Separate names with a comma.
What a bizarrely unnecessary requirement; what’s wrong with dragging the whole thing? I’m not sure I would have worked that one out; I had assumed...
The editor pretty much looks like everything I’d hoped for and the sharing system looks fantastic. I think the controls will take me a bit of...
I loved Mekorama but never gave it the time it deserved. This looks interesting.
Aww man... I thought this was news.
I haven’t played a great deal of it but it is essentially tower defense. Enemies come in waves and it’s up to you to arrange your defences...
I read what @ste86uk said about the player character being invisible in the previous thread and thought “yep; that sounds tough”. Sure enough, as...
Seems like a nice base builder and attacker. Perhaps a bit more meat on the bones than some although I’ve only done the intro missions and a...
Well I gave it a go but got stuck when I reached the part of the tutorial where you tap your character to prevent assassination. Much tapping...
On sale for 0.99 Great deal for a great game.
I don’t know why I made this assumption but I thought that took you back one junction at a time, not immediately to any previous junction of your...
Very nice; slick design and I like the concept. It’s crying out for an ingame level restart button or am I missing something?
This is very nice indeed.
If ROGER says thumbs up on a puzzler, it’s go time. I’m in.
Fantastic! It’s here. Just what we need right now. Congratulations. :)
Helix was the only one I had near max. I was chasing the triple shot it had at max (I think) level. Then it changed to single and then it got...
My job is really eating into my PicoTime at the moment. What’s the new map like? Just played 11 matches and didn’t get it. Very happy to see the...
Ah ha but you can. If you go to the recents tab on the social page it shows you who you just played. Tap on them for various options including...
If you can get past it having the wrong screen size for new phones then it’s a no brainier for 99.
For me, if anything is plugged into the lightning cable when I’m gaming it has to be on the right. It just has to be.
Very nice; I can see why it’s liked. No mention of the lack of screen rotation; is that somehow just my end? A bit annoying.