Separate names with a comma.
In addition to adding Nidreu, Please add FrannieS
add me Nidreu is my account name.
awesome, thanks a lot.
Im trying to sync my ipod to a new computer and it won't seem to let me load the apps from my ipod to the computer. It wants to remove them. Is...
Thanks, and thanks to V_LilMike as well.
I have a couple of questions: If I beat the last mission, is the game automatically over? Or can I go back to other fields and 100% complete...
Thanks, I freed up some more space, and it eventually installed.
Anyone else get an error message saying you didn't have enough memory on your ipod, when you did? Its supposed to be a 180 mb file, and I have...
If I did this, would I lose my saved data?
yeah, the music is definitely ripped from another game. It is a very fun game. Im trying to save up money for the excaliber and top shield, a...
The new characters are great and all, but how is this game on version 3.x and it still crashes? Shouldn't that be the first priority?
anyone have any problems with mini gore crashing their ipod? ive never had this problem before today.
I think you have to beat a level using the pro controls. Go to the settings to change this.
Whats the point of having the new robot character though? Doesn't he break the game? Unlimited rocket power seems like it would take the fun out...
My name on hook champ is Nidreu, if anyone is free to do some vs runs
Thank you sir, found it, then plunged to my death. heh
Can anyone shed some light on where the hidden treasure is in Bronze Bull? Ive looked a few times and can't seem to find it.
Got this game a week back, and Ive played it nonstop the past couple of days. I'm #9 in Grand total score, but still miles away from the people...
This has been my main concern as well. I'm having a hard time getting into it because of the controls. I can't move as accurately as I want with...
I'm a huge fan of Rogue Touch, and I've been waiting for this game to drop. I usually dont like to spend more than 1.99 on an app, but I instantly...