Universal 100 Rogues (By Fusion Reactions)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by New England Gamer, May 4, 2010.

  1. jsrco

    jsrco Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 15, 2009
    You are the reason the joke is funny. You even keep on going and that makes it funnier. But right now it looks like you are more of a negative troll than anything else. Its pretty clear you haven't been reading the entire thread. The devs have been apologizing and making jokes / light of the release situation the entire time.

    Just admit they got you and move on or quit trolling.
  2. Electric_Shaman

    Electric_Shaman Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2009
    I'm not the only one who had no idea what that last line was supposed to mean. Sorry I don't speak fluent emoticraps.

    Lulz, so it wasn't a joke till I started posting about it. Ohhh rightttttttt. So, if I've got this right, it's a trap?
    And I totally always follow threads for 70 something pages before making my first post in them.
  3. tfobf

    tfobf Active Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    bulding cpmputers
    #823 tfobf, May 10, 2010
    Last edited: May 10, 2010
    Can we get back on topic please?

    For anyone wanting to know how to kill skeletons, use magic weapons. Duh

    Problem is that by the time you reach skeletons you are in no way assured a magic weapon. They need to even out the drop rates for those things. I'm sick of getting 5 shields when I'm a mage. I'm sick of defeating a room crammed full of enemies to find a chest filled with 1 arrow. What were they guarding?! Make the loot make sense dammit otherwise this game is just "play it until you get lucky enough to get somewhere". You have to give us SOME chance every time, sometimes you just have no chance. In nethack there's always something you can do. Not so in this game (despite the pretentious "you must know when the decisive moment is daniel-san" BS).

    Also the food system is fine IF you tweak the drop system to always give you enough food. I've died of hunger simply because the game hasn't spawned me any food. How is that fair? You can't just make EVERYTHING random or else you will have a small percentage of "unwinnable" games that don't increase the fun for everyone. Make every game random but smooth off the "unwinnable" scenarios, spawn at least enough food to survive, spawn at least one magic weapon so you can have a chance to survive the skeletons, don't spawn useless items for the wrong class when there is no way to sell them or do anyting with them.
  4. badmanj

    badmanj Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2009
    Software developer
    Reading, England
    Well I managed to get to fight Satan who promptly despatched me with the fires of hell; I simply don't see how I can build my character up enough to beat Satan - he's only 10 levels down - and I killed every single creature I could find on the way down - but my health simply was nowhere near high enough to withstand the kind of damage Satan inflicts.

    So... is it actually possible to beat Satan or is the point of the game that you actually can't win... ever?

    And are there any plans to put Satan deeper down than 10 levels - I was really suprised to get to him so soon... I've never played a Rogue-like that stopped at level 10 before :-(

    I'm actually feeling quite deflated now...

  5. Electric_Shaman

    Electric_Shaman Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2009
    #825 Electric_Shaman, May 10, 2010
    Last edited: May 10, 2010
    Yeap, I suspect you're not supposed to be able to kill him, based on the amount of damage he does, and the joke in the opening cinematic. I'm trying to get down to him with as much magic protection as possible this time, see if it makes much of a difference.
  6. WesPaugh

    WesPaugh Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2010
    The Software Developer, 100 Rogues
    Rochester, NY
    We've got an end cutscene that does work, if that's part of what you're asking. There are many, many things that I will never be able to accomplish in this game, and beating Satan is one of them. 9/10 games I don't even make it to the genie on normal mode, I'd say. Some combination of rockets, fireballs, teleports and black bandits eventually finishes me off.

    But I never make it that far in any roguelike, so even getting to Satan is a massive accomplishment in my book.
  7. badmanj

    badmanj Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2009
    Software developer
    Reading, England
    I remember it took me literally years before I reached the Balrog in Moria back in the eighties... now THAT was a great game!

  8. faranv

    faranv Member

    May 7, 2010
    This happened to me too! I had full health, I killed the genie, screen faded to white and then I keeled over and died! Anyone else have this issue?
  9. tfobf

    tfobf Active Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    bulding cpmputers
    #829 tfobf, May 10, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2010
    *Spoiler* Highlight to see:

    Just beat the game. Nice little cut scene with me cutting off Satans head and throwing it on the floor in front of the old men from the intro. Took about 5 Energy Potions as bombs directly at him that I had farmed from the Genie and saved. The knights/bone demons are ridiculously hard at high levels and the "best" weapon I saw the entire game was a +2 dagger. Pathetic. Devs you need to make the loot in this game stack up with the enemies you're fighting, it's incredibly unfair. I spent a lot of the last 2 levels teleporting past the enemies for the most part because there was NO WAY I could beat any of them with the equipment given. This game is honestly broken unless you get lucky and get a dagger of vampirism early on. There's no skill, just luck.

    fwiw, "Dion" on the high score table
  10. tfobf

    tfobf Active Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    bulding cpmputers
    I'd like to know the same thing. Satan had 3 rounds of fireballs at me. The first 2 rounds missed me (pure luck) and the last round hit me for 50 killing me in 1 hit, and then I remembered I'd bought that "come back to life once" skill and so I survived and won. Without that major stroke of luck I don't see how anyone could win this game without a helping hand from luck. In nethack if you have skill you win, period. In this game if you're lucky you might win, if not you lose, there's no skill. Wish I could get my $5 back now
  11. Gabrien

    Gabrien Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2009
    So you've completed a game which cost you $5 and now you want your money back? A game which, by most accounts is extremely difficult to complete, and which certainly must have required a high degree of commitment on your part? Or did you just use the shield bug? How much time did you invest in this game, obviously by choice which implies that it held your interest? How many hours of game time do you feel your $5 are actually worth? I've gotten burnt on many $5+ games in the past which I did not play beyond the first few minutes. Who hasn't?

