Huh... well, I'm sure that was intended, and not at all related to the recent 'Fear' weapon mod I added. Excuse me while I go check something unrelated. Yeah, the random bits are just the ones that have existed in 100 Rogues' Challenge Mode proper. Few monsters have a damage range, your attacks might do more or less damage each hit, etc. I'm cracking down on a lot of other sources of randomness, though, because it's largely counter-productive to strategy. Accuracy is ignored, as it has been. Friendly Fire occurs almost all the time if there's a target in Line of Sight. Certain monsters even stick to prescripted paths, or are held in place to provide specific sub-challenges within levels. Energy / Health regen are still gone. (Can I just say, I miss health bars in FPSs. This game feels more like old-school doom than modern FPSs just because I'm always scouring for health potions). Leves are all static, and monsters are always the same (although I heavily leverage spawners that can spawn from a random selection of monsters). I have dabbled with Shiren a bit, but never got that far or played those game modes. I'm a big big fan of the ideas, though. We've had a few ideas to simulate physics into the world (specifically, terrain physics), but those kinds of subgoals are really cool, too. So far, Challenges have had 'Escape!', 'Kill all!', or 'Kill X, Y, and Z' as the goals. I've added 'Survive!', but I'd be all for adding weird contextual goals like that, as long as I can explain the goals clearly.
Oh dear... yes. I safeguarded against 'things' teleporting during bossfights, but I never came across an instance of a boss being teleported during a fight. That could cause badness. OK, I'll make a super-high-priority-gamma not on the itunes page. Thanks! ... not sure why the phone would crash though.
they were crashing in Hell 3 ... I learnt my lesson and didnt equip/use them for the boss fight. Im not sure if the trinket didnt like my ambassador. Anyways, it might just be one of those one-game blips. I'll see if i come across them again.
Why does my Game Center in the 'Social' menu says its Disabled and wont open when I click the icon? My achievements are recording though cause I just killed the Genie and got it.
It's saving your achievements to a generic '100 Rogues' profile, so you can still unlock them without having to use game center. As for why game center isn't working, I know it's quite finicky, but finicky in ways common to all apps that use game center that I know of. Killing the app and relaunching should prompt you appropriately. (just make sure you have internet when you launch)
Im really digging the new challenge mode Wes! So is this being implemented officially into the main app or is it going to be a separate one?
Err, but I hope if you adopted any of these ideas it would NOT BE as a scripted Challenge but a new game mode like, "Combo" or "Endless".
At the moment, we anticipate adding about 10 more challenge to 100 Rogues that act as introductions to monster classes and some of the new mechanics like Rune Tiles that have been added to 100 Rogues since its initial release (wow, that was a long time ago!). The rest of the challenges will be in a separate, standalone app. The goal with 100 Rogues' Challenge Mode was a brief tutorial and skill challenge of the game's mechanics. The new game was intended to stretch those mechanics into more complex and unique game levels, basically. As for how those house-ruled game modes would work, there would probably be appropriate ways to make unique 100 Rogues game modes, as well as ways to make challenges that have different goals. I can't commit to doing either yet, but I'd be happy doing both, if I can find the appropriate ways to do them.
Ahoy, fellers. Long time since I've been on this board, hope you'll forgive me. For those who don't remember me, I'm the lead designer of 100 Rogues, Keith Burgun. I've been off of the project for the last... well, almost a year now, and working on a few freelance projects. Also, during that time, I've been cooking up my next big idea. That big idea is called AURO: The Golden Prince. It's a roguelike-like, definitely far less of a roguelike than 100 Rogues. Here's the major differences. - All of the skills in the game are available to any character. You can mix and match "fighter" type skills with "mage" type skills, or focus down - it's up to you. Much more flexibility in how you make your character. There are character classes, but they mean a lot less than the classes do in 100 Rogues. - No experience/health scaling! This is a big one. You start and end the game with max HP of 10! The monsters also don't increase in health or damage as the game goes on. Instead, it gets harder simply because of more combinations of more monster types in the same situations, and each monster does a different thing. - No equipment! This is all expressed in the aforementioned "skills" system. - No items! Well, there are SOME items, but there's no inventory. I don't like making players much around in an inventory on an iPhone. - Small levels (still randomized). Auro is not about exploration. - Hex-based. This works really well on a small screen. I felt that the 4-directional movement of 100 Rogues would be too limiting for this game, but 8-directional would be too error prone. Basically, it's a game where you try to survive through 10 levels of intense tactical struggles. The faster you make it through the level, and secondarily, the more monsters you kill, determines your score. I put up an upcoming game thread over here: Anyway, just letting you guys know! We have a kickstarter, so consider supporting us if you like what we're doing!
Anyone tried this one with 4S? I get really annoying lines across the screen while it is scrolling (ie when I move). Any ideas on what is going on?
I have seen this in person, but do not have consistent access to a device to verify that I can fix the problem. Consider it a top priority... once I figure out how to make it a priority of any sort :-/
lol No worries, keep up the great work! Also any news on a new player class? Not monster but player? (Never could get used to playing monster classes must be all the "wasted loot")
I'll be trying to fix that in future updates. The monsters have three or four items all their own, now (none of which will break after the forthcoming update), and they can now use rings, which gives them some better end-game customization potential. Good news, everyone! Work has begun on the DINOMAN BRUISER player class. Our best estimates will see it be released near the end of January. More updates to come. Also, the aforementioned changelog for 2.9.6: Take a brief look at our upcoming game, 100 Trials, and an upcoming player class, The Dungeoneer! Demo level accessible via Challenge Mode 11 in this update. Balance Changes: Fire Cage and Launch Grenade now cost more energy to cast 100 Trials' Beta removed from Challenge Mode UI UI Improvements: Monsters now briefly display a health bar when attacked Bug Fixes: Issues with Impractical Trinkets and Flippable Comms Devices crashing have been resolved Performance Improvement: New Loading Phase added to the loading screen proper. The transition to start each level is now much smoother. Extremely rare crash when using Launch Rocket has been prevented Change made to address tearing between tiles on 4GS devices. As I am but a poor, humble developer, I don't have access to one of these devices myself yet. So, I cannot say for certain that this will fix the problem, but it is unfortunately the best shot in the dark I can take. Also, also, we are within days of shipping a brand new game! While not actually a sequel to 100 Rogues, the design goal for this side-step departure from it, cleverly called '100 Trials', was to distill the mechanics of 100 Rogues into a series of 100 archetypical levels to play through. These levels were handcrafted, rather than randomly generated, to more carefully test your mettle with the mechanics, while still being much more a complete game than the puzzle-y nature of 100 Rogues' Challenge Mode. Additionally, 100 Trials will have new items, mechanics, monsters and a new Boss monster to conquer. I've been hard at work on 100 Trials for the last few months, and am super excited to see it this close to completion. I'll make a new forum post soon with details, screenshots, etc., and post the link here.
Looking forward to 100 Trials 100 Rogues is probably my favorite iOS rpg so i really want to play your next game
Oh, right, 'RPG' reminds me. 100 Trials will be closer to puzzle / action game. While skills and equipment are still there, and later levels tend to give you more of both, 100 Trials has stripped the leveling and experience systems out of 100 Rogues' mechanics.
I can do a beta test for you if you need me (using 4S). Don't have to be a full game just a test level or something. In any case I'll help in any way I can. Any ETA on the 2.9.6 patch?
It looks like it went out late Friday night, and should have become available for people throughout the day yesterday. Enjoy, everyone!
They are still there, but If it makes you feel any better wes, they are less annoying then they were pre patch not quite as frequent and pronounced but still there!:-(