We are now running a new competition for Dash or Defend players! In this one you can win two prizes. The rules: 1. Download Dash or Defend here. If you won a cash prize in our earlier competition, you can't win one of these. You can get the non-cash reward though. 2. Reach player level 2 through victories and card upgrades, to claim a prize. Post something like "I achieved player level 2" and your DoD player ID here. 3. Write an honest review of DoD on AppStore. Post your AppStore nickname and review text in our main thread, something like: "I posted this review as (your nickname on AppStore):" followed by your review text. 4. Reach player level 3 through more victories and card upgrades, to claim a second prize. Post "I reached player level 3" or similar here. 5. Three $10 prizes for the first 3 players who complete ##1-3. Another three $10 prizes for the first 3 players who complete ##1-4. It is possible for the same person to win both. When the competition ends, four more $10 prizes will be awarded by lottery to other players who qualified (two prizes for level 2 and two for level 3). Players who qualify, but don't win a cash prize, will be given a gem reward in Dash or Defend (100 or 200 depending on player level reached). There are three choices for the $10 reward: 1. $10 through PayPal (minus their fee). 2. $10 gift card code for the US AppStore/iTunes. 3. 1,800 gems for your DoD account ($10 package plus 50%). Questions on the competition goes here. Reviews, gameplay questions, suggestions etc, go to the main thread. The competition ends on Friday, January 19th (the end date is subject to change). Enjoy!
Great, thanks! Please also leave a copy of your review in our main forum thread, as explained in rule #3. This may seem like overkill, but the reasons I ask for this are: 1. There are often fairly long delays before a submitted review shows up in the AppStore (yours is not there yet, for example). 2. Since a review contains feedback, it's great to be able to discuss and possibly ask questions in the forum. Good luck with the other goals!
I finally achieved player level 2!! my DoD Player ID is BABhXwAAFegH now.... trying to achieve level 3
Congratulations on winning one of our $10 prizes! Good luck with level 3, and maybe you'll win another $10.
It's TOO hard! I need to earn some points when I win a match! hehe Can I choose the $10 iTunes gift card code?
It's supposed to be hard. Or at least take some time. We wanted a more strategic challenge this time. I'm actually surprised that there aren't more prize claims yet. A few days is all it takes if you pace it properly and always keep your slots occupied. Sure you can have a gift card. I'll contact you privately to give you the code.
Yeah!!! You are right , the key is to keep the slots occupied and wait for the cards Also I just reply your PM
Well done! I'm glad that someone did I should have confirmed earlier, but we've been busy with getting our Android version out. Would you like another $10 gift card to the same email address? Or do you prefer one of the other options?
yes please I don't know why other players didn't comment it this thread! SO BADD! thank you very much for the contest, It was fun and hard