Universal 100 Rogues (By Fusion Reactions)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by New England Gamer, May 4, 2010.

  1. Windburn

    Windburn Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2009
    Melbourne, Australia
    Beat THAT score guys! 70160!

    Got my Wizard, Windburn to Satan (won't tell you what happened there, though I have a nice screenie of him grinning his weasily grin at me on my twitter page).

    ...and my high score didn't save :( But I have screenies for proof!


    NB: If you don't want Satan spoiled for you, don't look at the other image thumbnailed therein!
  2. BazookaTime

    BazookaTime Well-Known Member

    I have played a bunch of games and still have not ran into a bug or crash. I am starting to feel left out.
  3. Ravenblack

    Ravenblack Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2009
    3rd Gen devices have less or no problems compared to the 2nd gen devices perhaps?
  4. Eraser74

    Eraser74 Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2009
    Oh wow, I have waited for this game so long and now totally out of nowhere it´s released!

    Instant buy! :D
  5. laladanger

    laladanger Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2010
    The main thing thats bothering me is that most of my scores won't save. One out of three games I've played have saved the scores. I've always been able to resume my game after a crash so far, though.
  6. Rovorcen

    Rovorcen Active Member

    Mar 30, 2010
    I have enjoyed the game so far. Bugs aside seems fun.

    Incase anyone is still cataloging bugs. The resurrection skill for the fairy whenever I put a point in that the glowy dot does not show up and if I ressurect the death music keeps playing repeatedly until I restart. iPhone 3g.

    Also I understand that changing equip takes a turn but still really hate being kicked out of menu screen.

    I also really like the challenge games. Sometimes I feel like they could use a few more instructions but fun anyway.

    Also the price is fine. It's only 5 dollars.
  7. WesPaugh

    WesPaugh Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2010
    The Software Developer, 100 Rogues
    Rochester, NY
    Financial is part of it. I made the joke about starving, which is partly true, yes, but it's also just that development was about to take the Duke Nukem Forever approach. Even when we stopped inventing new monsters to add or redesigning the skills, UI optimizations like the quick slots took priority in development. Then, last minute feedback brought to light the need for an Easy Mode. Then there were Challenges. And fog. The way it was going, there was *always* going to be something else that would need to get in before release for it to be a complete game, and thorough testing and defect removal was a lower priority.

    That said, I wasn't expecting this. I've been testing on 3gs and 3g iphones, and a 1st gen iPod Touch, and experienced no big problems in the 2-3 days before release.

    So, sorry if I made it seem like we're scamming you to make money on an incomplete project. We all feel that this is a complete game that's worth your $5, and these problems will not persist for long.
  8. Ravenblack

    Ravenblack Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2009
    I just encountered missing tile graphics. Black squares where treasure chest and doorways ought to be.

    Like how the enemies make little groaning noises and die. :)
  9. casualty

    casualty Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2010
    Quick slot throwing items are a buggy too. They split stacks, disappear , misreport amounts and the quantity is obscured by the item picture (also, the "level up" rainbow alert is obscured by door & doorways... just a cosmetic quibble!)

    Dont let the bug reporting fool you, I'm still enjoying it! Gypsies suck > <
  10. Khamous

    Khamous Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2009
    O well, I bought this anyways and didnt have any trouble on the 1st run. I'm gonna get mad pissed if they go on sale on this, lol.

    I got Ninja'd @ floor 4 and the game crashed after showing me my name, but other than that I was able to "finish".
  11. New England Gamer

    New England Gamer Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 30, 2009
    I got this too. There were suddenly black tiles on a level looking like a checkerboard.

    Funny thing is, no matter how many bugs I find or hear about, I keep wanting to play! And I will! Can't wait for the updates but definitely a great concept in a game.
  12. Gabrien

    Gabrien Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2009
    On my third game now, still haven't encountered a crash.

    Been wondering if someone (dev?) could clarify how scoring is calculated? I see people on the leaderboards who are lower level but have a higher score...

    Such a shame the technical issues are overshadowing the gigantic merits of this game for most people.
  13. Blake.Reynolds

    Blake.Reynolds Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2010
    Just letting you guys know the dev team is still hear listening to all of your concerns. Bear with us. I know this doesn't come as much solace, but the game we play tested last week didn't have these problems, and something went wrong with the version Wes submitted.

