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G.C- Death Sting
Hey, does the game crash for anyone once they have created their character? I can't seem to get to the server select screen... :(
hey all has anyone had the game crash when loading a new area or sometimes in the middle of missions. Im running it on an iphone 4 and i make...
Hey all, Quick review of the game; Looks and plays exactly like a Final Fantasy game, especially the battle system, but it's more like a...
Thanks for the info but I know where to buy it from. What i mean is coz im in Aus will the Aus App Store give me access to iPad games coz its not...
Hey all, I live in Australia and wanted to pick up an American iPad at launch. Would the US app store work or would I have to create an American...
Yep. Whatever...Rude people don't get far in life. So good luck to em.
Again with the bullshit!! Put it this way my friend. If I wanted to speak/type correctly I would have chosen to type on my laptop but because I...
Lol!! Funny!! U cant actually comment on wat i said u make fun of my gramma. U r good at da english right? N its a forum man. Who gives a shit...
Totaly agree that the person playing nova had no idea wat he was doing. Which is quiet sad that he gets a shot n has no clue. Meanwhile i have to...
Now. I have 2 ps3's, 360, Wii, Macbook and a laptop(and of course my fantastic iPhone). i play/use them all. What im trying to say is people look...
Wat did everyone say when the first iphone came out... Omg no games will work on that! Especialy any FPS! Now we have NOVA n modern combat! They r...
Oh ok i c wat ur saying. N dont get me wrong my PS3 n Xbox besides gathering dust since i got my iphone have got some great titles but they r the...
Was that to me?
This for all the haters out there! Ive been a hardcore gamer my whole life since good old nes days. When a new system came out i was first inline...
Hmmm i think its Deathsting... ;)
todays code is: Ravensword is OUT!
today's code: zombie warfare
today's code is: the icky one
Today's code is: blast arrows are fun