Separate names with a comma.
Hi! Where I can found gold pearl? I serach on 100m +/-30m I used 9 air tank and I only found 2. Where I must serach?
When I diving the character Is freezing - I can't move on any direction. I must end diving manualy. It happens to me three times so far. I try...
Hi! Thanks for great update! But there Is still problem with freezing. Can You fix it?
Any news about update?
New update, on android was today
Hi when on iOS? Any date?
Weee :D But when can we expect a version for iOS? Can You tell us any date?
Hey, it works, but only get "look at me wow" for second achievement, I think I must wait for update. Thx for help
I don't get archivment " look at me wow" I have buy and found all suits. Olso I don't get "Private plaice" Is this fix in next update?
Is there something ( place, chests etc.) under 500m? There Is only rock and diamonds
Card 21: Laser to begin with 13-16 this is probably longer time shield, laser and stronger mega bomb
Sky Force 2014 (by Infinite Dreams) @PeterID when will be next update on iOS? On Android was today or yesterday. There is something new - cards....
Stage 8 normal, nothing special, this Is my 5th try on this level, only two stars:
I play :) And I pass this stage :)[IMG]
Did You play on any stage? Or only chcek? You must play to update
In 8 stage to kill final boss we need to a lot of power up, its many tower to destroy
I have a better idea - awards for place in the tournament. eg 1st place 10,000 stars, 2nd place 8000 stars etc
Hi, When I launched the new version, I immediately got the achievement "Lord Of Destruction" :) So there was a bug in the old version. And there...
Stage 7 normal Is quite easy, Fun has start on hard ;) I dying when Is massive attack.
Tonk Montana do You have phone with android? I have iOS and don't have and see any VIP on stage. But my brother on android have one VIP in first...