not to get consistent improvements out to you guys when possible. Unfortunately I spent most of the weekend moving out of my apartment, and I'll need to spend 2 of the remaining weekends this month doing so as a result of unlucky lease date offsets. I'll keep y'all in the loop if I make any major breakthroughs.
Awesome to hear about the new update, I can start playing properly again once it hits But I still wanna know if there are plans to wipe the high score tables? It'd be better for it to happen sooner rather than later IMO, provided no more large exploits turn up in the next update.
Hang in there man! Love the game - I think it will be an iPhone classic! It's already one of my most favorites. Looking forward to the fixes as they come.
You guys should make the app icon black so it's just a bag on the screen. I think it would look cooler and much more stylish
Wes- Great news about the update, looking forward to it. Y'all keep up the good work. I've been experiencing a bug that I haven't yet seen mentioned here in the forums. When I put stones into one of the quick-use slots at the bottom, the first batch of stones I put there work fine. I can tap the slot and choose to throw a stone and it works just fine. Later on in the game when I've found more stones, when I pick them up the quick-use slot becomes glitched - the stone icon/graphic in that slot disappears but the number that indicates the quantity of stones stays in the slot. Also that same quick-use slot becomes dead, it doesn't respond to taps (the other three quick-use slots are fine). The glitch is repeateable, it's happened to me over several different games, whether my iPhone's been rebooted or not. (iPhone 3GS, 32GB, 2+GB free, OS 3.1.2) This last part I haven't quite figured out the behaviour yet, but, I can somehow get the glitched quick-use slot to free up (I think it's when I pick up a third batch of stones, I can't recall what the actual triggering event is though). I can tell when the quick-use slot has been freed up because (if you recall, the stone icon disappeared but the quantity number stayed and the slot is untap-able) now the quantity number has disappeared as well. I can then go into inventory and assign something else to the formerly dead slot and the slot now works fine. The glitch described above only happens when I use stones in one of the quick-use slots. If I leave stones in inventory and use them from there, all is fine. I've used other items via the quick-use slots, daggers, swords, throwing-knives, and in a pinch I'll assign other stuff there which I'll use to throw, things like excess armors, shields, etc. Every make-shift range weapon helps! The only item I can't use in the slots are stones. If I figure anything else out about the glitch I'll try to mention it. Thanks for a great game, looking forward to the updates and content addidtions.
With the black background thing, I think the bag would have to be made bigger to better fit the space available. A really small bag on a black background would be odd.
I must admit I haven't read the last pages yet - but is here some kind of "create an 100 Rogues icon"-contest running?
Word. Or just leave the icon as it is. Hey all, long time reader, first poster here. Just wanted to say that I totally disagree with any modification on the app icon. It's very unique, BECAUSE it's white among many dark icons (something of a "necessity" in the genre / games department). It's subjective but I think it's perfect as it is - a unique icon for a unique (work in progress) gem.