Separate names with a comma.
Just to clarify, the PC version came out weeeeell before the iOS port and is sort of cult classic here in Russia, like Duke Nukem 3D worldwide,...
Gentlemen (and Ladies?), does anyone have an idea how long does it take to complete the game in general? Normal play style, not a completionist.
@anthony78 I'm with you on that. The last thing I need to fully enjoy the game:p Yet, even as it is, I's a blast to play for me, waaay better than...
Maaan, I've finished Adamina and wish Form Software learned from the devs. They stubbornly refuse to make their games easier for those who don't...
@macplash Oh, that's great news to hear! If they are working on it, there's no problem to wait a little bit.
However dumb it may sound, I'm still having issues with cloud saves. There was an update to the game which was supposed to fix them, but I still...
While this is true, the devs have acknowledged that a minority of users do experience problems with cloud saves - including myself. According to...
Also, does anyone have problems with cloud saves? Been trying to sync saves between my iPhone 11 (not Pro) and Ipad Pro 11 2018. I believe they...
My good sir, how did you get the said egg? Soulsborne are to difficult for me in general, but I like the setting and want a more laid-back...
Looks and plays sooo good, reminds me of those Dreamcast days and (almost) mindless Naomi arcade ports fun (The House of the Dead 2 FTW!) Really...
Oh. that's very reassuring, thanks! Might as well go ahead and get it;)
Similar question about difficulty/accessibility: would it be OK for a midcore RPG player? To give an example, I enjoyed all 3 Chaos Rings games,...
I don't remember the source, but I definitely recollect seeing the $10/month figure.
Does anyone have at least a very general idea when to expect the cloud save update? The game is great, but the inability to switch between playing...
An iPhone XS and an iPad Pro 11 here, both are on iOS 13 Public Beta 5 and I'm also plagued with flickering. Happens on both devices on all...
Holy macaroni, it's a treat for any W40K fan. Instabought it. Been some time since I've seen graphics that advanced on my iPad (a Pro 9.7). Loving...
Could anyone please confirm how F2P is the game? Like senkoujin said? Would it be too much to hope for permanent premium boosters, not just...
Elendil, Rovce, thanks a lot for the explanation! Yes, I really left Matras too early without doing anything there. Will try again, doing all the...
Could people who have played the game give a couple of pointers on gameplay? [SPOILER]
Wow,so convincing! Purchased :)