Separate names with a comma.
They going to add more with update probably or atleast i hope they do because game is fun but at this point i have nothing to do.
True but in speedruns every second matters. Unlucky for me those are my favorite events.
It seems to happen with faster cars or maybe im just imagining things. Seriously my Lamborghini burned through that oil after 1 race and it wasnt...
Do you get anything special for getting 100% in one of the series? I know you get coins and cash but no way to win another car?
nemer25 Just started.
For freemium this is pretty good. Once you get multiple cars you can play for 1-2 hours without downtime. IAP is way overpriced though so no way...
Its ok to update now.
You cant really blame EA for wanting to make profit but i think they chose wrong game for a freemium. Just looking at top 100 grossing list it...
Most Wanted is amazing. At 99 cents its one the best deals out there IMO.
Feel silly for asking but how do get Tree Hugger objective? Do i need to use something on Sunny Lake Tree cause just "touching" it doesnt work.
I hated tilt controls at first too but got used to it. This game does it well IMO.
I just got it and was wondering what makes bosses appear? Is it random or time based or how many enemies i need to kill?
I saw it hanging around at the bottom of top 100 so they made some money out of it.
34 hours until building is done? Time to spend some u.
Is there any other IAP besides currency? Like reducing repair timer or something like that?
I got 20 and its a bit overkill but i get my max faster so its worth it. 12 seems to be an average for most people.
I prefer arcade racers but i will atleast download it.
Well you can run cave on 1st island for as many times as you want. You can level it up too. I actually started exploring other places then my...
Not sure how but this game went from "this looks fun" to "omg its so addictive". Bought some IAP too to support devs and give me better head start.
Ads dont really bother me but i like supporting developers if its good game. Just hope its something different this time because last few games...