Separate names with a comma.
Thank you Healy! Please, never hesitate to report a bug :) I believe I have fixed this one in the update. :;) Did you update the game to 1.0.1 ?
If you saved the replay, you can submit your score later from the replay menu. ;)
Actually, I think it's fair. The lack of powerups and a visual hitbox are the 2 things that come up most in reviews. So they're my priority...
First update has just been approved and should be available shortly! :) Be aware that, for obvious reasons, the current replays will not be...
I definitely want to keep the game short, regardless of the number of levels. When you play for score, you don't want it to last for hours ... So...
Can you tell me which awards you did earn before the bug happened? It would help me track down where the bug occures. About the missiles, I...
The game game has been cracked, oh well :(
At last, someone beat the game on Easy :D Congrats to Rhett and SpaceKitty :)
Well, no one yet .... I hope the update gets approved quickly. Guise, i've watched your 9Mil run replay, i love how you beat the 3rd boss, i...
I have to say, i have nearly 3 pages of shmups on my iPod. :D I loved all those you mentioned, I would add Space Invaders Infinity Gene and...
Please, I know it's tempting, but don't feed the troll! :p I just noticed a nice review on appspy. They have a video review too [media]
What ?! :eek: What do you mean deleting user data ? I'm sorry you don't like the game :( However, you should not accuse me of something i'm...
Oh oh, iOctober just appeared on the Leaderboards, hang on to your high-scores guys! :D
Thank you :) I have no words, I will just post this to describe how I feel: [IMG] :D
Wow ... Just wow ... Thank you so much. You Sir, just made my day. I wish I had such a review here on TA. :p May I copy/paste it here ?
Btw, please take the time to review the game ;) There's only one review on the US store at the moment. :(
Well, you summed up my thoughts on the matter perfectly. ;) I'd rather make it easier for everyone. Here are the changes in the upcoming...
@MasterChief3624: that is great feedback, thanks a lot! I will definitely implement some of those in the upcoming update. :) I have located...
Enemies killed release blue orbs that fill your missiles bar. The stronger the enemy the more orbs it will release. When the bar is full you...
One beta-tester did mention getting motion sickness from the fast scrolling. Maybe I should put a warning at the beginning of the game. :D...