Separate names with a comma.
This is a great resource - thank you so much!! (and the map locations are excellent, as well, a huge help!)
Any plans for cloud saves so we can continue progress between devices? Or universal support for Apple TV?
Would love to be able to help, but I'm falling behind in progress lately as I'm just trying to build up resources to upgrade my units for some of...
App Store is not acting right for lots of people at the moment, and not pulling up the correct results for even well known apps like Spotify, etc.
To the developers - - well done! Loving the graphics, ability to customize the new koi, the camera controls, etc. Very relaxing! As for future...
Seeing on some websites where people are reporting App Store and Mac App Store are both having serious search issues this morning... (ie, it can't...
Oh sweet - thought this was supposed to be released tomorrow! Thanks for the update, grabbing it now......! :)
I wouldn't mind an update to the game which allowed for multiple game save slots - it might solve the issue for players who feel like they are in...
While I love Foursaken games, I never take the time (like I should) to figure out strategical things like if it's more beneficial first to upgrade...
Mine appeared to freeze on that screen, but then got past it and continued loading from there and works fine.
Thank you both for the game suggestions!! I'll take a look at them this evening. Yeah, I had noticed lately while playing this game and...
Yep, I tend to do that often, as well - just focus on stockpiling certain resources that I will need a lot of in order to produce something...
I actually find myself checking in on this game several times a day - very well done, love all the upgrade options, etc.
Not sure if the expansions have a certain order to follow (as far as storyline or difficulty) but I purchased the Orcs and Elves expansion and the...
There are some serious hardcore iOS gamers in here, lol - I've spent more consecutive minutes on this game than any other I can recall in a long...
...nothing like reviving a year-old thread, heh... But yeah, recently playing Mystic Castle I realized I was really enjoying the resource...
Agreed - for example, is there some way to click on an item to get a description of what it does? Meanwhile, can someone tell me if a Mining Tower...
Opinion poll: which of these two IAP purchase is preferred: 2x money forever -or- 2x damage forever? I'm not sure which will make the most...
Very excited for this release date! Looks amazing. Can't wait! :)
One of the tips shown during start up of the app says "Assembly Line will speed up harvest" or something like that. I have no idea what that...