    And choosing to put a skill point into a skill which saves your ass down the road is not a stroke of luck. It is a conscious, tactical decision.
  12. Electric_Shaman

    Electric_Shaman Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2009
    #832 Electric_Shaman, May 11, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2010
    Sorry man, the only "Dion" entry on the high score board I can find was "Killed by Satan". Gonna have to be a pic or it didn't happen scenario I'm afraid.
  13. jsrco

    jsrco Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 15, 2009
    It actually says in the game tips and numerous places that death is pretty much inevitable. If you pay attention to the random snipits of story / style of the game's world, you realize that you are essentially a no named cannon fodder for a dungeon. I like to imagine myself as one of the "good guys" from the old Dungeon Keeper games. There are tons of you invading the dungeon and pretty much no one makes it home alive.

    But the future content for this game is going to be worth the price of admission alone for me. Endless mode, a storage for the cool gear you get, npcs in the dungone, new worlds, new rogues, etc....
  14. jsrco

    jsrco Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 15, 2009

    I think that is what it has said since beta when you kill Satan.
  15. tfobf

    tfobf Active Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    bulding cpmputers
    Yeah, that's me. This game in it's brilliance doesn't seem to have a "won the game" message so you either get that or "killed by monster". Like I have to prove a thing to you anyway.
  16. Khamous

    Khamous Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2009
    Ok... 50 damage, I had 49 hp... bad luck I guess, 50 dmg even with magic resistant robe and I forgot to use that unholy fire scroll 1st. Also, I threw a potion and did 0 damage.

    I hear a lot of people complaining on the game, why not be more productive? Here's a couple of suggestions I'd love to see implemented:

    - Deeper overall game, 10 levels is too short and the difficulty bump is HUGE, pretty much you either need to shield hack + have lots of food or be a fairy and teleport a lot in order to just get to the exit.

    - More than 10 levels allow for a less steep difficulty curve, you still need to think as cornered will end in your death, but being able to kill a monster in less than 10 turns would be really good.

    - Actually, long enough so you could actually get to see the skills somehow (dunno abotu you but I've only made it to satan once but I only had 5 skill points available).

    - Tweaking of the randomness, lower levels = more powerful items and/or let the trader sell weapons as well and let you be able to sell your stuff to the trader.

    - More interactivity with corpses. Someone said eat, but why stop at that? Ghosts bettles are immune to phisycal, what if I could take their shell and they'd act as a shield for x ammount of hits, receiving 0 dmg, steal the weapons the dude were carrying (looting corpses would be an AWESOME addition). Learn spells from gypsy corpses? Or get her scrolls if we're assuming she only uses scrolls.

    - Tweak the animations so it doesnt stutter when going fast (already mentioned)

    - Random, dubious items. Sure, you can have red health snd blue mana pots, but what about black, pink, gray pots. Black could make you invincible for a few turns or diminish your stats for a few turns (luck based). Pink could make every enemy love you and not fight you, but each other for you for a few turns, or, make every enemy in the map move to your location as well, they're attracted to you. Gray could make you into a ghost, not noticeable by enemies and being able to go through, or fight them, anything bad as its counterpart, dunno.

    - Different enemies = different vision range. Ok... flying babies are higher up and see more, but rats genetically love being near walls, armors tend to start near corners and only activate near them. If every enemy just spots you, misteleporting is death (atm), ut if you tweak sights, knowing your enemy could let you survive even that.

    I'm sure the community can come up with more ideas instead of just complaining, these are just some I think most people would agree they'd be totally awesome.
  17. Electric_Shaman

    Electric_Shaman Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2009
    Lulz alright, that kinda sucks, especially cause it means we have no idea who the first person to kill Satan was now.
  18. keithburgun

    keithburgun Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2010
    Game Design, Author
    Westchester, NY
    Mmm Wes can confirm this for me but I'm fairly certain the only way to KEEP A SKELLY DOWN is to kill him via some holy means... whack of glory or God's finger itself. GODLY damage is the third damage type in the game.

    HAH! Awesome! You get a Bonus Star for referencing this brilliant masterpiece. I miss Bullfrog. And Microprose. And Black Isle. And Sir-Tech. And Origin. How is it that BETHESDA and ID are the companies that survived? *hangs head*

    I digress.

    Also Khamous, about your post about 100 Rogues needing more Stuff, I agree! And we're adding More Stuff! Just you wait! Everything you listed, just about, is planned, and more.
  19. casualty

    casualty Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2010
    Therefore the Crusader is the most useful class for the Dungeon? :confused:

    With the future 2 worlds / 2 classes that could produce an interesting challenge, that is, if each class were to have an advantage in a different world.
  20. starcat

    starcat Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2010

    picked up the game...got to floor 3..killed a red rat..game crashed.. remembered why i put the game down again.

    also its annoying as hell whenever i click an enemy to attack with a spell and my character moves instead.

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