Separate names with a comma.
Also: Galactic Conflict RTS - although it's not medieval-themed...
I think the first couple of times I played the first Riptide on my iPad I probably finished last each time, as I was too impressed checking out...
I wish all TD games would put as much effort into graphics - loved the first Siegecraft, will certainly be buying this one upon release - can't wait!
If you check the app out, maybe you can help me understand how "you can play with your foot, using two iOS devices connected via Bluetooth"...
Sounds like Landgrabbers could be similar, as well...(I think that's also on Android)
This is one of those games I bought when I got my first iPhone, but have never purchased the HD version. Definitely a great experience on the...
Thank you for the promo code! I haven't had a lot of time to play it, yet (fortunately the weekend is almost here!) but I've completed the...
I'm not finding it in the App Store...? (PS - If it's not coming out this week, do you still have any promo codes available? I'd love to...
I thought iOS was a lite subscription - you couldn't go past level 3 and you didn't have the ability to start guilds?
Epic Raiders and Heroes vs Monsters both look similar and have been discussed as being Battleheart clones, but I haven't tried either to confirm.
Okay, not trying to harp on the pricing, but I have to admit to being a little confused. It does sound funny to me to hear: $.99 for the app;...
hahaha Yep, that's about my skill level with flying - open space, flying through rings = not so bad. Trying to dock or land anywhere precisely...
Oh man, I really wanted to get into this game, but just from struggling through the first two tutorials with all the flying I can tell I am going...
Looks great - excellent teaser! :)
Wow. All I can say is, I started playing this game the day it came out, following the forum, etc. Then I kinda got distracted by other things...
All I know is while watching the movie 'Prometheus' I convinced myself that if I ever do meet an alien, I will shoot first and not bother asking...
Oh man, hadn't even considered that yet, lol, excellent tip - Thanks!
So, Animoog for iPad supported (yay!!) but Animoog for iPhone not? (boo!) Hope that gets updated - I like to be able to use the same musical...
Did the iPhone 4S get an update, or just 5? I'm not seeing any larger fonts on my 4S.... Or any differences at all.
You know, as you mentioned recently that the Kickstarter failed (sorry to hear btw), maybe that will allow for some more free time to work on...