I am now in dungeon 3 with fully mastered +2 vampire daggers. However i'm still wearing a robe. My tower sheild +2 and ring of defence are keeping me save at the moment but hopefully I find a plate soon. When you level spells do they increase in mp usage and if so by how much?
again bugs which should be noticed from the begin of testing (with challenges). developers, maybe a little bit more attention? i understand all that "we love u anyway, and make us child" is relaxing, but...
Nope, there are never disadvantages to putting more points into a skill. Thanks to perfectly (or disastrously) coordinated sleep schedules, all 3 developers seem to be able to post all but 3 or 4 hours of the day. As for challenges, yes, I did not test those thoroughly enough, obviously. I honestly don't have an excuse for that because there isn't one, really.
Could one of the devs please explain how the scoring works? I understand that tougher monsters give you more points... What about your level? Level of dungeon reached? Number of moves? Do any of the above influence your score and if so how? Any other factors?
As far as I can tell from my single run through the game and the 'how to play' video, scoring is based entirely on the amount of experience you gain. That's what's being tallied up at the end.
That can't be right. Experience = levels. There are people on the leaderboards with higher scores yet lower levels than those below them.
Unluckily i got the same problem i encountered before the latest update, i.e. after game over i'm on the hi-score table and i cannot return to main menu because the "Main Menu" button doesn't work (it's not clickable)...What could I do? Maybe delete and reinstall? thx for any advice!
What is helping the devs more: To admit, it still crashes. Or to say, I love this game and to the rest of you: stfu i think your whine and complain route has been the most abraisive and least productive, funny you left it off as an option. And if you read the majority of the posts, they arent just posters blindly praising, more often then not they are just being positive and trying not to be sores, and generally admitting to the flaws and hoping something good comes soon. You say you just want to discuss, well could you try being positive; its just a video game no need to take it so seriously.
i think scores system will be perfect if it will take in account amount of turns, dungeon level, level of the hero. Because if it's based only on Exp this is not very representative because monsters are spawned randomly and what is more important one can do some kind of grinding. But that's of course not very important now. More important are bug fixes and more levels in dungeon. btw, diagonal movement will help to fight these monsters which can teleport you and with ranged weapons - now it's annoying because they can not do much damage and to face them - takes turns and time. Overall after the patch it seems the game is really more stable. That's nice.
This is an argument for cheap release pricing and a warning to early purchasers with increasing price as content and stability increases. Kind of the model Mount & Blade used.
I love the shields, very useful. Now I am trying to figure a dagger/shield only wizard that I can get to at least the boss lol (tele-stab ftw). I know you guys are ironing out the bugs and performance stuff but I am ultra stoked to hear more about the other two classes and what they are going to be like. (Perhaps maybe a eta? XD jk I know there is a lot on your team's plate right now.)
I am annoyed. SoF isn't a roguelike! Sorry, it's just a pet peeve of mine that people keep referring to SoF as a roguelike. It's not. Doesn't mean it's not a good game, but it's not a roguelike. Sorry if I come off as annoyed, but that's exactly what you said when 1.00 came out and was ridiculously buggy. Is "something" going to happen with every patch? Bah, I guess I'm still bothered that I bought a game that's in the upper echelons of pricing on the iPhone gaming scene and still can't play it.
As I mentioned in one of the previous posts, it's about getting the biggest fixes in as soon as possible. I can tell you I'm not going to scramble to get challenge mode working if it means introducing issues elsewhere or delaying more pertinent fixes. 'Rushing' is something we can't risk for anything but crashes at this point, and we did that for 1.01 because we had a very small window to get another patch back to Apple and have it be release by the weekend. I'm going to need to start doubling the time I spend testing fixes I make. Roughly 6 hours went in to verifying that the high scores were being saved, that stability fixes didn't make things worse, that the memory-saving texture optimizations didn't introduce any artifacting. 6 hours in the 3 days between release and patch is huge chunk out of time that could be spent optimizing, but I will need to start doing more. Until I look at that problem more deeply I won't know why I didn't see that last-minute balance changes didn't propagate into the build properly. But it was the sort of thing that, if it had taken 5 minutes to identify, it still would have taken 2 hours to fix and verify, so the time was better spent elsewhere. Fixing it would have meant no one getting the game patched at all for at least another 3 days, and that could not happen. I took a gamble, albeit a reasonably well-informed one, that the challenge changes would make it without an issue, and I lost. So, as I said, no more rushing, no more 'last minute' anything. This is a learning process for me, and you all should not have to suffer for it.
After floor 5? Hey all... I really don't know if someone already asked this.. but... When I defeat de genius in Lv 5 I die instantaneously and the game chashes to the springboard. The game only goes until lv 5 or is this more one bug? And yes, I am not playing the "easy" mode, I am at the Normal mode. I really hope for more levels past floor 5 D: Thx! Diego
To be honest I think you could get away with just two versions of each item. Regular sword --> Uber sword. I agree that the more you put in, the less significant each one becomes, but two could be quite exciting when you see the drop and realize it's the powerful version of a weapon you're using.
That's sword of what we tried to get going with Enchant Weapon Scrolls and +1,2,... weapons. S'pose it might sound a bit cooler to have Sword of Some Awe, Sword of More Awe and Sword of Most Awes, but we'd lose the infinite upgradeability, unless I really want to learn some grammar programming.