Separate names with a comma.
Would love some sound effects :rolleyes:
pc version is updated as well.
Great news to hear it will be available on Steam. How long I wonder?
Are sound effects ever going to be a thing? :p
I’m holding off atm. That bug sounds nasty. And the lack of a tutorial is also a negative. I’ve got enough frustration in my life without a game...
Thank you for posting that image. That showed me what I was looking for and why I was confused. I was initially expecting to see a minimap...
Hummm. Okay, I do see a tab called Local Map. Is that it because I cannot see “Minimap” anywhere? When I use that one it overlays a small map of...
Exactly how do you enable/disable the minimap? I don’t see any settings. I have the premium edition of the game.
If referring to story wise there is no need to play the first. Gameplay they are similar with DOS2 having refined the combat mechanics and you...
Your reading it wrong. The supported devices are listed and yours is in the list.
This looks interesting. I only got in 30 minutes so far but it looks darn good playing on a large iPad Pro. Definitely has that Vampires...
That’s 30 bucks AUD gone down the gurgler. ……and just reinforces my past decision to no longer buy any game on iOS over $5.
Might be okay but it doesn’t get past the recruitment section when playing on my iPad Pro 3rd edition with iOS 16. It works fine on my iPhone but...
You are not alone my friend.
Too bad, not available in Australia.
Sorry, but I just don’t get it. Either you will accept the chance the game tracks you or you don’t. What will a video of gameplay do to change...
I also just told the app not to track. There is also an option to save your game on their server which I chose not to. Instead I just save on my...
Nope. None. Nuda. Jailbreak and Cydia would be your only option…… if such a thing still exists.
Installed on my iPad Pro but no sound.
The dev has responded on Steam that a patch to fix the crash has been submitted to Apple. edit; The patch is available and the game now plays...