Separate names with a comma.
Pretty cool game. For two bucks I can easily recommend it but I feel as though it has some issues: + great retro feel including sound,...
New patch today. How's the game now?
Can you explain the issue? Just trying to understand. Does this mean equipping a new weapon will be almost impossible?
Restore purchases Hey it looks like restore purchases isn't working. I'm on a different device and when I hit it, it doesn't seem to connect. Am...
This looks great but admittedly I prefer to play one character not a party. I don't suppose that's remotely viable to do in this game? Either...
I'm interested in this but the note about it crashing worries me. There's also only one review and it also mentions crashes. I will try to...
Hey Soul, Have you considered a sequel to Cavern? In my opinion it's one of the best dungeon crawlers on IOS. I've tried most of them and...
I'm on an iPad mini and while it's definitely different, I don't find it bad or oversized.
How is this game with the latest patch?
Still got my eye on this. Will happily pay full price once I don't see the word "crash" in every thread page.
Wow that tileset looks amazing!
For those of you who have the psn version, would you recommend it? I saw a lot of complaints that the game was short and not worth many...
Wow this looks awesome. SUbbed to the thread, can't wait for release. Insta-buy for sure.
I tried my best to enjoy it, but I just couldn't. It's actually the first IOS refund I get since the appstore was put in place... I did manage...
Feel free to use mine for any creature you want, doesn't matter which. And thanks, it's a nice privilege to be part of the game!
Just tried the rogue out. Awesome stuff. Bought a few more IAPs to support the devs. Question - is there any way to see a description of the...
Just a FYI - this game will not work offline. You may think it will, like me, but then when you finish a run, you get a bunch of errors, to the...
Looks pretty rad, man! Looking forward to it, whenever that may be. It's just icing on the already tasty cake.
If this had a $5 IAP to disable timers and maybe double gem currency, I'd seriously consider playing it. I just can't even get into games that...
This looks interesting but the FREE price tag, along with IAPs that are all consumables pushes me away. Not saying there isn't a good game here,...