Separate names with a comma.
Add me up! Looks cool! Mind adding me in beta? ID: [email protected]
764-084-244 put my code for the rewards!
Just started, great game! Add me up guys, or put me in as referral if you may 764-084-244
About the complains of this game IAP: I play two biggest games with IAP in West and East, Monster Strike and Hearthstone, and not spent a single...
Greenlight is rumored to go away though, hopefully its much easier to get your game on PC :)...
FM, Have you ever thought of porting this game to another port? PC or console? PS4 and Steam really works since they have bunch of indie games....
Count me in the next draw please. Thanks :)
want to enter. count me in :)
I'm too lazy to flip through pages, but want to ask something about multiplayer. I know there some PVP dota mode, where you go against each other,...
use IS25823 to start new games, so we both get rare cards! me team name is angelflame, add me!
save feature is there for a reason :p
Is it possible that you put out the data for all upgrades, like example cooldown, range, damage increase etc etc for everything? And if possible,...
how do you unlock the new armor set for each character? what is the requirement?
I love spider soo much, but I have no idea how to use him effectively. Any spider expert here?
This guy reads my mind. Couldnt care less bout the leaderboard, need more stuff to be carried over. Probably put it in different mode, so that it...
how about the upcoming patch? will we be able to play then?
Hey, have a question here, can we play thru wifi locally with this game?
wow, and here I was anxiously waiting for the 2nd jan for the patch, and now need to wait for 2 more weeks. time to stay away from here until then :(
Any plan on releasing this on android?
So how do you get past this bug? Help please T_T