    Some unnecessary repetition:
    You will be playing 100 Rogues in full force in a day or two (whenever apple processes our patch) and don't forget; expect patches, improvements, and especially new content for months to come!

    We at Dinofarm and Fusion Reactions can't express enough how important quality games are to us, and we've worked long and hard to give you something of quality.

    Profusely contrite,
    Blake Reynolds
    100 Rogues
    -Lead Artist-
  14. Joeavery

    Joeavery Active Member

    Sep 27, 2009
    What's different in this version to the one you playtested? Is it VERY different? If the version you playtested didn't have these bugs then the bugs must be the result of changes you made between testing and submittal, no?

    Did you test the "final" version at all? It seems several people were able to find these bugs within minutes of playing.

    I appreciate the fact that you're on here and you're addressing these problems (hopefully) , but I can't believe that you didn't encounter any of these fatal

    You did.

    You shipped it anyway. I'm fine with that, as long as they'll be fixed, but who's to say that will happen, yet you have our money. I'm worried that this could become a trend and someday I'll pay for an app that just plain doesn't work, and I'll have no recourse.

    Again, I also would rather play it while waiting for the bugs to be fixed. I just have a bad feeling about this.
  15. medianotzu

    medianotzu Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2009
    Wow, went to sleep after playing a while when I got this and woke to find this thread detailing a ton of bugs. Well, after playing 4 (short) games on normal difficulty(I keep dying around level 3) I have only experienced the shield crash, and that was after I equipped the shield and a bandit attacked me. I assume it was the attack that caused the crash. I'm not looking forward to running across more bugs, but I am yet still looking forward to playing more, as the game is great.

    Oh, and possibly some of the skill points I assigned didn't actually show up. This was after I pressed the "apply" key, I just didn't see the little circle under the assigned skill fill up and the skill point vanished.

    The one thing that has bugged me is using the fairie's ranged attack. It seem you have to be very very precise about tapping the enemy, not just tapping in the direction. Despite tapping very methodically many times I simply moved towards the enemy, instead of shooting at them. Of course this lead to many disasters in battle, which has really made using the fairie a lot less fun for me. I hope that after the bugs are fixed something can be done to make it easier to not commit such a big blunder in battle over and over again!
  16. Blake.Reynolds

    Blake.Reynolds Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2010

    Well, when I said that I meant it, as in: in my final testing sessions, shields worked fine and I got no crashes. There were minor bugs here and there but the game was functional. What might have happened between then and release was something that happened on programming side in which the shield anims. were overlooked after a tweak. I don't know. I didn't program the thing. But the fact is, though we knew it was far from perfect, we all had confidence it was playable and functional. That's what I mean when i say it "didn't have these problems".

    Nobody's trying to blow any smoke. I'm just telling you what I know and what I've experienced personally with playtesting.
  17. medianotzu

    medianotzu Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2009
    It's definitely not for certain that they knew about the bugs before submitting the app. I'm not a coder, but sometimes just one small change in many thousands of lines of code can cause these kinds of bugs. I'm not saying whether they did or didn't know, but it's not really possible to make such a bold accusation. Since they say they didn't know about it, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.

    As for the potential to have apps that are launched with known bugs, surely it has happened before and will happen again. If you're really worried about it, there are places like TA where you can do your research before buying.
  18. keithburgun

    keithburgun Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2010
    Game Design, Author
    Westchester, NY
    Why would we go to all this trouble to create a magically wonderful game like 100 Rogues, only to *knowingly* release it with crashy bugs?

    We're on it!
  19. Joeavery

    Joeavery Active Member

    Sep 27, 2009
    Meh, I've said my piece - now I'd just like to help get these bugs worked out. I really like the game!

    As far as the black tiles go, does this happen with both characters, or only the fairy? I noticed it happening after I began teleporting. Obviously I'm not sure if it's related, but that's when it started happening for me.

    And one for the wishlist: a small bar above enemies when you attack, showing damage percentage? Or, dare I say, damage numbers? I personally like that, but some may not, so make it optional in menu?
  20. Cifuang

    Cifuang Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2010
    Everyone check appspy.com for the 100 rogue review and it's talking about propaganda lander ! Fail.

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