Separate names with a comma.
You a follow on to all my posts above... which started 'meh' but got more postiive as I went along Easily one of the finest LDoE clones out...
I can also confirm that old save games from Apple Arcade work with this version, no need for people to restart if they already have a save.
This was sorely missed when it left the arcade, I really enjoyed playing. Nice to see it back as a purchase. Will no doubt snap it up.. not that I...
OK so final comment - this is one of the finest uses of the LDoE engine I have seen for a while. The base builder and a lot of the mechanics we...
So… lots of content, lots to do, more currencies than you can shake a stick at, probably too much - yes it has (as expected) season passes, but...
Downloaded, usual woods and mines that if you die in you cant retreive your stuff, same crafting, combat. I have no doubt when you get low on...
Looks like the LDOE engine
Good community on discord, oh and player created houses which is usually popular
Yeah the new one is turn based and only released this year, I played to the ‘current end’ but I think new update is almost ready with lots more...
This great game has been majorly updated with even more content and now has an ad removal IAP - not that the ads were majorly invasive. Love this...
In the TA ongoing review they tested with Xbox and ps5 controller - all good
There is one level open at a time.. like Royal Match.. and you are on that level till you complete it. No game modes, no variation just one level...
OK... so here goes. Firstly let me be clear, i am an insane lover of PvZ - i have on IOS, on PC and i love it. I like all the different game modes...
I have been salivating over this with a hint of trepidation as Square are not really great when it comes to monetization. So first the bad -...
the drone gives you 6 cards to play. When you are on character selection screen for a mission, click the drone and you can see the cards you get
Some extras 1) Team mechanics is nice - quite unusual 2) You can earn in game items that allow you to create your own custom cards. These can be...
Take a dollop of Slay the Spire, throw in some (guessing based on card descriptions) party mechanics, give it a space theme with a story and...
Decided to pay £15 on cdkeys for the full pc version rather than the iOS version. 68gb install size! Yikes. Great game, far tougher that EW
the first 2 WQ games felt like you were playing the board game, pieces of dungeon added as you went through the quest, the cards with items, the...
Already deleted. Was excited when I saw early trailers, but this is a soul-less mockery compared to the first two WQ games which may have been...