$10 PayPal Contest - Word Join Review

Discussion in 'Promo Codes and Contests' started by freeman5860, Aug 12, 2018.

  1. freeman5860

    freeman5860 Active Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    Word Join just release on AppStore and we want to share our excitement! If interested in the app please download, review, and post below. On Aug 26th we'll have a drawing via randomresult.com and the winner gets $10!

    1. Download the FREE app here: https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/id1415421016
    2. Play the game and then submit an honest review of the app. Keep the app installed for 48 hours, or else your review may be removed and we can't include you in the drawing!
    3. Post below your App Store name so we can verify your review.

    Good luck and thanks!
  2. nfong

    nfong Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2011
    Couldn't find the app on the US app store. Is it available in the US?

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